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Showing content with the highest reputation since 05/29/19 in Posts

  1. Totoro

    Stem - easy internet bridge

    What is STEM? Did you ever want to have a linked card, but without this pair-to-pair limitations? Well, you have internet card. And that is already half of the solution. The other half is to use Stem. Stem is a message transmitter for your OpenComputers devices with internet cards. Using a small OpenOS library you can use Stem to send and receive messages. Unlike the standard `modem` component, Stem-messaging uses not addresses, but `channels`. You can send messages to any channels, and you can subscribe to any number of channels to listen for messages from them.
    6 points
  2. asie

    Introducing "Lunatic"

    No spoiler in the title. Just watch the video. EDIT: Apparently someone's ComputerCraft fork is more findable on Google than the original OpenComputers repository, so here's the official source code: https://github.com/asiekierka/lunatic86
    5 points
  3. OpenScreens for Minecraft Forge 1.12 to 1.12.2 OpenScreens adds more display options for OpenComputers. Curse Link: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/openscreens Holo Screens Holo screens are floating displays with adjustable size and color. Hologram projector model and texture by ZefTheFox Right clicking a holo screen with a dye will change the background color. Right clicking the sides with an empty hand while crou
    5 points
  4. This is a working clone of Super Mario Bros. (with some missing features ). It was made thanks to the VRAM buffers feature (only available in experimental builds), the game runs quite smoothly and uses the Computronics Sound Card to play music on the same computer. It loads sprites from .bmp files, levels from Tiled (a free level editor) .json file and music is in some custom format that can be converted from MIDI files. This makes the game quite easily moddable. Source code
    4 points
  5. Log

    GPS on microcontrollers

    Program and library for building GPS network. https://github.com/DOOBW/OC-GPS Download: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DOOBW/OC-GPS/master/usr/bin/gps.lua /bin/gps.lua wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DOOBW/OC-GPS/master/usr/lib/gps.lua /lib/gps.lua The functionality is the same as in the ComputerCraft. Additional command "flash" allows to upload firmware to EEPROM. When the coordinates are precisely determined, when flashing the position of the microcontroller can be omitted - at the first start it will determine its position from neighboring sate
    4 points
  6. Ever needed real-world time in OpenComputers? I did today, so I did something about it. realtime realtime is a set of libraries and protocols designed to let you synchronise your computers with the real world, and includes: The realtime library, for taking and keeping time. The realtime-sync daemon, for synchronising your realtime library with the real world The realtime-relay daemon, for synchronising your realtime across the local network. All of these can be downloaded via oppm, or from the Minitel GitHub repository. Additionally, all of these come w
    3 points
  7. What's Netcoin? NetCoin is a cryptocurrency designed for OpenComputers, a Minecraft mod that adds computers in the game. It follows Bitcoin's original philosophy: a completely decentralized network of nodes, each one maintaining a ledger with everyone's transactions, grouped into blocks that miners need to create solving the proof-of-work (PoW). What's the crypto behind it? It uses Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) to sign transactions and SHA-256 as a PoW. Cryptographic functions are not implemented by software, but OpenComputers provides a component (Data Card) that provide
    2 points
  8. Hey! I'm asie, and while I'm not an official certified OpenComputers developer, I contribute to the project from time to time. However, for a long time, I've had some types of patches in the pipeline that couldn't quite reach the upstream - fixes and changes like: a screen renderer rewrite, with major performance boosts; updates to JNLua and LuaJ, fixing bugs and significantly improving performance; Lua 5.4.0 support. For the purpose of testing these changes as a way to see if they are ready for mass adoption, I've created a fork of OpenComputers called OC-Staging. It
    2 points
  9. Izaya


    Minitel Minitel is a simple, efficient networking protocol implementing layers 3, 4 and 5 of the OSI model. It supports automatic configuration and routing over large and small networks. Currently supported platforms include OpenOS, KittenOS NEO (via this package), and embedded devices. Features include: Flood routing with route caching Reliable packet delivery Packet segmentation Ordered delivery Bidirectional, ordered, reliable streams Installation instructions and API documentation can be found in the Github repo, though they can be summa
    2 points
  10. MineOS is a GUI based operating system for the OpenComputers Minecraft mod. It has extensive customisation abilities as well as an app market to publish your creations among the OS community. For developers there is wonderful illustrated wiki with lots of code examples. List of main features: Multitasking Double buffered graphical user interface Language packs and software localization Multiple user profiles with password authentication Own EEPROM firmware with boot volume choose/format/rename features and Internet Recovery mode File sharing over the local n
    2 points
  11. BIG UPDATE! I've worked out some updates and a new visual editor for the gui system. To use the gui just download http://pastebin.com/Dfgc6z0T to a computer as /lib/gui.lua and try your best. If you don't want to fight with the placing of elements on the screen, then you want to use the visual editor. It's alpha state, but i hope it will make no errors. The editor will create a full lua code as frame work for your own program in resolution 80x25 like for a tier 2 screen. But you need a tier 3 screen to use the editor it self. The program you can run then on a ti
    2 points
  12. Adorable-Catgirl


    OpenSolidState for Minecraft 1.12.2 ____________________________________________________ Source Code and builds can be found on Github. Note: Requires Forgelin. General Purpose (E)EPROMs? Have you ever wanted fast storage? How about wanting to boot PsychOS 2 on a uC? Well, now you can! There are two main variants: The card and the drive. The Card! The Drive! Tiers: Tier 1 - Manually erased EPROM, erased with the assembler. 64KiB Tier 2 - Electronically erased! Still 64KiB Tier 3 - Bigger E
    2 points
  13. Hi all! I mentioned this in IRC but realized I should probably post it here as well. I made a new architecture that runs WebAssembly. It’s available here on CurseForge.
    2 points
  14. uncpio is a rather simple binary CPIO extractor (File begins with 0x71C7 or 0xC771, made with cpio -oHbin). To acquire uncpio, run pastebin get YbrVjRwa /bin/uncpio.lua To use, make the directory you'll be extracting your CPIO archive to, cd into it, then run uncpio path/to/your/file.cpio And it will extract to the current directory. Currently only works in OpenOS, as far as I know.
    2 points
  15. Fingercomp

    IRC library

    There was no IRC library for OpenComputers, so I've made one. Here's a demo bot that uses it: local com = require("component") local event = require("event") local thread = require("thread") local gpu = com.gpu local irc = require("irc") local events = irc.events local env = setmetatable({ irc = irc, events = events, }, {__index = _G}) local client = irc.builder() :connection { host = "irc.esper.net:6667", throttling = { maxDelay = 2, maxThroughput = 5, }, } :auth { nickname = "oc-finger-irc", username = "fingercomp", realname = "OpenComput
    2 points
  16. Overview Hello there. Some of you may remember KLang. I decided that I should you know, actually work on it. Therefore, I present Triton/TritonLang. Triton is the continuation of KLang, a C++-styled programming language that compiles to Lua. I have no ETA on when it will be done as of the moment, but it is work in progress and I would possibly like to get feedback on my current project status. Hello, world! [Pseudocode] #include <io> int main() { io::info("Hello, world!"); return 0; } Advantages to Lua Headers/easily include libraries Statically and
    2 points
  17. This program enables you to make servers useful like IRL web servers. Client Minimum requirements relay network card internet card apu Server Minimum Requirements; Wireless network card Configured serverside program Put your paste code in the server program or else it will say Hello. I did this cause nobody else had and I thought it would be useful Server paste code: B7b27pc2 Browser paste code: vkL422Sz I am new to OC and this is my first program
    2 points
  18. Update 3.0.0: I've added secondary screens to make your control room cooler.
    2 points
  19. Sorry for my English, im just Russian. http://codepen.io/Krutoy242/full/xGOgJG/ This converter allows you to open .vox files from awesome MagicaVoxel program and convert them to format for print3d program. Usage Download and open MagicaVoxel. Make model of your dreams. Save it. Open file in my converter written on JavaScript, and it will instantly generate chunks from model and show result, ready to copy-past in OC file for printing. Converter have options: Split to states will split your model in two by X coor
    2 points
  20. Fuchas One of the best OSes (as said by me) Fuchas in a Nutshell Fuchas is revolutionnary in that it uses drivers instead of component access and support UAC (with separate permissions!) ! It's the end of the era where the program needs to maintain integration with different components, the OS now does it! The driver library will try automatically choosing the best driver, but it can be configured by user. Meaning programs adapt to components with no effort (e.g. Computronics cards) A feature of Fuchas is security. If you do not trust a program, you can control permissions. Each
    1 point
  21. Hey, sorry for the radio silence - at some point i stopped getting notifications when someone posts here I have just pushed an update that should fix a lot of issues with 1.12.2 (better late than never). It also fixes a bug that messed with the calibration itself (it should actually be accurate now). Now to answer some questions It is not possible to have the GUI displayed on multiple monitors. Output only works to one monitor. I also can't hack that in reliably because there's not enough in-game CPU cycles to draw the GUI twice without flickering and run the contro
    1 point
  22. In September of 2021 I started investigating what it would take to write a LuaPosix compatibility layer for the original ULOS. While it is indeed possible, ULOS's Cynosure kernel simply wasn't designed around that sort of API—it would at best have required a large amount of work and been difficult to accurately reproduce LuaPosix's behavior. There were also a few idiosyncrasies with the system as a whole, and it doesn't work on 256KB of memory, which is unfortunate. Cynosure 2 is my answer to this problem. Its features include, but are not limited to: - Fully pre-emptive multitas
    1 point
  23. A relay system with multiple nodes (like Factorio Roboports) would probably work well. They could take in packages and sort them to send to other nodes.
    1 point
  24. Hey, can you add some documentation for this? I want to use this for a OS I'm building
    1 point
  25. Hello all, I'm here to announce the release of OpenSecurity! Build Status: Downloads: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/OpenSecurity Change Log: http://ci.pc-logix.com/job/OpenSecurity/changes Source: https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenSecurity OpenSecurity adds Items and Blocks that are useful for the security of your worlds or bases. Documentation has been moved to GitHub: https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenSecurity/wiki
    1 point
  26. Log

    unrecoverable error prank

    That is mighty easy. computer.pullSignal = nil
    1 point
  27. I had this problem quite a long time ago, and I think I fixed it by also updating the settings client-side to match those on the server.
    1 point
  28. Subtixx

    VSCode OC Lua

    I made a visual studio code extension for opencomputers available here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=subtixx.opencomputerslua and here: https://github.com/Subtixx/vscode-oclua Images:
    1 point
  29. This is a simple Applied Energistics 2 Stock AutoCrafting monitor. With this programm you can say that you want to keep certain items and amounts in stock. You can specify how many processors you want the program to use. If ingredients are missing the program will tell you in the message column, but not which ingredients. If you want to change or delete an item you have to check the box infront of the item name and the press the change or delete button. The program creates automatically 2 config files, 1 for the items and the other one for some other values (at this ti
    1 point
  30. Bumping because it's basically been re-written; we're on 2.0 now, and it has some big improvements: Better re-connect logic Multiple connections pcap capture support for the vTunnel bridge with a wireshark plugin for dissecting Minitel packets Additionally, this post will contain a list of known public relays: lain.church, port 4096 luna.nosafe.space, port 4096 (thanks @Adorable-Catgirl )
    1 point
  31. vTunnel can be used to add bridging over the internet to any existing OpenOS software that uses linked cards. Despite originally being written for Minitel, vTunnel implements a fully-functional linked card emulator and a server that will run under most unix-likes (OpenBSD is currently somewhat flaky, Linux is recommended). You can peruse the page on Github, for documentation and protocol information. Install it with oppm: oppm install vtunnel Additionally, you can read the documentation in-game with man vtunnel
    1 point
  32. A while back, I've quietly released an unofficial, experimental OpenComputers fork called OC-Staging, available here. The key features as of writing include: Optimized GPU rendering code, providing up to 2x better performance (in terms of frame rendering time), LuaJ and JNLua bugfixes and updates, Native Lua performance improvements, Lua 5.4 support! (currently on lua-5.4.0-beta) This is the feedback thread for this fork, as input is sought before merging the changes back into OpenComputers due to their potentially invasive nature (for bug reports, please use th
    1 point
  33. good job on that, started something similar once but got distracted... thanks for sharing
    1 point
  34. OC-ports OC-ports provides a database and library for using said database to cross-reference between protocol names and network port numbers. The database also contains the entity that registered the port(s) and, if applicable, a link to more information. API The portinfo API provides one function: portinfo.search(*query*, [*database*]) table: result The search() function takes your query - either a string or a port number - and searches the database, defaulting to the OC ports database, for your query, returning the first result as a table in the format: name
    1 point
  35. do you want to make an ass out or yourself? this is how you make an ass out of yourself. Also, what? Like, what do you mean you want people to teach you but you don't want to look at videos? If videos are a problem, then google is your friend. Lua ain't too hard to learn. also holy duck it's hard to decipher what the hell you're saying
    1 point
  36. Have you ever wanted to encrypt something but couldn't afford a T2 data card? Well, look no further than icekey-lua and Igloo! Low Level: IceKey IceKey is the low level library. It's no RSA, but it should work for most purposes in OC. If you want to learn more about ICE, click here. Useful if you want to do more with the block cipher, rather than just encrypting files or whatnot. It can be found here. High Level: Igloo Igloo is the high level library, great for encrypting/decrypting files. Automatically uses a CBC and padding. It can be found here. PRs welcome!
    1 point
  37. Fuchas 0.4.0 is almost done The new features are: MineOS installer: AVAILABLE Multi-user: AVAILABLE Dualboot (arleady used for 0.3.0): AVAILABLE CPIO-based installer (very very stable installation and allow updates): AVAILABLE Security! (permissions): AVAILABLE Default unicode support: AVAILABLE Virtual components: AVAILABLE (updated 06/30/2019)
    1 point
  38. Thanks for the review. I will make a version 2 (on same post) to add the changes you suggested and some others changes. I will also soon make a more presentable form of the specification.
    1 point
  39. Power5000

    VSCode OpenComputer API

    This is a Snippets extension for VSCode that allows you to quickly reference modules used in OpenComputer it is available via github and the VSCode marketplace. be advised it is still a VERY early release and is bound to have typos. please let me know if you find any errors or issues. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Power5000.opencomputersnippets https://github.com/power-5000/OpenComputerSnippets
    1 point
  40. Features: FlatScreen Panel frameless screen which can be configured to be "rotated/tilted" on the x/y axis and can render transparent (they work as normal Screens, Touchinput will be improved in the final release) CardDock external housing for OpenComputer Cards which can be bound to any machine in the Network Cases additional Tier3 computer cases from ZefTheFox Download on curseForge for Minecraft 1.12.2 https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/ocdevices
    1 point
  41. Do you have gui.lua downloaded? You also need to name it exactly like this: gui.lua Otherwise it won't work.
    1 point
  42. This is a suggestion on how and why to rework OC's sysyield timeouts. The required fixes basically give ability to implement preemptive multitasking for free. 1. Current implementation of sysyield timeouts is insufficient Currently, it is not a real protection against executor thread hogging. It is only a safeguard, and a very efficient one. Consider the following code: local function dos() while true do end end while true do pcall(coroutine.resume, coroutine.create(dos)) computer.pullSignal(0) end Flash it onto a EEPROM, and throw that into a bare T1 case with j
    1 point
  43. What should I do?
    1 point
  44. asie

    Introducing "Lunatic"

    The optimization patches in OpenComputers's repository are not yet merged into mainline, but you can install lunatic86 regardless! (Just with worse performance.) $ oppm install lunatic86 $ lunatic86 -h
    1 point
  45. Hi @MaSch An OpenComputers program should never be able to crash your server. Lets do a quick breakdown. Here's your stacktrace: Description: Exception in server tick loop java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextNode(Unknown Source) at java.util.HashMap$KeyIterator.next(Unknown Source) at java.util.AbstractCollection.toArray(Unknown Source) at com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet.copyOf(ImmutableSet.java:374) at elec332.core.grid.internal.GridEventInputHandler.tickEnd(GridEventInputHandler.java:91) at elec332.core.grid.interna
    1 point
  46. In Single Player in the OC config there is an option "bufferChanges" set it to false. You'll find your programs in /MCDir/saves/savename/opencomputers/UUID/ UUID is the address of the hard drive that contains the files you want to edit. [Also moved to proper subform]
    1 point
  47. I enjoy doodling fanart of folks' characters, so I tried to draw a not-as-blocky Sangar chatting with my own character about OpenComputers technology: Chaz Serir hasn't quite figured out the benefits of using a Scrench, but he's looking forward to installing that oversized 192kb stick of RAM into his first computer.
    1 point
  48. Hi All, Hopefully this is in the right place and going to be helpful to someone! I've come from an older version of Computer Craft and Minecraft to 1.7.10 and OC and I've been brushing off the rust and trying to get things going. Having done the tutorials and messed around I thought I'd try doing a simple(!) tank reading program so I can check the fuel levels of my generator. Turns out that either my Google-foo is weak or that not many people have tried/done it. So below is how I did it with some explanations of techniques I used to work things out (so hopefully you can tell me a bette
    1 point
  49. it's in the wiki actually.. the event is wrong, the tunnel message is received as a "modem_message". so event.pull("modem_message") should work.
    1 point
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