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Everything posted by jhagrid77

  1. It works pretty well, but i must say on my screen a few functions aren't visible.
  2. I will look at it this weekend, I already think I will like it. Now maybe a widespread English GUI for OpenOS lol.
  3. Legend: Bold = What scripts are here Italics = What it does/short description Underline = Helpful information Plain = My preference/other information If you would like any of these in a pre-made script, please comment and I will paste it onto something and provide the link. This is just a place for some scripts that I thought I would throw together so you wouldn't have to go around searching the entire website: Have you ever wanted to fix your resolution because it is too big (is that even possible) or too small well here are two scripts: component=require("component") gpu = com
  4. I think you would have to make that, see if some other people in the OC community wants a program like this too, the more people who want something, the more likely it will be made.
  5. That sucks Tim, I hope you get better, I know it's not much, but it truly helped me understand that there is a lot of work that needs to be done in order to make an OS and that it isn't that simple at all.
  6. Check around, there is an IRC loot disk that lets you connect from ingame, there are also quite a few BIOS' and OS' out here on the forums.
  7. Check around, for the chat program there is a loot disk that lets you connect to the IRC from ingame, and there are a few OS' out along with BIOS' I ALSO WOULD LIKE A CHAT LIKE PROGRAMif you know one program for it please don't hesitate to reply to me, thank you and also for BIOS and better OS to see...
  8. Ahh, I understand, maybe if we can get this community active we could do things like this.
  9. # Other settings that you might find useful to tweak. misc { # The maximum width of multi-block screens, in blocks. # See also: `maxScreenHeight`. maxScreenWidth: 8 # The maximum height of multi-block screens, in blocks. This is limited to # avoid excessive computations for merging screens. If you really need # bigger screens it's probably safe to bump this quite a bit before you # notice anything, since at least incremental updates should be very # efficient (i.e. when adding/removing a single screen). maxScreenHeight: 6 In the config file, you can chan
  10. In-game RAM or real RAM, if it was real RAM, how much did you need, as I try to build it and it freezes, so maybe I could find a script that could handle using 2GB of RAM, as I only have 4GB on my actual computer (it's a crappy laptop, ut I use to game heavily on it).
  11. I would recommend uploading the code to pastebin or something so that you can just use wget http//:webpage.com/script That's an example by the way.
  12. I like it, you know you might be able to build something like it, just modify the config file so that its like the monitor, run redstone around the inside of the "case" (use the redstone paste mod) and you might have something, just wish we had a wireless keyboard.
  13. What did you guys use to learn Lua, and how did you practice it? (Any free things are welcome)
  14. hmm, yeah not much of a programmer (don't know any good places to go online to learn it) so I don't know much and can;t really help.
  15. try putting this (probably won't work but hey lol) printer.addShape(0,0,0,16,16,16, "opencomputers:White", "true", io.read())
  16. Description: I would like someone(s) to make a map for OpenComputers Function: To help people lean old and new things about OC. Deadline: Maybe half a year (I assume it would take a while) Additional Information: A nice base for a Data Center and maybe a pre-built hidden one would be cool.
  17. Description: I think it would be cool if someone made a tutorial for making your own OS because yes there are quite a few OSes made, but some people like to specify what they want, like I want one with a GUI, but it's hard to find exactly what I want (which is kinda like say Windows XP or Ubuntu) but I don't know how to make an OS and don't like to bug people to make one for me. Function: To teach people how to make their own Operating System. Deadline: Maybe a month. (Depending on who does it) Additional Information: Preferable an in-depth, kinda step-by-step tutorial.
  18. Is there anything particular that will be added in 1.6?
  19. http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/user/1872-shrewdspirit/ - ShrewdSpirit should be able to help http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/user/137-kodos/ - Kodos is helpful too. They should be able to help. I would, but my pc is down for a little bit (might be getting a good $200 gaming one for Christmas), so I cannot try. I hope this helps.
  20. I am sure you would be allowed to, I don't think he will say unless someone has contact with him as it appears he hasn't been active for awhile
  21. (Answer may be wrong) I don't think there is. Although as everyone else will say, you are welcome to make your own add-on mod.
  22. Which version are you using, as I know versions like 15.6 (I believe) and up has tablets.
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