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  2. Note: main and bleeding-edge are now the same version.
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  4. I just set up a tier2 computer case on my survival world and got everything inside, computer launches normally etc, but when i run the install oppm thing it just says "could not connect to the internet. Please ensure you have an internet connection. Unable to connect to the internet. " and then it says "package does not exist." I have not found anything on how to solve this and this does not even happen in oppm install tutorials ive watched, help please? I am on the Dungeons Dragons and Space Shuttles modpack on mc 1.12.2
  5. Last week
  6. Notice - This relies on libraries provided in OpenOS. You must use OpenOS for this to work.
  7. I know this question is 2 years old, but still, if anyone else gets the same problem (and since the wiki says almost nothing about it), hopefully this will be helpful. The reason is obstructions. When sending a wireless message, OC checks a random line in a 3x3 tunnel between the source and destination. It then takes a few (inverse root of the gap) random coordinates inside that line and checks if there's a block there, summing their hardness. Then it spreads that hardness evenly across the entire distance, sums it, and subtracts that sum from the signal's strength. For example, say
  8. Have you ever wanted to have an easier experience using your computer? Is MineOS too laggy and OpenOS mayhaps a little too confusing? Introducing TherOS, a minimal (operating system/environment?) that provides basic tools to do what you want. These tools include: A graphical file manager with basic file management and creation abilities A program installer (can install from pastebin or github/literally any website ig, though quite outdated) A simple and easy-to-use installer A terminal that can be used to run whatever The OS currently has 2 versions, 0.2.2 (the
  9. Earlier
  10. Hello i am trying to find a program that can intergrate most things from enigmatica 2 exper like draconic evolution mekanism nuclear craft thermal enderIO actually addition and rf tools i wanted to know if there is a program like this because i dont know anything about lua and i am not sure how to create an open computers program that can intergrate everything i want into one
  11. Might have errors if so please comment them I might make a gui for it For this, you will need a linked card, tier 3, tier 2 tablet case Step 1 Place a tier 3 computer case step 2 set up the computer step 3 put a linked card and internet card in it step 4 connect the computer to fission controller step 5 type pastebin get FByuRNGd server.lua step 6 type server.lua or do edit /autorun.lua then type os.execute("/home/server.lua") Now for setting up the tablet get an assembler place a tier 2 tablet case in assembler put a linked card and inte
  12. 1.12.2 I wanted to make sure that the robot could dig out a chunk for resources from this chunk, that is, so that there would be enough of them. For this, I tried: 1) I tried to make a hammer out of Tinkers' Construct, but to fix it, an engineering station is needed, into which the robot cannot stuff objects, but sees the contents of the slots. At the same time, as I understand it, he cannot pick up the finished repaired item from the last slot. How can this be used? 2) I tried to give work to a mining drill with a charger from industrial craft, but the charger does not charge the dri
  13. Because I’m tired of installing a bunch of RAID blocks that also take up space, when there is a server rack in which it would be quite possible to insert something like this, for the sake of convenience and saving space around the PC or monitor. This idea seems pretty good to me
  14. IP: pitek.theunknowngaming.com (Its included in the clients server list by default) Modpack: http://www.curse.com/modpacks/minecraft/240520-pitek-2-0 Modlist & issue tracker: https://github.com/JzJad/PiTek-2.0 Website currently under development: Community Site: http://theunknowngaming.com/ I will add more to this post in the following day or so, to tired right now and going to catch some ZzZ's before work.
  15. the GUI works on lv2 pc? what are the ram requirements?
  16. hello so im searching a shell for openos 1.8.4 that allow me to run more programs at the same time on lv2 pc end whit a build in file menager some thing like old windows when it was only a shell
  17. so, im trying to write my own os and decided the best way to start was to reimplement the openos version of init.lua it tries to work but then hangs at this point, why? (screenshot and code included, to use just replace init.lua with provided code) init.lua init.lua idk why init.lua is on there twice, sorry lol
  18. Hi! When I type "=components.screen" in Lua interpreter, it prints out a list of functions which can be performed by the screen. A thing which confuses me is that the text starts with a "{" and ends with "...". This looks like the list isn't printed out completely and there is something left. The same thing ha ppens with other components. I would like to k now better what "..." means at the end of the list.
  19. depends on if you're on a multiplayer server or not by the way, IRC working sounds like more of a OPPM issue on your end
  20. I didnot work, the OS was been installed,and I can use remote term to control server,but IT CANNOT DISPLAY ON THE TRUE SCREEN, Can some one help pls
  21. hello today i was installing oppm on my computer that ive made so afther i have made evrything end installed the internet card i decided to install oppm but it say no internet so i tryed irc it workd but afther a reboot it didnt but wegt works what is the problem???? please help laso can u guys thell me some cool programs for L1 computers
  22. thank you for your help in replacing the APU with CPU and graphics card. The error was fixed using the GUI. I found the error, all OpenComputer versions after OpenComputers-MC1.12.2-1.7.7 do not work this version. I hope I was able to help others too lg
  23. Looking at the image you sent, i can see the borders around the bars are blue (they should be gray-ish). This means you're using either a T2 GPU or a T3 APU, meaning the resolution of your screen is capped at 80x25, while a T3 GPU+screen has a max resolution of 160x50. So to fix your GUI being too large, you'll have to put a T3 GPU inside your computer. As for the reactor not starting, check to make sure the addresses you put inside your config are correct. You can copy the address of an adapter by control+shift+right-clicking on it with an analyzer, and you can paste said address into th
  24. Hello, I'm playing version 1.12.2 Ftb Revelutiion 3.6.0 I saw in the forum that it worked for others. Did everything exactly as described. But unfortunately the gui is much too big, no matter what screen size I use. and the reactor doesn't start. I put fuel in and started it. Can anyone help me? LG https://postimg.cc/Th5b4Sds Das Gui ist viel zu groß
  25. I tried to use the peripherals code to connect the monitor to the block and now i dont know how to get the data from the block. i tried : local inv = peripheral.find("item_storage") print(inv) Outcome: table: 5981ace Please Help me
  26. is this almost done. id like to use it in a server
  27. I'm pretty sure I corrupted my installation of OPENOS, how do i wipe my disk drive and reinstall it? I tried "del OpenOS" since it was listed on df but it says "no such file/directory exists" So i went to google and tried to get the full commands list, and apparently "RM" wasn't listed in /bin??? so I removed some directories, but then the system forced itself into "read-only" mode and prompted me to install again attached screenshot is my current directory when "df" command is used
  28. seems pretty cool, good luck, though could you add an extra slot for the fan? or terminal server/server heat? maybe if you leave the server rack opening towards a wall and there's running servers in it, regardless of fan type or if it's even there, they could explode. hope you complete it.
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