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Found 15 results

  1. hello! i just made this irc client for DALNET that works for opencomputers! it's completely written on lua and it's not irssi compatible! it's text only but It's quite easy to use! By doing :helpoc! to chat, you just press ctrl and to do commands just do alt! to use this IRC client, you need to do pastebin run e1bQJEFa or pastebin get e1bQJEFa OCDALNET.lua Source Code Is at https://pastebin.com/e1bQJEFa
  2. I got an error message saying that in the "component.inventory_controller.suckFromSlot(sides.front, 1, numList[i])" line "numList[i]" returned a nil value. I tried to code something similar in VS and it worked there. What did I miss or is it a bug in OpenComputers?
  3. Minitel Minitel is a simple, efficient networking protocol implementing layers 3, 4 and 5 of the OSI model. It supports automatic configuration and routing over large and small networks. Currently supported platforms include OpenOS, KittenOS NEO (via this package), and embedded devices. Features include: Flood routing with route caching Reliable packet delivery Packet segmentation Ordered delivery Bidirectional, ordered, reliable streams Installation instructions and API documentation can be found in the Github repo, though they can be summa
  4. I decided to make an editor with syntax highlighting, just for the fun of it. The name stands for "syntax highlighting editor", it's very unoriginal, but I'm bad at names To use it, run this command on OpenOS: pastebin get ZnwyunqL /bin/shedit.lua The color scheme was (sorta, I redid it later) copied from this paste. Features: Syntax highlighting! Indent on enter Line numbers Jump to line Hex colors are highlighted with the color they refer to (example: ) And probably more in the future if I need them.. Screenshot: Any recomm
  5. Hi everyone. I'm new to OpenComputers but i have some programming skills. I would like to ask HOW to use multiple screens with OpenOS. I have two Tier III GPUs installed but still only one screen works. So how can i make two or more screens to work with one or even two GPUs installed?
  6. uncpio is a rather simple binary CPIO extractor (File begins with 0x71C7 or 0xC771, made with cpio -oHbin). To acquire uncpio, run pastebin get YbrVjRwa /bin/uncpio.lua To use, make the directory you'll be extracting your CPIO archive to, cd into it, then run uncpio path/to/your/file.cpio And it will extract to the current directory. Currently only works in OpenOS, as far as I know.
  7. OCU Package Manager Open Computers minecraft mod package manager for community driven development Demo Installing wget -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0x77dev/ocu/dist/get.lua /tmp/ocu-get && cd /tmp && ocu-get paste following into OpenOS Terminal Example ocu install 0x77dev/ocu-example@master Updating ocu update Creating own package ocu will execute install.lua file at repo root, and provides toolchain called ocu-lib Example install.lua local ____ocu_2Dlib = require("ocu-lib") local getGitHubFileUrl = ____oc
  8. I've made a very simple to use program to update OpenOS directly with the newest files from github. Now you don't have to wait for the server admin to update the mods to get the newest OpenOS. It will download all OpenOS files first before it replaces any of the old files just to make sure you don't end up with half of your OpenOS in a different version. Pastebin: pastebin run -f icKy25PF GitHub: wget -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nex4rius/Nex4rius-Programme/master/OpenOS-Updater/updater.lua /updater.lua I only recommend to use this on a freshly install
  9. Cell is a graphical file manager for OpenComputers that allows you to browse files and open them in other programs, such as the editor or simply running .lua files. You can also customize what programs can be used to open files through the programs.cfg file. Tutorials: Browsing files/directories Select files/directories by clicking on them in the panel on the right side of the screen If a directory contains a large amount of files or sub-directories, use the arrow buttons to scroll through pages To go up a sub-directory, click the up arrow
  10. To install: pastebin get 3up32qD5 /bin/tellraw.lua This is my tellraw program, which can be used in combination with the debug card to make Result: You may ask, how does the program work? It's pretty simple and easy, really. Whatever you type will be inserted into the text input. Even keys like tab and enter insert their respective characters (represented in the text box as small symbols like ). You can change the color by clicking on one of the 16 colors. The arrow points to the currently selected color. The quit button does just that, and the run button broadcasts th
  11. where is the thread api. as i understand it, then the thread api is a build in api in openos aka in /lib (/lib/thread.lua) require("thread") >> file not found (module "thread" not found in: (and so on) ) please tell me if i miss understood this and then were i can get it NOTE: i know that you can get this file on the internet but it does not work that well (at all)
  12. hallo weren i try to run one of my programs the screen truns blue and seying: /lib/term.lua:333 attempt to perform arithetic on local '_y' (a nil value) i can see weren i go in at line 333 and yes it do try to make a math as it says. is this like a fail by me or openos? or a 3 fing plese help me the pastebin code is: gpf27zhf use: http://pastebin.com/gpf27zhf
  13. ivskran

    Vintage green GUI

    I don't know if something like this has been tried before, I certainly haven't found a thing. I was wondering if it was possible to make a mod, or a feature for OpenOS, when running on Tier 1 hardware (specifically graphics card and monitor), to run in a greenish hue, as in phosphor screen, reminiscing of Apple II computer and the like. Kudos for adding it's booting sounds (that distinctive floppy drive sound). I've tried this myself but I am virtually incompetent when it comes to programming, and all my attemps returned nothing . Is merely aesthetical, and I think it would add a nic
  14. Hello everyone, I finally made the last huge step in developing my GUI-API to give you a usable BETA to play around with. And I have a tech_demo for you! It already works quite stable, as far as I tested it, and runs on top of OpenOS. I made a gif of the tech_preview on my github. Simply put the GUI.lua and shapes_default.lua in the /lib folder and the tech_demo in / and execute it to see how it is running (or use download code in update August 18). (Or you can try it on the server where I play, "Proton Colony", http://protoncolonygen2.enjin.com/) ------------- Update June 15:
  15. When i try to save files with the Filesystem and the Filestream from Filesystem.open i get following error: /lib/filesystem.lua:467: attempt to index local 'self' (a nil value) stack traceback: kernel:730: in function '__index' /lib/filesystem.lua:467: in function 'close' stdin:1: in main chunk [C]: in function 'xpcall' kernel: 725: in function 'xpcall' /bin/lua.lua:62: in main chunk (...tail calls...) I typed this in lua console: fs = filesystem.open("/mnt/da0/adsfk","w") --da0 is HDD fs.wr
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