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Everything posted by Sangar

  1. Version 1.3.3 is now available. For the most part, this is a bugfix release, but there are a few additions and changes, too. As always, remember to make a backup of your world before updating. Download for MC1.6.4 Download for MC1.7.10 Added: tab completion for the default shell (thanks Magik6k). Added: methods for screens to invert 'activate' and 'sneak-activate' behavior. Added: support for Factorization and IC2 Classic power. Added: setting for maximum hologram scale by tier. Added: assembler is now a component, so it can be started automatically. Added [MC1.7]: support for Dy
  2. Could you try `=component.geolyzer.scan(0, 0)`, please. If it somehow fails without erroring, the actual message would be the second returned value. Scratch that, you're doing `local scan =` in the interpreter, so that value is only kept for that line. Leave away the local while in the interpreter.
  3. Unless it's running in OC, I'd suggest just moving this to the Lounge, then it would be perfectly fine, no?
  4. Thanks for the kind words, it means a lot Any fixes or just a critical eye on the code (Scala and/or Lua) is appreciated, as is any healthy discussion about existing or potential features, so feel free to browse the issues on Github, also!
  5. 1) Hmm, probably a missing check in that code, yeah, I'll look into it. Fixed. 2) Sortakinda seen this before, not sure why this happens (the connection-check should be triggered on init and run in the first update, and top-down first, so at least screens on top of each other should connect, but oh well). Will investigate when I have the time. 3) Yeah, I noticed the colors doing weird things myself, recently. Will look into it over the weekend probably. Some missing swap / one swap too many somewhere, probably (has to be swapped for internal storage for [real] GPU). Fixed. Thanks! Also
  6. Sorry, maintaining two version of MC is time consuming enough Better upgrade to 1.7.10!
  7. Version 1.3.2 is out. As always, remember to make a backup of your world before updating. WARNING: when updating from MC 1.7.2 to MC 1.7.10, you may have to load your world in OC 1.3.1 + MC 1.7.10 at least once before updating to OC 1.3.2, to avoid losing blocks / items! Download for MC1.6.4 Download for MC1.7.10 Added: motion sensor block. Added: tractor beam upgrade. Added: made floppies dyable by popular demand (craft them with a dye). Added: unicode font renderer (thanks asie for providing the Unifont parser). Added: switches / access points can now be upgraded (check their
  8. Just a quick PSA to avoid unnecessary drama: from what I hear, the ComputerCraft sites have been - and/or are being - DDoSed in the recent months. My sympathies go out to the admins and community alike. To avoid any weird rumors spreading, I'd like to make it very clear that neither me, nor the OC community, have anything to with this, and we heavily condemn such activities. DDoS attacks are some of the lowest forms of bullying / trolling on the internet. We hope these activities will stop, if they haven't already, and wish the ComputerCraft community a quick recovery!
  9. Ah, yes, slipped through the cracks (along a bunch of other things I'm sure). Wiki updated.
  10. See the inventory controller upgrade, it provides a method to swap the item in the tool slot with an item in the inventory.
  11. Version 1.3.1 is out, it's a pure bugfix release. As always, remember to make a backup of your world before updating. Download for MC1.6.4 Download for MC1.7.2 Download for MC1.7.10 Fixed screen.getKeyboards() for multi-block screens (edit: not fully, get newer build from Jenkins for this). Fixed recursive includes in recipe files. Fixed math.random() to fully behave like it does in vanilla Lua. Fixed a few potential crashes. [MC1.7] Fixed keyboard placement on semi-solid blocks (slabs and the like). [MC1.7] Fixed robot permission checks. [MC1.7.10] Updated to IC2 API version 2
  12. component.gpu.get(x, y) already returns the color as well. local char, fgAsRGB, bgAsRGB, fgPaletteIndex, bgPaletteIndex = component.gpu.get(x, y) The palette index values will be nil if the colors are not from the palette.
  13. Here it is, finally, this is OC 1.3! As always, remember to make a backup of your world before updating. This is particularly true when updating from OC 1.2! Everything should carry over without breaking, no blocks or items should disappear. However, all running computers will stop, and will now need an OpenOS floppy to start (or hard drive with OpenOS installed on it; run the `install` program from the floppy). Robots will automatically converted to the new "format" to be equivalent in functionality to how they were before. The wiki on Github is still a bit behind, in particular regarding
  14. Ah, you're running into this problem because setting primaries is indeed not instant. I guess I forgot to document this in the wiki, terribly sorry for the confusion and lost time the caused. To solve your issue, a simple os.sleep(0.2) after your setPrimary should do the trick. The reason for this behavior was to avoid the shell/term spazzing out when changing the primary gpu/screen IIRC.
  15. @Wuerfel_21, No need to get rude. @Anwender95 try rebooting. Try upgrading to OC 1.3 and building a robot with more RAM.
  16. Sangar

    How to paste ?

    Or middle mouse button. The key can also be rebound in the common ingame MC keybind config.
  17. Those are hexadecimal numbers, so you have to do unicode.char(0x258C) for example.
  18. All right, here's another double release, a maintenance update for OC 1.2 that fixes one or two potential crashes, and the first release candidate for OC 1.3! As always, remember to make a backup of your world before updating. The wiki is not fully updated to represent the state of some Lua APIs in OC 1.3. I'll try to work on that over the weekend. @Modders: I'd like to encourage everyone who's using OC's API in their mod to start updating to the OC 1.3 API now. The changes are non-breaking for the most part, meaning you probably won't have to change your code. The breaking changes are docu
  19. The error means that there's not enough memory in the computer/robot (aka RAM), not that there's not enough disk space. In other words, the file you're trying too open is too big for the capabilities of the robot.
  20. Fixed in the latest builds. Sorry about that!
  21. Are you using a resource pack with a custom font texture? The descriptor format (specifically: the char size info) changed in that version (to using actual pixel count). Could you try to reproduce this without resource packs? Other than that, are you using shaders or OptiFine? If so, try without those, too, please. Thanks.
  22. Version 1.2.13 is now available. This is a bugfix release, and hopefully the last one for version 1.2. Updated StargateTech 2 API. Made side of robot charger only glow when powered. Probably fixed ATI/AMD driver crash. Fixed some derpiness in switches/access points. [MC1.7] Fixed OreDict+Case/Screen dyeing related crash. Some more small fixes. Download for MC1.6.4 Download for MC1.7.2
  23. Glad you like it. As for the memory size changes, this has been necessary because a lot of loading was moved out of the kernel and into the init.lua, so I can't "cheat" anymore, but have to stick to the actual memory-use instead. And bumping the max size isn't something I wanted to do, so the sizes got... compressed a bit.
  24. Haha, these look pretty cute Side and back of running computers aren't working, tho: 2014-06-17 13:36:39 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Unable to parse animation metadata from opencomputers:textures/blocks/case_side_on.png: invalid frameindex 8 2014-06-17 13:36:39 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Unable to parse animation metadata from opencomputers:textures/blocks/case_back_on.png: invalid frameindex 8 Just make sure you're only using as many frames as there are in the texture (i.e. the highest number in "frames" is <number of states> - 1).
  25. The first beta release of version 1.3 is now available. It's been tested by a few people already, bringing it to the point where I feel relatively comfortable with releasing it to a larger audience. Do keep in mind that this is a pre-release. It may crash your computers and wreck your worlds. It may kill your pigs and eat your kittens. You have been warned. More than with normal releases, I have to stress that you really should make a backup of your world before updating, if it means anything to you. Also, expect incompatibilities with other mods for a while. There have been a few API chan
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