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Vexatos last won the day on September 20 2015

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About Vexatos

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    Junior Member

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    Writing and translating mods

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  1. A component call can do either: It depends on what the mod author implementing the method wants. They can set a component call to last the entire tick, or allow multiple executions per tick.
  2. That is possible, but has nothing to do with OC. That would require a change on the side implementing the methods, so ER in this case.
  3. Okay, here we are: I'm currently maintaing Computronics, a mod made by asie that adds ComputerCraft/OpenComputers integration to a lot of mods (15 to 20, can't remember) and adds a whole bunch of more or less interesting new blocks and items for those mods, especially OpenComputers. If you ever wanted to play your own music to other people using in-game tape drives, wanted to create your own highly secure money system using RSA codes, wanted to automate an entire Railcraft rail network using computers, this is a mod you might like. As far as I know, it's currently one of the largest OC addons
  4. Might be useful to have this in OpenPrograms... Are you interested?
  5. Vexatos

    #oc slogans

    7. #oc - The channel of cats, cyborgs and cannibalism
  6. Since Computronics 1.0.0, there is a built in program called "tape". If you have a tape inside a tape drive connected to your computer, just run "tape write <URL>" (the URL being the online link to your file) to automatically download the file and put it onto the tape. the "tape" program also provides a lot of other useful commands which you might want to check out, like play, stop, pause and rewind. You might also want to check out the tape drive tutorial I made: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RYjLuXdsiadIHY0cfMR5UMSJbETLQZBfnQJMFrt39ss/edit?usp=sharing
  7. Hello everyone! I made a tutorial for my server mates and myself, showing to them how to craft a basic Tier 2 Computer with all the necessary and recommended components in hard recipe mode. I did that because this recipe mode contains a lot of crafting steps, so I derived the most efficient way of crafting all the parts you need (with as few steps as possible). Also, the tutorial also shows all the basic materials required to get the Computer, so you know exactly when you are ready to craft it. Now I am posting this tutorial here in case anyone wants to use it. It might also be useful as an e
  8. Vexatos


    Sure, just give me your github username.
  9. Basically, this API provides a single function: song.play(notes: table or string,shortest: number) Input being either a table or a string. Using a table, each note-duration combination is a string in a table value. The function will iterate through every entry of the table and play all the notes with their specified duration. Using a string, every note-duration combination is seperated by a free space " ". Regarding the special syntax used, this is copied from the header of the song API: Examples: "E5": Plays the note "E5" for the duration specified in the second parameter (default 0.1
  10. Vexatos


    I recognize this website... It looks familiar, definitely... Anyways: There is also a repository in the organization called "MiscPrograms" (https://github.com/OpenPrograms/MiscPrograms) where anyone may post his/her programs at, just fork the repository and make a pull request. If you have multiple or larger programs you want to dump onto OpenPrograms, just ask here or on IRC and I'll happily give you the ability to create your own repositories just for you on there. Noone in the team but you will be able to edit the files in your repos directly (unless you give them access), just via Pull Re
  11. Great story, really! I love it and I'm really looking forward to whatever emerges from this.
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