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Magik6k last won the day on August 24 2017

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About Magik6k

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  1. THIS IS SO COOL I really do wonder how well it would work with Plan9k as it has (IMO) better threading support, proper virtual component support and component/event sandboxing/namespaces (so a program can/can't see selected components, events can be filtered/translated(like mouse clicks)). Would you mind if I try to port this api there? Oh, and why won't you put this on OpenPrograms/OPPM?
  2. OETF #10 - OHCP - simple DHCP/BOOTP like protocol for host auto configuration. 1. Protocol This is specification for a binary data frame(a Lua string), sent over OETF #7 protocol with protocol number 0xCF. BYTE 0 | BYTE 1 | DATA | BROADCAST --------------------|--------------------------|----------------------------|----------- 0x00 - ADDR REQUEST | NOT SET | NOT SET | ALLOWED 0x01 - CLIENT RESP | 0x00 IPv4 address assign | IPv4+subnet byte (4b + 1b) | NO 0x01 - CLIENT RESP | 0x02 IPv4 gate
  3. This is a repost, as the old post was removed for some reason.. Requirements OpenOS Lua 5.2 CPU T3 hard drive Internet Card Installation 1. Install MPT wget http://mpt.magik6k.net/api/file/mpt/usr/bin/mpt.lua /tmp/mpt.lua /tmp/mpt -S mpt rm /tmp/mpt.lua 2. Install craftos mpt -S cc-installer craftos install 3. Enjoy craftos Issues If something doesn't work/show up(like a peripheral), post about it here.
  4. 1. Purpose OETF #9 - OC Host Discovery Protocol is a host discovery protocol for local OC networks specified by OETF #7. 2.Protocol This is specification for a binary data frame(a Lua string), sent over OETF #7 protocol with protocol number 0x0C. All frames are allowed to be sent as a broadcast or as a direct message. Prefix byte | Action | Payload ------------|-------------------------------------|----------- 0x01 | Peer IPv4 Advertisement | 4 byte IPv4 0x02 | IPv4 Discovery request | Optional 4
  5. Port 1 is just a default that can be changed. Ports in this network stack are used as VLANs, If in your infrastructure something else is using that port, you are free to change it, and it's not that hard(that is, implementations shouldn't make it hard).
  6. Magik6k


    I see no need for goto there: local function timer() local seconds = 0 while true do if reactor.getActive() then seconds = seconds + 1 end center(2, "Time Running: "..math.floor(seconds / 60)..":"..(seconds % 60)) sleep(1) end end
  7. Use ``` for line in io.lines("/home/file.txt") do --line is a string end ```
  8. Also, it would be fancy if one could use big battery as power buffer, as internal 10MRF is way too small for 1MRF/t+ reactor.
  9. You can use braille Unicode characters to give the bars more resolution as with OC font they are exactly 1/4 vert and 1/2 horiz of a full character block(the characters are "⣀", "⣤", "⣶", "⣿", "⡇")
  10. The following document is still a DRAFT and a subject to change, though protocol and assigned numbers should not change. 1. Purpose ON2 - OCNet L2 protocol - is a very simple standard is aimed at advanced network stacks. It provides protocol tagging and optional vlan separation for devices that support it. 2. Protocol ON2 utilizes the fact that OpenComputers network message can have multiple parameters. When a message(data frame) is sent using ON2 layer, the implementation sets first data parameter to protocol number and passes the data via second data argument. Por
  11. If you're that worried about people you lot on your server there is the whitelist option in internet section of the settings.json, where you explicitly say what's allowed.
  12. I was away from OC for pretty long now, and I haven't got time to play with it/fix existing errors. There is new version of mpt waiting in PR(https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/pull/2094) which fixes mentioned bug. ssh and other network related programs are huge mess as of now because I'm in progress of rewriting network stack to real ipv4/v6(I have ipv4, udp, basic icmp, RIPv2 protocols implemented as of now, and ~30% of TCP implementation). Most network programs still need to be adjusted for this API(It's not hard, just needs to be done). I consider moving big chunk of Plan9k to
  13. You probably just want to use io.stderr:write() for that
  14. This seems doable in Plan9k with its multi-threading, you basically do `local pid = os.spawn(threadFunc)` and then optionally `require("pipes").joinThread(pid)` to wait for spawned thread(s).
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