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Everything posted by Cat

  1. Cat

    Hologram Editor

    Thank you for posting this! It's a well made program as I described earlier in your previous screenshot post in the holograms discussion. Great job on presentation and also great job on the design, I like it. I'll try it out later once I setup my Minecraft install (too busy taking naps lately to do anything regarding that), also I'm interested in maybe utilizing some of your design patterns in developing some of my own software just because it looks good. If you have Skype, I'd like to speak with you more and have you in my contacts.
  2. I'm making this post as an open discussion rather than to just tell you stuff; so feel free to reply. I've seen quite a few chat rooms that have Bot based IRC Games, such as Hangman that seemed to keep activity on the irc up and going. I like seeing activity and I'm sure it'd excite quite a few people in having a game bot in the irc. Unfortunately, I don't know crap about making a bot for the irc... but I could probably set one up if I utilized Kilobyte's Peripherals and PixelToast's IRC script. As for normal discussion, as far as that goes. The irc isn't constantly active, not a bad thing t
  3. Ok. Not sure what mods you had in mind though. Glad to see you spending time in keeping the server maintained (a lot of server people I've seen don't do this).
  4. Cat


    Oh my... someone who actually made a nice looking post Nice job on the Windows style, but it looks like something that's just ported from CC. Nice amount of effort though, screenies included, font styling and a good presentation of your program. I hope to see you return to the forums and continue working on this!
  5. Cat


    Nice job. This might be interesting for making emulations of Modern software... Maybe someone can make P2P protocols and things like that. I might implement this just to be Fancy ~
  6. Cats are cute.

  7. As a few bits of criticism I'd like to give you... Please make your post more Organized and Interesting if you want more feedback and attention, sure your programs may be good but presentation is also important. Coloration of your Text and Posting Screenshots of your programs and making an effort to attract my eyes to your Gloriously Beautiful Programs would be just... simply... f***ing amazing. Don't be rude to people, i.e. "Why i should tell you?" if you want feedback. It's mean, and hurts my delicate flower feelings. I'll take a look at your programs later, but as I'm currently in class (y
  8. I honestly don't have much of an idea for how you can improve this other than code cleanups and maybe some APIs / Example programs to help users get familiar with the usage of your Add-on.
  9. Cat

    My Feedback

    Since this was in the Feedback section, not necessary a suggestion thread or anything; but, I'd like to say, Good job on adding additional features to OC over time and staying consistent in the development process. Most people (from what I've seen) usually can't sit through long projects like that, and I'm glad to see another developer pull that off. I'd play with OC a bit more if it wasn't so constricted to Minecraft, just a personal thing, Minecraft got boring for me so nya. I seriously wished the forums would have more replies and constructive criticism going around! Sure there are Views,
  10. Just a double check, it DOES work for recent Minecraft versions, right? Other than that, as a personal opinion "XCodersTeam" doesn't feel original. Why not spice it up like "ShadowKatStudios"?
  11. Yes, you can make the images stand up. This is apparent because on some of the screenies posted there was 3D graphical output (because of the Y values changing in the blocks). Probably some changes in the code could easily make this happen. Experiment around and tell me how it works out for you.
  12. Nice job, lacking attention to this thread for good signature material. This would be useful for like Minecraft Forums or ComputerCraft.info for displaying the mod you support. Goodjob, I like it. The text seems a bit hard to seem on Version 2 because of the mixed green background and the words "TO YOU".
  13. Should probably clarify in the topic title that it's [Resolved]. But other than that, good luck to whatever you want to do~
  14. Sounds like fun. I'll check out the server soon. I'm mk352 Just as a slight suggestion, should probably decorate post (screenies, some coloring, etc. I'm a topic-nazi.) and tell who is the admin, what's your minecraft username?
  15. Cat


    That is an amazing program. Great design, far better designed than most CC programs I've seen. The forum posts in the Programs section doesn't have replies at all, so I haven't scanned through them for anything good, where is your hologram topic (if you have one)? Your English is just fine, don't worry about it!
  16. Cat


    Nice Cake you got there. Also russian site?
  17. First off, what documentation? Documentation about your program? Documentation about OC? Something? An API? Please specify!
  18. Cat

    Ingame LUA Tutorial

    Nice job on the porting of the program, should be helpful for normal users, though I really don't see why this post didn't get much praise.
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