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Molinko last won the day on April 19 2020

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  1. I'd bet that the io object is just a table and there's some metamethod stuff going on. So, testing for the field 'stdin' is actually nil. Maybe try simply 'io.read' or 'term.read' and testing the return value(s)
  2. I'll try to keep this simple.. That said, I'm too lazy to bug test it.. local component = require 'component' local function readEnergy() local sumEnergy = 0 for address, ctype in component.list('ic2_te_mfsu') do local amount = component.invoke(address, 'getEnergy') sumEnergy = sumEnergy + amount end return sumEnergy end local stored = 0 while true do stored = readEnergy() print('stored energy:', stored) -- not pretty. os.sleep(.5) end
  3. Firstly you're mixing up file:read and file:write.. One writes to the file and the other reads. local config = {} for line in io.lines "/path/to/config.txt" do table.insert(config, line) end print(config[3]) -- # 3rd line in your config -- # this is probably the simplest way but there are others. To read a specific line in a file you'd have to know the exact offset of bytes until the information you're trying to read.
  4. It writes to the current line of a new file, so in this case it'd be the 1st line. To read the first line just open the file in read mode ` file = io.open("myfile", "r") Ip = file:read("*l") file:close() ` *l reads 1 line from a file 1 reads one byte from a file
  5. file = io.open("/path/to/config.txt", "w") file:write(newIP) file:close()
  6. Molinko

    Text box

    Bummer.. I guess because user input is not strictly a file it's not behaving the way I expected.. perhaps you'll have to roll your own user input with event.pull..
  7. Molinko

    Text box

    I could be wrong about io.read... perhaps post your code so I can see what's going on.
  8. Molinko

    Text box

    Io.read should yield the thread until enter is hit or the arg to it is satisfied ie after 2 characters. setCursorBlink will only set the blink mode of the cursor
  9. Molinko

    Text box

    To limit the number of characters read you can pass a number to io.read. i.e `io.read(2)` As for the cursor blinking and overwriting your input box you can either make your input box larger or turn the cursor blinking off with `term.setCursorBlink(false)`
  10. Molinko

    Touch input

    The lib you're looking for are cursor.lua & full_cursor.lua but I'm not sure these will do what you're seeking to accomplish I just remember hearing about them... Also my example was done in a way that it could be modified to control the windows(and thus the cursors) of other processes. If you just want to access the current processes window it may be simpler with the tty lib. local tty = require "tty" local event = require "event" local kb = require "keyboard" local window = tty.window local handle = event.listen("touch", function(_, _, x, y) window.x = x window.y = y
  11. Molinko

    Touch input

    Was this any help? I forgot, but there is actually a cursor library in the later versions of openos that you might want to check out.. I haven't used it and I'm not familiar with it at all but that might be a better solution.
  12. Molinko

    Touch input

    okay so its a bit tricky cause i dont know what exactly you're trying to pull but ill give it a shot... local term = require "term" local kb = require "keyboard" local event = require "event" local process = require "process" local component = require "component" local window = term.internal.open() -- # creates a full screen window. optionally provide (dx, dy, width, height) term.bind(component.gpu, window) -- # bind the primary gpu to the window we made local proc = process.info() -- # get an instance of this process' details local handle = event.listen("touch", function(_, _, x, y) --
  13. Molinko

    Touch input

    Each process in openos has its own instance of a cursor. It's stored in the window property of a process I believe.. try assigning to the processes window cursor as term.setCursor will only set the cursor of the process calling it... I can't test any code ATM so you may have some exploring to do
  14. Molinko

    Touch input

    Are you trying to move the cursor of another program like 'edit' or something?? I'm a bit lost. Perhaps post all your code
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