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jhagrid77 last won the day on October 30 2016

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About jhagrid77

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    jhagrid7 or jhagrid77
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  1. Honestly, I haven't seen too many programs like this for OpenComputers. It seems really cool.The funny part is, for any Linux users your program could also mean Shell Editor (just a fun tip).
  2. Linked cards or Wireless Networking Cards could both work last that I knew. If you used the Wireless, you would have to define a port and from there I'm not too sure, however.
  3. jhagrid77

    Quarry Program

    Essentially yes you are right they just don't mine efficiently. But really as long as I'm getting the ores I'm fine.
  4. jhagrid77

    Quarry Program

    Well, there is Cobwebs, planks/logs, and ores/stone/obsidian so I figured different tools would be needed to mine them all.
  5. jhagrid77

    Quarry Program

    Description: I would like a quarry that can be given variable sizes for: Length, Width, and Height. I would of course like it to return to original position when inventory is full and when it needs to be refueled (unless there is a way for it to burn planks and coal for fuel), and can switch between three tools depending on the block (I want to use this program to mine an area that has cobwebs, stone, obsidian, ores, planks, and logs if that information is needed). Function: To mine in a specified area. Features requested: 1. Variabl
  6. Step 1: Since you already have your hardware this is good. Step 2: Aquire the OpenOS Floppy Disk. Step 3: Put both into either a computer or hook up a Disk Drive up to the side the server is attached to (or add a Disk Driver Server) and insert the floppy into it. Step 4: Start the computer/server and install OpenOS. Step 5: You should have OpenOS installed onto the HDD and can now remove the floppy. I hope this helped you if not please let me know and I will try my best to make it more understandable.
  7. If one would like, the code I have allows for 2 or more keypads to be used, the only difference is that you cannot have the special characters as it will only appear on the first keypad (unless you of course label each and then make the adjustments from there.
  8. The charger must have a redstone signal, I usually put a lever on the charger then switch it when I need to use it.
  9. Thank you PixelPi, I came up with this idea to learn Lua while helping to teach others too.
  10. Hmm, from what my friends are saying is that they do want one. Perhaps it's just they think they'll be made fun of for wanting to learn Lua?
  11. Did you try reinstalling OpenOS beforehand? It's good to update the OS when new releases are out as usually there's something new/needed for programs.
  12. Hello everyone, I want to share with you an idea I thought of and have started acting upon. A Lua Tutorial for OpenComputers, I was wondering two things. Does anyone think this is a good idea? Would anyone be interested in helping me? This is of course an open discussion, so please, feel free to respond.
  13. I'm currently working on translating this Repository from Russian into English, would you like me to send you the link? Also, I translated the Installer if you would like.
  14. Well set up the keypad script for my friend on a server, it's possible to replace the door controller for either a Redstone I/O or Redstone Card. I can post the script here if anyone would like. Also to get back through you need another keypad since the script only supports one with the Custom Numbers and such, you have to make it the original numbers and such.
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