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  1. Yesterday
  2. Program sneak peak: Improved loadfile() function, will be included with every VEB OS/Kernel Product local loadfile=function(proxy,mode,path,len) if proxy.type=="drive" then local ts=proxy.getCapacity() if path > 0 and path <= ts then if type(len)=="number" and len >=1 then local rd="" local count=path for i=count,len do local rv=proxy.readByte(count) local rv2=proxy.readByte(count+1) local rv3=proxy.readByte(count+2) if string.char(rv)=="\0"and string.char(rv2)=="\0"and string.char(rv3)=="\0"then
  3. I still need to fix my repo's, I moved a bunch of stuff to my new organization and some stuff hasn't been shifted yet, I also kind of forgot By the way, here is the new repo https://github.com/VEBOffices/VEB-OS
  4. Last week
  5. |==========================================| | -- THEROS VERSION 1.1.13-B -- | |==========================================| -- ADDED -- -- FIXED/CHANGED -- - Change installation process -- REMOVED -- !!! BLEEDING EDGE RELEASE, EXPECT BUGS AND ALL SORTS OF ISSUES. !!! Planned: No new apps will be created until a window manager is set up. I will have to port existing programs. Please check the project linked with TherOS for context. ========================================================================================================================= -- PLEASE RE-INSTALL/UPDA
  6. get an internet card if you mean actually use your ingame computer as a web browser, you can't. well, you can but it involves making something that can interpret html, javascript, and css, and i don't think that would be possible with how small opencomputers disk drives are
  7. |==========================================| | -- THEROS VERSION 1.1.8-B -- | |==========================================| -- ADDED -- -- FIXED -- - [#12](https://github.com/Tavyza/TherOS/issues/12) Installer would quit if you didn't replace the config - [#13](https://github.com/Tavyza/TherOS/issues/13) Attempt to make error handling more helpful -- REMOVED -- !!! BLEEDING EDGE RELEASE, EXPECT BUGS AND ALL SORTS OF ISSUES. !!! Planned for next update: settings??? ==================================================================================================================
  8. |==========================================| | -- THEROS VERSION 1.1.7-B -- | |==========================================| -- ADDED -- -- FIXED -- - Installer would quit if you didn't replace the config (actually not fixed, i have no idea what's going on with that) -- REMOVED -- !!! BLEEDING EDGE RELEASE, EXPECT BUGS AND ALL SORTS OF ISSUES. !!! Planned for next update: settings??? ========================================================================================================================= -- PLEASE RE-INSTALL/UPDATE INSTALLER TO INSTALL EVERYTHING IN NEW VERSION
  9. Earlier
  10. might add this to the TOCR and refine it some
  11. i think your github respository is set to private
  12. 16 drives?? on a full server rack it will take 4 GIGABYTES in a single block.. a bit too overpowered for my tastes and my 0mb space hard drive computer.
  13. looks like there's going to be actual competition to MineOS
  14. Version 1.1.3 has been pushed to the bleeding-edge branch. Added #8 File manager scrolling and installing programs from floppy disk Fixed #7 (hopefully) installer version pulling works now
  15. I've also found myself in a situation where I could really use RAID for server racks
  16. One day I might make a minecraft mod lol, then I might make a 16 drive raid for the server rack.
  17. but I think it would be cool to put one element in a rack, connect and use it as a regular RAID (yes, I'm too lazy to code what you suggested,and i think too much computers can spend TPS)
  18. Does not look like there's way to do that without using Inventory Controller's equip() to stash away item for inspection. Someone tell me if there's anything beside component.robot.durability() to inspect held item.
  19. "Screenshot_5.png" shows typo, "mumList" indeed would be nil and attempting to index it would cause error.
  20. "peripheral.find" is ComputerCraft stuff. I have not messed with CC for long time and can't find information about "item_storage". Perhaps look at contents of table you get in "inv"? for k, v in pairs(inv) do print(tostring(k).." = "..tostring(v)) end
  21. Have you connected server to side touching monitor in Rack user interface? Does screen get enough power? On my screenshot red "Right" side is connected, not "Left". Rack is touching screen and screen connects to keyboard and floppy disk drive. Seems to work.
  22. Craftable "OpenOS" floppy fulfills that "/init.lua" requirement. Later on you can use OpenOS to create init.lua of custom OS.
  23. hello! i just made this irc client for DALNET that works for opencomputers! it's completely written on lua and it's not irssi compatible! it's text only but It's quite easy to use! By doing :helpoc! to chat, you just press ctrl and to do commands just do alt! to use this IRC client, you need to do pastebin run e1bQJEFa or pastebin get e1bQJEFa OCDALNET.lua Source Code Is at https://pastebin.com/e1bQJEFa
  24. you need a floppy disk or drive with an init.lua file in the / folder
  25. Ive made this port an day ago by converting and translating the C code to Lua OC! It's more recommended to try this on an tier 2 screen! If you wanna try this just do pastebin run k7MKw38X or pastebin get k7MKw38X OCDONUT.LUA The Source Code! : https://pastebin.com/k7MKw38X
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