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Found 8 results

  1. I tried to use the peripherals code to connect the monitor to the block and now i dont know how to get the data from the block. i tried : local inv = peripheral.find("item_storage") print(inv) Outcome: table: 5981ace Please Help me
  2. OpenSolidState for Minecraft 1.12.2 ____________________________________________________ Source Code and builds can be found on Github. Note: Requires Forgelin. General Purpose (E)EPROMs? Have you ever wanted fast storage? How about wanting to boot PsychOS 2 on a uC? Well, now you can! There are two main variants: The card and the drive. The Card! The Drive! Tiers: Tier 1 - Manually erased EPROM, erased with the assembler. 64KiB Tier 2 - Electronically erased! Still 64KiB Tier 3 - Bigger E
  3. Heyo! 1M here! Soo...I made a block of raid and put drives in it, and promptly realized that I could not find raid documentation, nor could I find how to use it. My question is, how do I a.) access the raid. b.) put data onto the raid. Any help will be appreciated, as I am on my first use of this mod, and so far it looks amazing! Thank you in advance! 1M out!
  4. Repository: https://github.com/cyb0124/OCRemote. The following is a copy of the repo's readme. OCRemote is an OpenComputers program by cyb0124 for item management and auto-crafting. Main features include: Extensive reuse of same machines for multiple recipes. Prioritization of recipes based on the current number of items stored. (e.g. deciding which crop to grow, or deciding which ore to process first.) Robust handling of multiple-input re
  5. So I made myself a little lua script to read the inventory of my me storage system and also list the amount of bytes they require. Its my first script so I'm sure there are better ways to do all of this. The Me Network is connected to the Computer via an adapter on the me controller of the network. Pastebin here Now what it does is it uses the getItemsInNetwork function to list all items in a loop and display the name and amount of Bytes of each item in one line. A line counter goes up for each of the items added which is needed later. After all Items are l
  6. "FullChest" item sorting storage system This program uses a robot to sort items into simple storage system. I am using iron chests mod here. There is an input chest (golden), storage chests (iron), and an overflow chest (diamond). The robot is placed behind the input chest facing the chest and I recommend placing a charger next to it. Red blocks are always required, orange and yellow blocks are required depending on storage size (in this one, orange blocks are needed). I usually place them all to be sure. The storage chests must always be on the right from the input chest. Each
  7. Durex77


    Program for storing items in chests. The program is in development. In the future you will see autocraft and other (but I'm lazy) Everything about the program, you will see in the video. Video in rus, but all information you can understand from video. command for install program wget -q https://gitlab.com/lfreew1ndl/openCraftNet/raw/master/openCraftNet.lua openCraftNet.lua sources https://gitlab.com/lfreew1ndl/openCraftNet/tree/master/ my contacts: telegram : https://t.me/lfreew1ndl 1) put items in first slot in the chest to setting transposers. (like in
  8. I think OpenComputers is a great mod itself, but it needs more stuff and some improvements. Here's what I Think needs to be added/improved. (LOTS of Reading!) ***SERVER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENTS/CHANGES*** 1. When linking multiple servers via cable, then wiring it to a screen, numerous graphical glitches occur. This is because every server is trying to overlap eachother on the screen. I think that you should add a completely different screen, a screen that can control an entire server room in one console. For example: A terminal that, upon typing a command, turns on every server that is
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