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Everything posted by jhagrid77

  1. Seems cool, will try it out this weekend. Try to add more information though, such as if any specific actions are needed, such as mounting hard drives. Also is it kinda like a remote host, where you can sort of control what is done, or is it like a RAID where you can store and access data?
  2. I think it could be useful to have at least one type of support "system" for Plan9k such as an irc, or man, or anything that will help people who need help with Plan9k and it's many features.
  3. "Fixed things." Any incite on what was fixed/was wrong?
  4. That's what I thought too XD. If you ever read Window's terms of service and stuff, you see they can access your computer, that's one of the things listed in Windows 10, that's why you can't use pirated software, they are like Norton Anti-virus, deep in your computer, looking at everything with access to everything.
  5. Does it play YouTube music? Sorry if this is a stupid question, just wanting to know if I still need to throw my music onto tapes to be able to listen to my music in MC without my computer having a lag spike of death.
  6. Threw it into a file I'm going to download to download OC files this weekend.
  7. Ahh I understand, I would like to say (although I haven't tried it) that you make a folder (or what ever it is) and try to get your scripts included in OPPM as this could be really useful.
  8. A question, will this allow you to set primary components?
  9. This seems very useful, will check it out later on the weekend.
  10. Seems kinda dead, but where are the programs? Trying to get into Plan9k but you know, kinda need to have programs...
  11. So you made an add-on mod for OC but you need to enable OC to use power from the config file?
  12. Hmm I don't really know much else, if they were scripts that you were copying you could edit the config file to increase the max paste.
  13. Okay try this go to: C:/user/(name)/.appdata/roaming/.minecraft/worlds/(world name)/OC (or is it OpenComputers) then look for the hard drive (example: a63c-15ca-6fse- (or what ever drive it is on) 353) and then use your favorite text and then make the program, make sure to add .lua at the end (autorun.lua etc...)
  14. Thanks, my only problem with Plan9k is that it's hard to find support and also when ever I go to say /bin some of the .lua and stuff is in the terminal line, plus how the editing is. Other wise I love it.
  15. What OS and launcher are you using?
  16. That is true. Kinda is a share though, although I wonder if it would be possible to create something like linux from source code.
  17. Yes one can Gangsir. I believe it should really be updated and maybe have some more examples and how to use these things.
  18. Would a person be able to make a program to do this? Or would it have to be like a complete add-on mod? I think it might be a pain either way, but lots of things have been done I never thought possible.
  19. Shhhh. Lol, thanks, my brain went stupid and didn't read the requirements.
  20. I hate to say it, but I am having some trouble making this work this is the error I'm getting: boot/04_component.lua:69: no primary 'modem' available stack traceback: [C]: in function 'assert' boot/04_component.lua:69: in function <boot/04_component.lua:67> (...tail calls ...) /usr/bin/gft.lua:14: in main chunk (... tail calls ...)
  21. This seems very nice, I will try it later.
  22. I have a few questions. 1.)What is the minimum amount of ram we should associate to use this? 2.) Do you/would you like some one who could try to help players with OC codding (I'm a newbie yes, but I'm trying to learn, got to start somewhere.)
  23. A GPU is a Graphics Processing Unit, a tier 3 screen doesn't make anything different from a tier 2 screen except resolution.
  24. https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/807-operating-systems-under-opencomputers-lua-architecture/
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