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Tag365 last won the day on February 21 2016

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  1. I fixed the ServerFS host script to actually use the tunnel component if available (not sure if I already added this feature). This means you can now connect a far away computer to the Host and access the ServerFS from anywhere. You should now update the host ServerFS autorun script to add the tunnel functionality.
  2. Firstly, the robot must have an inventory upgrade so it can have an inventory so it can place and obtain blocks. The script makes the robot go up to eight blocks above the ground to take down the tree, so you may also need a hover upgrade which increases the amount of blocks the robot can go above from the ground. To get it to work you must have put saplings in the first inventory slot of the robot. You should also have an axe as the tool to claim the wood obviously, make sure you put the axe where the wrench icon is in the inventory. Also, make sure you have a flat surface of dirt so the robo
  3. A basic tree farm for a robot. By default it will start a 6x6 tree farm but you can configure the amount of trees in the grid as well as how far each tree will be from each other. Firstly, the robot must have an inventory upgrade so it can have an inventory so it can place and obtain blocks. The script makes the robot go up to eight blocks above the ground to take down the tree, so you may also need a hover upgrade which increases the amount of blocks the robot can go above from the ground. To get the script to plant the trees properly you must have put saplings in the first inventory slo
  4. Here is a Lua script for a basic 6x6 tree farm. Try inspecting the script to figure out how it works and modifying the script to your liking. local robot = require("robot") print("Robot tree farm started") -- Select the first slot, which is supposed to have a sapling. robot.select(1) -- Change these to change the tree farm grid size or the distance between each tree in the grid. local treesX = 6 local treesZ = 6 local distanceBetweenTrees = 5 -- Goes forward eventually, no matter if something is blocking the path at the moment. local function GoForward() while true do local move
  5. For anyone that says that the files you create from the client are blank, this issue is caused by a change of the filesystem handling in an update to the OpenComputer mod, where file handles are not numbers anymore. I already made an updated version which is compatible with the updated file handles and fixes the problem by using numbers for file handle identification. The updated version to fix the issue has now been published. Update the script on the Host, then test to see if that fixed your issue. If not then report the issue you are having.
  6. This is caused by a change of the filesystem handling in an update to the OpenComputer mod, where file handles are not numbers anymore. I already made an updated version which is compatible with the updated file handles and fixes the problem by using numbers for file handle identification. However I have not published the updated version yet and I still have the files on my old computer. So wait for the updated version to be published. The updated version to fix the issue has now been published. Test the updated version now to see if that fixed your issue.
  7. I'm amazed by the picture quality as seen in these screenshots. Next step is to convert PNG files to that format. I have an API that allows obtaining color information from PNG image files.
  8. As I said it is not designed to handle multiple Hosts running, as it doesn't favor any Host on the network, the first to respond is the one that is used.
  9. It is not designed to handle multiple Hosts being online and on the same network. I have not tested it yet, so it may or may not work correctly.
  10. In order for me to fix it, you need to tell me what is the error message, or if it does not throw an error, what is happening. Also, you need to give me information on how to get version 1.6 of OpenComputers.
  11. The component must have a type of "modem" or "tunnel" in the computer or server. Network cards and Wireless Network cards have a type of "modem", while Linked cards have a type of "tunnel". Therefore, you can use a Network card, Wireless Network card, or Linked card to connect to the Host computer. The other components required are the filesystems you want in the Host's RAID array.
  12. This is a remote RAID where you can store and access data from across the network. Filesystems will be detected by the autorun script and included in the array. You can read and write to the filesystem remotely.
  13. Using this program, you can host an array filesystem over a network. Set up is as simple as installing an autorun.lua script on the computer or server that hosts the ServerFS filesystem, and installing a boot script on the clients that will access the ServerFS filesystem. How it works: The "Host", the computer or server hosting the ServerFS fileserver, runs an autorun script which will allocate all non-primary filesystem components to a single virtual "ServerFS" component. It then receives messages over the network and when a message is received relating to the ServerFS the Ho
  14. I know that this is very basic. I'm not used to OpenComputers at all, so don't expect much other than the fact that you can download a script from a server hosted by somebody else. Here is the textutils API script source: local textutils = {} local g_tLuaKeywords = { [ "and" ] = true, [ "break" ] = true, [ "do" ] = true, [ "else" ] = true, [ "elseif" ] = true, [ "end" ] = true, [ "false" ] = true, [ "for" ] = true, [ "function" ] = true, [ "if" ] = true, [ "in" ] = true, [ "local" ] = true, [ "nil" ] = true, [ "not" ] = true, [
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