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About Programmdude

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  1. I do like big bases, the problem is that it takes so long to actually build anything. I do have an idea for a massive underground farm, all automated, but I am currently working on more automation and getting a train system setup. After that I think I am going to opencomputer my power system and have a nice GUI for that too.
  2. 1.6.4 currently, not enough mods are on 1.7.2 just yet.
  3. Any chance you can improve the memory usage with this? I tried compressing a file about 1/4 MB, not even my beefiest server with 4MB of ram could handle it.
  4. Would you mind making me a repo? I am working on a computercraft wrapper, it's "mostly" functional. I can run the shell, change directory, so on. I can even play the adventure game, but a bug with scrolling makes it glitchy after a short time. I'll probably end up putting my other OC related things in there too.
  5. I have started a new thread to showcase my base, since you were interesting in it. http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/126-my-opencomputer-base/
  6. In the support forum, I was asked to show off my base, so I decided to do that here instead of derailing the thread. It is under construction, more stuff is being added as I get around to it. Currently the idea is an underwater base with a central room, and 4 spokes out the side, one for each function. South is currently tech related, East will be magic, West will probably be a launch type system for galacticraft and icbm, and north might end up being a control room type thing. For the southern corridor, which is currently the only really functional one, I have 4 layers, the top is on the
  7. If you store your libraries in a standard location, such as /lib or /usr/lib (and probably /home/lib), they get loaded with a require("libraryName"), without the path. To do this for /lib or /usr/lib, you will need to mount your own drive as root, since the default root file system is the rom which is read only.
  8. While that was probably the issue for my reactor monitor, my door controllers have had another problem. It's using the adapter block with immibis's peripherals rfid reader, and every time a scan is complete another scan starts. My guess is that with the restart the rfid reader forgets about the fact that it was scanning, so it never returns a completed scan, so the program never issues another one. I have changed to a timer to initiate scans, my doors now survive restarting. No more crawling around in service tunnels for me.
  9. It seems like my computers are getting a too long without yielding error whenever the server restarts, the region is chunk loaded so they never get unloaded. Computers without a screen don't respond, and attaching a screen shows just black. If I exit the running program, it will print the exiting message but not load the shell again. Computers with a screen show the blue screen of death, with the too long without yielding error. All of these computers are running programs, all of them require a restart to start working again. The analyzer shows nothing relevant when I shift right-click the co
  10. I wrote a pair of programs that let you mount an external computer as a drive. It's mostly untested, so I won't be surprised if it decides to crash and launch nukes at your base. Currently the filesystem is read only, and sends the entire file over in one message, so chances are it will break if you try to send files larger then 8kb (or your server max message size) over. It also only supports 1 server, and 1 mounted drive. Lots of limitations, but it's good enough as a proof of concept. Currently the server only hosts one parent folder, which currently is called /share, which in my s
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