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Everything posted by Sangar

  1. Check your start up log if OC complains that the disassembler recipe is invalid. See if it works with OC as the only mod loaded. The last time someone reported something wasn't craftable it was a modpack/config issue IIRC.
  2. The IRC program in OC uses the plain IRC protocol, yes. That is, it connects to an IRC server via TCP and sends and receives raw data and processes it as dictated by the IRC RFC. Or part of it, anyway.
  3. Sangar

    My Feedback

    The forums are pretty slow, true. As mentioned above, part of the reason for that is probably that activity is spread out quite a bit, to IRC for one, but also to the issue tracker on Github. A lot of new features are discussed primarily over there as opposed to on the forums. So yeah, until people post more programs I guess that's how it'll be, and I don't think there's much I can do to boost that But thanks for sharing your thoughts!
  4. Aye, was also discussed on Github. Not something I'll add, but nobody's stopping anyone from making an addon that does ;-)
  5. Well, there are tablets, which are, IMHO, close enough to what has been described.
  6. 1) No and yes. Items are not affected at all, only blocks are (so in your list microchips and transistors are not, the power distributors are). 2) It'll be in an unconverted state. You'll see an untextured item with the tooltip "pick me up to fix me". Once the item stack is in a player's inventory (one tick suffices) it is automatically converted to the new format. No data will be lost (e.g. robots will retain all their components when converted). 3) No, since the server rack is automatically in converted, as it's in the world, and the server and components in it are items and therefor
  7. The first beta of OpenComputers 1.4 is now available. There are relatively few gameplay changes, the main reason for the version bump is that the Java API has been cleaned up and expanded a bit, making it incompatible with the 1.3 version. This means combining OC 1.4 with other mods using the OC API will - in most cases - not work well until they update to the new API. There are no breaking changes on the Lua side. Lua programs should continue to work as they are. Even more imporant than usual, remember to make a backup of your world before updating. Seriously. Do it. For downloads see Curse
  8. I think it can be possible, but that depends a little on whether this should be 1) using only/mostly OC 2) the starting conditions, i.e. do you start with only a robot, or is it OK to start with a floppy disk with some additional programs in the robot's inventory? The main hurdle is that you need a computer to start the assembler, so you'll have to have the robots build one. That part is relatively simple, given they have a crafting (and possibly inventory controller) upgrade. To turn the computer on they can sneak-activate it. The problematic part is getting some programs to run on the comp
  9. That's intentional, because a cheated in robot is useless, since it won't have a CPU, memory, graphics card, anything. Build one using the assembler. As a compromise, if you do so in creative mode, it'll finish assembling instantly.
  10. Not sure how reversing the order will not mess up the text when it does now, but the easiest way is probably to register a oneshot timer (using event.timer).
  11. Version 1.3.6 is now available. Pretty much a bugfix release. As always, remember to make a backup of your world before updating. For downloads see Curse. Added: setting to disable debug card functionality. Changed: replaced char wideness computation so that all unifont chars are now available. Fixed: sidedness detection (most noticeable via CMEs and remote terminals not working in certain conditions). Fixed: platform architecture detection. Fixed: log spam due to bad mod presence detection combination with some other mods shipping partial APIs. Note: this will be the last release for
  12. This is by design - switches just brainlessly bounce messages (a certain number times, the packets' TTL). The switch under the screen forms a cycle (with the face touching the screen and the face touching the cable that also connects to the subnetwork the screen is in). Just make sure to avoid cycles
  13. getComputerPosition is already available via the debug component's getX/Y/Z methods. setWeather I'm not sure if that's the same thing, but there is already is/setRaining and is/setThundering. I've no issue with the other methods, but my focus will be on cleaning up stuff and work on OC1.4 in the next time, so if someone else could look into implementing these and contribute that, that'd be great. I've started on NBT editing, the most annoying part of that being the transition of NBT<->Lua, since userdata isn't really feasible due to cycles being an utter pain when persisting the user
  14. Version 1.3.5 is now available. Two major additions, fluids in robots and finally official tablets, as well as a couple of fixes and other improvements. As always, remember to make a backup of your world before updating. Download for MC1.6.4 Download for MC1.7.10 Added: fluids in robots! Tank Upgrade! Tank Controller Upgrade! Added: tablets now have recipes, so they're now officially obtainable. Added: holograms can now be translated (moved) a little. Added: the Geolyzer is now usable as an upgrade. Added: the Crafting Upgrade craft now returns the crafted item's stacksize. Added
  15. Ahhh, sorry, I forgot - the getPlayer stuff is only in the dev builds at this point, I think. I'll release 1.3.5 (or a beta of it, more likely) today or tomorrow. Either wait for that, or grab it from Jenkins (ci.cil.li).
  16. I'll most likely keep adding things to it as time goes on, but it won't be a priority. Feel free to add requests for specific features on the Github issue tracker, though! Someone else might pick it up and implement it. `component.debug.getPlayer("player's ingame name")` worked for me last time I tested it. I'm actually not sure if this is case sensitive.
  17. Sangar


    Oh, that's from OpenComponents, for inventories, right? I thought I had added the docstrings to that... seems I didn't. Will have to check if I just forgot to push transferStack takes 3 parameters: the slot from which to move items, the slot into which to move items, and the number of items to move.
  18. autoruns are run before the shell starts, to allow installing a custom shell in the autorun script. Register a timer to run at a later time, if you want something to happen after the shell started (but beware that this can then interfere with the shell itself printing stuff to the screen!) If someone could write a tutorial for the debug card that'd be nice, yes For now, you're close. What you want is to the the world by calling `getWorld()`. That object gives you a bunch of methods, including for setting blocks (use `w=getWorld()` and then `=w` to show those methods). Same for any player (u
  19. Disable the `bufferChanges` setting in your config.
  20. I'm sorry, but I can't really read your argument as anything but "Minecraft is fundamentally flawed because it unloads chunks". Which isn't something that can be argued about, it's a technical necessity. And I don't agree that computers are so special (as opposed to other machines, modded or vanilla) that they would make more sense to have a chunkloader for than others. By your logic, every single mod that adds a machine to Minecraft should ship its own chunkloader, to make it usable without other mods? Or at least all mods that add some sort of pipes? Wireless redstone? ... excuse me fo
  21. Aren't there enough mods that add stationary chunk loaders already? It's not really something I want to add, I don't really feel it belongs into the mod :-/ The chunkloader upgrade for robots only exists because they are special, they move. If you really have to, you can place a robot with a chunkloader in the chunk with your server, I guess. And yes, cables in unloaded chunks are unloaded, too, so that connection would be cut off. Use linked cards for long distance data transmission.
  22. Unloaded chunks are... unloaded. So computers/servers sitting in them are, too, of course. Just because they resume from where they were when they were unloaded when being loaded again doesn't mean they aren't (being unloaded, that is). If you need them to stay continually loaded to process inputs/messages, you'll have to put them in a chunkloaded area.
  23. Talked about it on IRC, but for anyone else reading this: that is indeed the C API. Just use tonumber, since 'nil' evaluates 'false' when coerced to a boolean (as it is by the 'if').
  24. Uhm, can you provide a link? I've never heard of 'tonumberx' (on the Lua side) before. There's a C API method like that, but... Simply 'tonumber' will work there, too, though, since that returns 'nil' if it fails.
  25. Well, you can also build a larger multi-block screen. But for the GUI, no, since the area is fixed.
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