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Everything posted by Sangar

  1. Love it! Can't offer anything but providing input from the OC side of things, though (i.e. I can contribute intellectually but not financially). You might want to swing by the IRC some time, there are a few people already working (at different stages) on low level architectures in OC. From what I can tell, one of the main hurdles for such a project is that OC's architecture API is relatively high-level, e.g. it assumes maps (the data type) be available for communicating with components. Which is obviously because it was somewhat modeled around the existing Lua archs, and more with other script
  2. OpenComputers 1.4.7 is now available. Lots of small stuff, tier two and creative tablets - which can hold a container, so you can install a disk drive to use floppies in them now. As always, remember to make a backup of your world before updating. For downloads see Curse. Added: debug.insertFluid and debug.removeFluid. Added: debug.removeItem for removing items from inventories. Added: inventory_controller.compareToDatabase. Added: play and stop methods to jukebox driver. Added: Ability to copy lines from screens using the analyzer (shift-rightclicking the line with the analyzer), then pas
  3. OpenComputers 1.4.6 is now available. A bunch of fixes, some quality-of-life improvements. As always, remember to make a backup of your world before updating. For downloads see Curse. Added: AE2 controller integration now works via AE2 interface block if channels are disabled. Added: Comparator override to capacitor, based on its (local!) buffer fill rate. Added: Debug card can be bound to a player to use the player's permissions for runCommand by shift-rightclicking it while holding it. Added: Extended implementation of switch ComputerCraft peripheral to properly "fake" connected modems
  4. Apologies to all who tried to register in the last couple of days: the mail server moved and I forgot to adjust the account details, meaning the forum wasn't able to send mails for a day or two. This is fixed now, so if you weren't able to get your confirmation mail after registering before, please try having it re-sent now. Again, sorry for the inconvenience!
  5. The side is the direction the export bus is facing IIRC, i.e. if the bus is facing east, use getConfiguration(sides.east).
  6. OpenComputers 1.4.5 is now available. Some new features and two important bug fixes. As always, remember to make a backup of your world before updating. For downloads see Curse. Added: Wake-on-Redstone and Wake-on-LAN for computers via component.redstone.setWakeThreshold and component.modem.setWakeMessage. Added: High precision input mode for tier three screens (component.screen.setPrecise), allowing for floating point coordinates in mouse events (sub-character accuracy). Added: Wireless redstone on tier two redstone cards now works in drones and tablets. Added: Highlighting matching item
  7. While maybe annoying, it's normal and a result of the generic way everything in OC essentially acts like a cable. Think of computers more like multiblock structures. If you interconnect two directly, you kind of have two computers in one, so you'll have to take care of sorting them out yourself - e.g. by manually telling them to which screen and keyboard to bind in an autorun script. To separate networks use switches/access points and power distributors (and, depending on configuration, server racks, which are both in one, essentially). If you want to use one raid block from two computers
  8. Yeah, documentation on integration with other mods is pretty much ingame only (via `# components -l componentName` or `lua> =component.componentName.methodName`), because, well. I can't even manage to keep the built-in components' documentation up-to-date all the time It'd be great if you'd like to add that to the wiki! It's open for registration. As for where to add it, I'd suggest putting the pages into the `component` namespace, i.e. where the built-in ones are, too, but give them an extra "category" in the table of contents. Thanks in advance!
  9. I believe the Computronics radar block allows reading nearby entities' locations? If that's not the case or those coords aren't relative I'm open to adding something like a T2 motion sensor that could do something like what you're suggesting.
  10. Yes, reading a file byte by byte is slow. This is normal. If you were to read a file byte by byte that'd also be - comparatively - very very slow. That's why there's buffering, and when you open a file using io.open you get a buffered handle and can do this way more comfortably, too (`f=io.open('blah'); f:read(1)`).
  11. For most functions (i.e. those that are documented appropriately) you can get a docstring using `=component.componentName.methodName`. So in this case for example `=component.me_exportbus.setConfiguration` would work in a newer version of OC (which it doesn't look like this is?). Going by those method names however, it actually looks like they're mostly from OpenPeripherals (e.g. there's no listMethods in OC), so you'd have to look there for documentation.
  12. OpenComputers 1.4.4a is now available. More bugfixes. As always, remember to make a backup of your world before updating. For downloads see Curse. Fixed: IC2 is recognized as energy providing mod again (note: it still worked as long as there was another supported power providing mod present, but OC went to no-power mode if IC2 was the only such mod present). Fixed: Negative values for width/height of gpu.copy/gpu.fill doing bad things. Fixed: Forgot adding backwards compatibility to inventory_controller.getStackInSlot; sides.back now refers to the robot's own inventory again. However, plea
  13. OpenComputers 1.4.4 is now available. Mostly bugfixes. As always, remember to make a backup of your world before updating. For downloads see Curse. Added: Creative Drone and Microcontroller cases. Added: Preconfigured Robot, Microcontroller and Drone to creative tab (Microcontroller and Drone still need a programmed EEPROM to be put useful). Added: EEPROM cloning recipe (EEPROM + EEPROM -> 2x EEPROM with same data). If one is empty, the one with data is preferred. If both have data, the first one gets copied onto the second. Added: Waila options for toggling energy, address and componen
  14. OpenComputers 1.4.3 is now available. It brings drones and a tier two microcontroller, as well as some more mod integration. As always, remember to make a backup of your world before updating. For downloads see Curse. Added: Drones, less powerful but faster entity-based robots. Added: Access Points can act as plain access points now (i.e. you can disable them bouncing wireless messages they receive; they always acted more like repeaters before). Added: Tier 2 Microcontroller, most important differentiation is that it has a T2 card slot, so it can use bundled redstone, e.g. Added: World Sen
  15. Change the config option `bufferChanges` to false.
  16. component.me_controller.getItemsInNetwork() works as expected for me and returns a table of tables, each representing an item type in the ME network. This will get all items in the ME network, however. There is no way to only get the contents of an ME chest with the existing methods because they do not implement IInventory (so they'd need an extra driver).
  17. Sangar


    Thanks! Allowing blocks that can be broken without tools to be harvested sounds like a sane rule of thumb. It's something I didn't give an excessive amount of thought yet, because to "properly" do this, I'll have to refactor quite a bit more, and will also want to adjust the API (to reuse all the Robot*Events for drones). As for PR... yeah, well. Did you just volunteer? ;-) I do get the feeling that those attracted to the themes the mod has to offer sooner or later find their way to it, though.
  18. OpenComputers 1.4.3 is now in beta. As a little Christmas present new things have been added and old things have potentially been broken, fun for the whole family! I'll write a full changelog for the release proper, for now here's a quick roundup of what changed an what I'd appreciate help testing with. Added: Tier 2 Microcontroller. Added: Drones! Added: Leash Upgrade. Changed: A lot of internal robot-related logic to allow reusing it for drones. Download can be found in the usual places, on Curse or on Github. Drones? Drones! Drones are to robots as microcontrollers are to computers. T
  19. Yeah, since 1.4 you'll need to place an inventory controller upgrade into the adapter and use that to access inventories next to it, i.e. `component.inventory_controller.getStackInSlot(sides.west, 1)` for example (where the direction is then absolute, i.e. actual north/east/south/west).
  20. OpenComputer 1.4.2 is now available. It brings one quite important change, EEPROMs, so be sure to read the information about them below! It also adds two new blocks, the Raid and the Microcontroller, the latter of the two being a device built in the Assembler. As always, remember to make a backup of your world before updating. For downloads see Curse. Added: EEPROM, contains BIOS used to boot computers as of now. Added: Microcontroller block, crafted in Assembler. Very limited one-block, non-configurable computer for specialized tasks such as redstone control. Added: Raid block, houses
  21. Version 1.4.1 is now available. Mostly a bugfix release. As always, remember to make a backup of your world before updating. For downloads see Curse. Added: A few utility methods to the database component, and a method to the inventory controller and geolyzer to allow configuring database components. Added: Method to run commands using the debug card. Fixed: Generator upgrade eating container items (e.g. the bucket of lava buckets). Now remains in the generator's internal inventory. Fixed: Screens potentially becoming unresponsive after changing dimensions. Fixed: Screens sometimes being b
  22. Sangar

    Bootable mediums

    See http://ocdoc.cil.li/tutorial:custom_oses
  23. This looks positively amazing, will definitely play around with this :-) Did you consider making the terminal available as an upgrade, too, so it could be built into tablets? (or is it already and I missed that on the wiki?) Also, another idea - triggered by the geolyzer in the recipe - did you consider making information on what the player is looking at available? So you could overlay information about a block as floating text in the world, for example? Possibly even T2 terminal/glasses that use OC's block drivers to provide yet more information about certain blocks (i.e. provide the
  24. OpenComputers 1.4 is now available. Even more important than usual, remember to make a backup of your world before updating. Seriously. Do it. For downloads see Curse. VERY IMPORTANT You cannot downgrade to OC1.3, after loading your world in OC1.4, without losing converted blocks. To future-proof things, the way blocks are handled internally has been switched around a bit in 1.4. This means all of the old blocks have to be converted to the new format. For blocks that are in the world this happens automatically. For blocks in inventories, this also happens automatically if they are in a pla
  25. Parallelizing a single Lua state is far from trivial. I'm not sure what you think you need "real" parallel computing, but you may want to have a look into servers, which are basically up to four computers in one block space.
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