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Everything posted by Sangar

  1. Depends on what you want it to do. Assuming you want to return those three values in one table, return {nextFull = nextFull, refill = refill, refilltower = refilltower}
  2. Delete your config, try again.
  3. Sangar


    You could register an event listener for the time your program runs, then, e.g. something along those lines: local function listener(...) -- handle your events here end local result = table.pack(pcall(function() event.listen("signal_of_interest", listener) -- the rest of your program, including stuff like term.read() end)) event.ignore("signal_of_interest", listener) if result[1] then return table.unpack(2, result) else error(result[2], 0) This should probably be wrapped up into a custom library function or so, but it should illustrate how you might approach the problem in general.Alt
  4. Do you have a graphics card in your robot?
  5. Sangar


    Assuming you have control over the functions you call (which seems realistic, otherwise you might want to look into event listeners instead) you can probably just coroutine.yield instead of event.pull and do the actual event.pull in you parallel.run implementation?
  6. return {nextFull = nextFull} return {refill = refill} return {refilltower = refilltower} That's invalid Lua.
  7. The executor threads for computers have lowest priority, so it's quite possible they just starve during the CPU intensive startup. You could try to either increase the timeout [computer.timeout], or increase the startup delay [computer.startupDelay] (i.e. the pause before a loaded computer is actually 'updated' the first time).
  8. I'm afraid this isn't possible right now. I'm thinking of making <sneak>[+ctrl?]+<using/right clicking> with a card component in hand copy the address to the clipboard, will have to see how that works out.
  9. Fixed in 1.2.12. Many derps were made this day.
  10. Version 1.2.12 is now available. Fix for the fix in the last version... so many derps in so little time! Such value. Remember to backup your world before updating, just in case. Download for MC1.6.4 Download for MC1.7.2 Hotfix for a derp in 1.2.11, making addon components work again. This post has been promoted to an article
  11. Version 1.2.11 is now available. Some more fixes, one major fix in the class transformer. Remember to backup your world before updating, just in case. Download for MC1.6.4 Download for MC1.7.2 Added a sanity check to the class transformer to avoid crashes in certain cases (if parent classes of classes implementing `SimpleComponent` mark certain methods as final, specifically). This fixes a crash when OC is used together with the latest version of DragonAPI, for example. Improved fill rate computations of screens and using it to determine whether to render at all, improving frame rate fo
  12. Yeah, screens don't check for the actual 'content' up until now, only the power state. I've added such a check, slightly increased effort to compute the 'fill rate' but that's only done once a second or so anyway, so it shouldn't be (very) noticeable, and truly blank screens won't try to render their blank contents anymore.
  13. Version 1.2.10 is now available. It's mostly minor fixes and improvements. Remember to backup your world before updating, just in case. Download for MC1.6.4 Download for MC1.7.2 Added 'note' API for easier interaction with computer speaker (thanks Vexatos). [MC1.7] Re-enabled/added FMP support. Fixed issues caused by TMI messing with base classes. Fixed some typos and minor bugs.
  14. Sangar

    use multi screen

    You need two GPUs. You then need to gpu.bind them to the two different screens, and gpu.set on the appropriate GPU.
  15. Disclaimer: all of the following is subject to change! To get a little break from annoying GUI programming, I decided to write up some of the changes coming in OC1.3. The main purpose is to make people aware of breaking changes ahead of time, so you can - at least mentally - prepare for them. The changes are for the most part relatively minor, so they shouldn't cause anyone much work. So without further ado, here is what's going to crash and burn. Breaking Changes Affecting Players ROM has been removed, aka but... why is the ROM gone?! There were a couple ideas on how to do customizab
  16. Version 1.2.9 is now available. This is an important hotfix for 1.2.8, fixing robots. I'm so sorry. Remember to backup your world before updating, just in case. Download for MC1.6.4 Download for MC1.7.2 [MC1.7] Fixed robot.swing() when robots use a tool. Improved OpenIRC (thanks Techokami). Terribly sorry about that, seems I only tested robots without tools recently. This post has been promoted to an article
  17. Thanks for the feedback. This has been requested before, and something along those lines will be in 1.3 (where robots will get a major overhaul anyway), probably as an upgrade.
  18. Version 1.2.8 is now available. Lots of fixes and built-in low-quality PC speakers. Remember to backup your world before updating, just in case. Download for MC1.6.4 Download for MC1.7.2 Added computer.beep() method to trigger the audible bell, automatically triggered when a string containing \a is processed by term.write(). Added missing implementation for os.time(table). Added native support for FreeBSD. Allow system to catch 'too long without yielding' (thanks ping). Rebalanced servers a little, making T1 a little worse but allowing more cards in T2 and T3. Screens of the same tie
  19. Version 1.2.7 is now available. This is just a small update. Remember to backup your world before updating, just in case. Download for MC1.6.4 Download for MC1.7.2 Added possibility to configure some keys using Minecraft keybindings. Added tooltip to make item costs in tooltip less secret-ish. Added "blue screens", displaying errors leading to computer crashes on attached screens if possible. Added possibility to place tier 1 and 1.5 RAM into robots' upgrade slot. Fixed a crash when updating from certain versions and having an old config around. Fixed potential server crash (MC1.7).
  20. Version 1.2.6 is now available. More bug fixes, a couple of small additions. Remember to backup your world before updating, just in case. Download for MC1.6.4 Download for MC1.7.2 Added tier 1.5 RAM. Added creative tier case with all max-tier slots. This case also generates an infinite amount of energy. Added robot upgrade to place blocks in thin air (thanks Keridos). Added dyes being usable to change the color of computer cases and screens. Added hologram.copy, which is slightly more efficient than hologram.fill'ing the same area (for larger areas anyway). Added a setting whethe
  21. Version 1.2.5 is out now. Mostly bugfixes and mod inter-compatibility. Remember to backup your world before upgrading, just in case. Download for MC1.6.4 Download for MC1.7.2 Fixed log spam when IC2 is installed. Fixed potential crashes in power logic. Fixed NPE in serialization of broadcast packets in switch/access point. Fixed access points not directly relaying wireless packets and the way hub relay delays work Fixed potential ConcurrentModificationException in tick handler. Fixed path resolver in shell for relative paths. Fixed instability in color packing/unpacking. Fixed ch
  22. If you're really serious about this, I'd recommend looking into making an addon mod for OC that provides a Lua 5.3 computer. You'd need: The compiled Lua 5.3 library, of course. Glue code to access it from Java (pretty sure JNLua won't work). Register an Architecture with OC. In your TileEntity/Environment create a machine using that architecture. Simple case: provide the machine node as the TileEntity's node (this is what the built-in computer cases do). Call the machine's update() from the TileEntity's updateEntity(). And quite possibly provide a customized ROM. Which seems like a lot of
  23. The resolver for relative paths was indeed borked, it's fixed now!
  24. Version 1.2.4 is out now. Everything should update nicely, but remember to backup your world before upgrading nonetheless. Download for MC1.6.4 Download for MC1.7.2 Since I forgot to post about the release of 1.2.3, here is the combined changeset for 1.2.3 and 1.2.4! Added support for overriding files in the ROM. Place files into [saves]/[world]/opencomputers/rom/Lua to do so. Added sounds! Disk activity and computer running noise (volume can be changed in settings). Added proper support robot names. Change it using an anvil. Added floppies with programs as loot to dungeon chests
  25. Interesting. So it's router software with control over the actual route taken, and that doesn't drop packets easily because of the larger buffer? As for a name... since it uses tapes... Tape.NET?
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