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About melanchol_69

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  1. Development Update https://github.com/VEBOffices/VEB-OS/blob/main/development/09202024.txt A change to what VEB OS is has been deployed.
  2. Program sneak peak: Improved loadfile() function, will be included with every VEB OS/Kernel Product local loadfile=function(proxy,mode,path,len) if proxy.type=="drive" then local ts=proxy.getCapacity() if path > 0 and path <= ts then if type(len)=="number" and len >=1 then local rd="" local count=path for i=count,len do local rv=proxy.readByte(count) local rv2=proxy.readByte(count+1) local rv3=proxy.readByte(count+2) if string.char(rv)=="\0"and string.char(rv2)=="\0"and string.char(rv3)=="\0"then
  3. I still need to fix my repo's, I moved a bunch of stuff to my new organization and some stuff hasn't been shifted yet, I also kind of forgot By the way, here is the new repo https://github.com/VEBOffices/VEB-OS
  4. One day I might make a minecraft mod lol, then I might make a 16 drive raid for the server rack.
  5. VEB For Banks - V0.1.0-V0.1.2 Released I have released these versions of VEB For Banks to my Github Repository at https://github.com/melanchol69/veboffices.com just look under releases or in the Wiki
  6. 4. It's not until you connect to the internet in opencomputers that you realize minecraft is actually not doing security very well. (Sun Certificate Error)
  7. Do you have an install floppy available, like with the scripts and stuff to install offline?
  8. VEB OS Construction has officially started The roadmap can be viewed here under my repository: https://github.com/melanchol69/veboffices.com/blob/main/roadmap.md The first released VEB OS Product will be VEB CMOS for your eeprom
  9. How would you feel about the OS having well, an activation system?
  10. Ohh, I forgot to mention, it will be on github as a zip folder which's contents you can add to a specified filesystem folder in your savegame
  11. I shall try my hardest to make it fancy and nice, however it will not be hosted on pastebin, it will be a manual download.
  12. I have created a Mockup of a Potential Operating System for OpenComputers 1.8.x, this OS is based off of the SharePoint and DOS 5 styles. Here are some designs: If you would like to see this become a real OS in OC, please reply.
  13. I think it is modem now since modem_message wont parse on OC 1.8.x
  14. Do you guys have a discord server for players, I would love to find out more!
  15. Since raids are well, 3 drives anyway, you might do better just programming a bunch of servers to replicate the files across 3 drives and then stack a cubic ton of these serves and make up a datacenter.
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