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  1. Last week
  2. hello! i just made this irc client for DALNET that works for opencomputers! it's completely written on lua and it's not irssi compatible! it's text only but It's quite easy to use! By doing :helpoc! to chat, you just press ctrl and to do commands just do alt! to use this IRC client, you need to do pastebin run e1bQJEFa or pastebin get e1bQJEFa OCDALNET.lua Source Code Is at https://pastebin.com/e1bQJEFa
  3. you need a floppy disk or drive with an init.lua file in the / folder
  4. Ive made this port an day ago by converting and translating the C code to Lua OC! It's more recommended to try this on an tier 2 screen! If you wanna try this just do pastebin run k7MKw38X or pastebin get k7MKw38X OCDONUT.LUA The Source Code! : https://pastebin.com/k7MKw38X
  5. I decided to port ST-NICCC (Which is an ATARI ST Demo) To OpenComputers Via Lua 5.3 because there are almost no demoscenes on OpenComputers \^_^/ If you wanna try this demo just do: pastebin run h9zUNB1x or pastebin get h9zUNB1x OCNICCC.lua Here are some screenshots! Source Code Is At https://pastebin.com/h9zUNB1x Video Showing The Demo Running! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjIgFmEaIpo
  6. Earlier
  7. Hey, I am working on a BIOS, which is also part of the successor of OCAV for MineOS, that includes full security, compressed file system, encrypted executables, and even signed BIOS extensions. Like maybe make a custom firmware extension (that would be named firmext.lua) for OpenOS, one for MineOS and another one for Fuchas... I made also a system that uses hashes to block potentially malicious firmware extensions ,because the firmware extension is made to run outside of my sandbox. Interested ?
  8. im on project ozone 3 and I want to make a way to show information about my draconic energy core but I can't because the largest one goes above the bit integer limit is there a way to use multiple computers or servers to get around this?
  9. I've figured it myself, sorry for disturbing.
  10. VEB For Banks - V0.1.0-V0.1.2 Released I have released these versions of VEB For Banks to my Github Repository at https://github.com/melanchol69/veboffices.com just look under releases or in the Wiki
  11. 4. It's not until you connect to the internet in opencomputers that you realize minecraft is actually not doing security very well. (Sun Certificate Error)
  12. No, not at the moment. That was a feature in the alpha builds, and i'm working on reviving it in the bleeding edge branch, but that branch has its own issues.
  13. Do you have an install floppy available, like with the scripts and stuff to install offline?
  14. VEB OS Construction has officially started The roadmap can be viewed here under my repository: https://github.com/melanchol69/veboffices.com/blob/main/roadmap.md The first released VEB OS Product will be VEB CMOS for your eeprom
  15. How would you feel about the OS having well, an activation system?
  16. you could make an installer that pulls it from github
  17. This issue is likely caused because of a issue that was already discussed here are a few links: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/3696 https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/3717 https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenComputers/comments/1d7xrsu/oppm_wont_install_even_with_network_card_inserted/ Because OC is on 1.12.2 and that Minecraft version uses Java 8 the cacerts file is outdated. This causes all TLS connections that depend on newer root certificates to fail. The Minecraft Launcher comes with it's own version of Java so would recommend inst
  18. Ohh, I forgot to mention, it will be on github as a zip folder which's contents you can add to a specified filesystem folder in your savegame
  19. it seems i cant install it
  20. .theros

    About ButtonAPI

    I might be a bit late to this, but you can look at how i did it, thought this has no actual "button", its just clickable text.
  21. I shall try my hardest to make it fancy and nice, however it will not be hosted on pastebin, it will be a manual download.
  22. Looks amazing! would like to see this become a thing.
  23. Im not super forum-savvy, but as i was playing PO3, I found myself needing a program to automate the production of fluids, and since 1.12.2 ae2 is weird about fluid crafting, i offloaded it to OC. how to use: 1. copy fluids.lua or use the command in the readme (have an internet card, ofc) and put it wherever you want on your system. make sure to be connected to an ME system controller. 2. run fluids.lua and type `initialize`. 3. you can either edit the quantities you want as your minimum through the program using `edit` or through changing the appropriate value in fluids.cf
  24. I have created a Mockup of a Potential Operating System for OpenComputers 1.8.x, this OS is based off of the SharePoint and DOS 5 styles. Here are some designs: If you would like to see this become a real OS in OC, please reply.
  25. I think it is modem now since modem_message wont parse on OC 1.8.x
  26. Do you guys have a discord server for players, I would love to find out more!
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