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About .theros

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  1. you need a floppy disk or drive with an init.lua file in the / folder
  2. No, not at the moment. That was a feature in the alpha builds, and i'm working on reviving it in the bleeding edge branch, but that branch has its own issues.
  3. you could make an installer that pulls it from github
  4. it seems i cant install it
  5. .theros

    About ButtonAPI

    I might be a bit late to this, but you can look at how i did it, thought this has no actual "button", its just clickable text.
  6. Looks amazing! would like to see this become a thing.
  7. Do you have an internet card?
  8. Note: main and bleeding-edge are now the same version.
  9. Notice - This relies on libraries provided in OpenOS. You must use OpenOS for this to work.
  10. Have you ever wanted to have an easier experience using your computer? Is MineOS too laggy and OpenOS mayhaps a little too confusing? Introducing TherOS, a minimal (operating system/environment?) that provides basic tools to do what you want. These tools include: A graphical file manager with basic file management and creation abilities A program installer (can install from pastebin or github/literally any website ig) A simple and easy-to-use installer A terminal that can be used to run whatever The OS has 2 versions, main and bleeding-edge (SUPPOSED TO BE the
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