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Found 14 results

  1. hello! i just made this irc client for DALNET that works for opencomputers! it's completely written on lua and it's not irssi compatible! it's text only but It's quite easy to use! By doing :helpoc! to chat, you just press ctrl and to do commands just do alt! to use this IRC client, you need to do pastebin run e1bQJEFa or pastebin get e1bQJEFa OCDALNET.lua Source Code Is at https://pastebin.com/e1bQJEFa
  2. I want the computer to connect to my flask server on the same computer, but an error occurs after the command r=internet.request('') print(r()) address is blacklisted Did I did anything wrong, or I need to do something else?
  3. So i started messing about with the internet card, i can get onto google just fine as long as i use http with port 80. But when i try to use anything with a https and port 443 i can't get anything. I keep getting an invalid port or url address. Im pretty sure my address is right but i think my port might be wrong
  4. A simpe API to connect to a Websocket Server / Endpoint Forgot to mention: This API requires a Internet Card and Lua 5.3 Example Code: local ws = require("websocket_client"); local event = require("event"); local cl = ws.create(function(ev ,var1) print(ev .. "->" .. var1) end); cl:connect("localhost", 12345, "/"); while true do local ev = {event.pull()}; if ev[1] == "interrupted" then cl:disconnect(); return; elseif ev[1] == "touch" then cl:send("HI"); end end Full API documentation here: https://github.com/feldim2425/OC-Programs/blob/master/w
  5. There was no IRC library for OpenComputers, so I've made one. Here's a demo bot that uses it: local com = require("component") local event = require("event") local thread = require("thread") local gpu = com.gpu local irc = require("irc") local events = irc.events local env = setmetatable({ irc = irc, events = events, }, {__index = _G}) local client = irc.builder() :connection { host = "irc.esper.net:6667", throttling = { maxDelay = 2, maxThroughput = 5, }, } :auth { nickname = "oc-finger-irc", username = "fingercomp", realname = "OpenComput
  6. Ever needed real-world time in OpenComputers? I did today, so I did something about it. realtime realtime is a set of libraries and protocols designed to let you synchronise your computers with the real world, and includes: The realtime library, for taking and keeping time. The realtime-sync daemon, for synchronising your realtime library with the real world The realtime-relay daemon, for synchronising your realtime across the local network. All of these can be downloaded via oppm, or from the Minitel GitHub repository. Additionally, all of these come w
  7. In OpenComputers we currently have a simple highly abstracted networking model. We do have ports, thankfully, but besides that the model is highly abstracted and thusly underpowered. The first suggestion, is remove the abstraction on network communication in the first place. Allow this to be configured in the mod preferences file, but have it enabled by default. By default, there is no “hardware addresses”. A cable is just that, a cable. The only API by the mod is “broadcast and receive”. In the OS provided by the game by default could still have the same API as now. The different is it’d
  8. It seems completely funny but I am actually trying to get through this for the last 2 days: I try to access weather data through the OpenWeatherMap.org API wich seems to work fine with internet.request(url). The problem is just that it returns me the JSON as a table instead of a String. I tried to access fields of that table but everything seems to return nil. I just can't get to access anything from that table. There are tons of JSON serialization librarys out there but they all need the JSON as a String. I am completely lost rn. This is the API response that gets stored as a t
  9. This is the project I was working on 2 months ago or so. I couldn't find a real shell client for OC, so I had to create one by myself. That's how NGSH was born. Contributions and pull requests are welcome There are two versions: The first one uses the Python pyte library for terminal emulation, but it is very slow (it redraws everything) and has no colour support. The second one (I called it PTY) takes advantage of OpenOS's VT100 library, which is fast and has colour, but very broken and inaccurate due to missing checks and/or escape sequences. I may get back to serve
  10. My first big program. It shows: -a randomized message (requested from my HTTP server, and fortune on the server side), -Computer address, used/free/all RAM, energy levels, uptime, filesystem for booting, whether the computer can do HTTP requests, -List of components available Thanks to CptMercury and payonel for some parts of the code. I will make it available through OPPM soon, but for now you will need to get it through GitHub: https://github.com/AugiteSoul/AugiteOpenComputers/blob/master/systeminfo/systeminfo.lua Feel free to send some feedback, positive or not
  11. Is there any way to send PUT and DELETE requests, or any mods that add this functionality?
  12. When using the internet component or internet API I could not find a reliable way to detect a broken socket to an internet adress. Once the connection is broken by the external endpoint, the broken socket can only be detected by writing to the socket, not by reading. This makes writing a good program very difficult as it would be impractical to send a ping every second just to detect if the socket is still alive. Is there any possibility I did not see? Or is none implemented?
  13. spazz

    Web Browser

    Description: Looking for something that can open webpages on the Tier 3 Screens, took a look around and couldnt find any Function: I have a rather large group of friends who run a LAN server cross country, and as a 'downtime' like thing we were looking at finding a web browser to watch a movie or something on in game Deadline: Not to worried about time Additional Information: Setup can be adjusted to fit the program if need be Thank you in advance!
  14. Congon4tor

    TCP Server

    Had some trouble getting a TCP connection between an OpenComputers program (client) and a java program (server), so I thought I could sare this. Here is the lua program: --VARIABLES local event = require("event") local net = require("internet") local term = require("term") local os = require("os") local running = true local con = net.open("", 6667) --FUNCTIONS function sendString(s) con:write(s) print('Sending ' .. string.sub(s,1,s:len()-1) .. ' to server...') con:flush() end function reciveString() local s = con:read() print('Recived ' .. s .. '
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