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About Antheus

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    Junior Member
  • Birthday 09/01/1999

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    Coding, Gaming, Music, Flying

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  1. PotatoLib This will be updated as I add new things version(): Returns the version of PotatoLib writeFile(path, data): Writes data to the file located at path readFile(path): Returns the data of the file located at path encode(data): Serializes data decode(data): Unserializes data getModemAddress(): Returns the modem address of the network card in the computer
  2. Potato Security Suite Alarm.lua : The central part of the alarm suite, this program will be on the look out for a message from a sensor that will trigger the alarm. Requirements for this program: T1Microcontroler or T1 Case, 1x T1 RAM, 1x T1 CPU, 1x Network or Wireless Network Card, 1x EEPROM to flash the program to. Default Port is 1. Extra Versions: BeepCard: Uses the beep card from Computronics for a different alarm. Extra Requirements: T2 Microcontroler or T2 Case and Beep Card. OpenSecurity: Uses OS's Alarm block. Extra Requirements: T1 Case. Extra Info: Must turn back
  3. Antheus

    OC Subreddit

    Just a reminder that we have a subreddit at /r/OpenComputers
  4. Antheus

    The Basics

    I would like to point out that the wiki is now at ocdoc.cil.li
  5. How it Works: Write some code and use a spoiler and code that [spolier][code]Insert Lua code Here[/code][/spoiler] Then, the other people have to guess the output based on the code. If the code requires vars to run, put them as a comment at the end of the code as you would run the program with it (--Vars: XXX, XXX, Cake, Pie) The responding questions shall be as shown for strings or for numbers
  6. Removed as for application was accepted
  7. Here, take my cake for the mention of a potato. My race is proud.
  8. I know you are thinking about something like laptops, but what about something small, and lightweight? Just my ideas as of now: Right Click to open GUI Has very small flash memory Small screen Can not accept HDD's or Floppys Has a CellNET API (Used to communicate with other cells) Has small amount of RAM Can play sounds Built in keyboard TouchScreen It could be used for many things: Displaying information about your base Alerting you when something goes wrong Communicating with people Controlling your robot army Activating things (IE: Base Denfense, Launch Missiles) It would be differ
  9. It could use some recipe balancing
  10. Just my Idea: HDD's fail (Can be disabled in config) When you make a HDD, it will be assigned a random value -- how long until it fails (Must be greater than a predefined number in the config) When it starts to get close to the end of the HDD's life, it will start to make more and more noise. You can also check the health of it with some program(Comes with OpenOS) When it fails, if the user tries to access it, it will output Error Opening Componet or something along those lines. The higher tier HDD's will last longer that the lower tiers. Just my quick thought.
  11. Getting Started A Open Computer's Tutorial By PotatoTrumpet Introduction A mod like Open Computers (OC) can be confusing to new users. Some people need a little guidance to get started. If you need more in-depth help, check out the wiki. It is recommended that you know the basics of the language that we will be programing in, know as Lua. It is recommended to read the Lua 5.2 Reference Manual to get the basics of Lua down. Components and Modules Assuming you know the crafting recipes for the parts required, here is what you will need for this tutorial: 1x Po
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