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MeltingBrain last won the day on October 27 2019

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About MeltingBrain

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  1. project dead, but we could talk about the acquisition of the source code if you're intreseted. Darkest Euphoria#9488
  2. Seems like system specific, try some basic stuff like updating drivers etc that might help, if not then try updating Java, or maybe some antivirus might be interfering. Yes I know it sounds not so probable but sometimes basic checks can save you a Huston SOS
  3. @IlynPayne update the title, it's not staragte controller but stargate there's a typo. Brilliant idea, but if you allow me I'd like to implement it as a base program on my new os (totally not self-advertising). And by implement I mean to use some of your code into a new program that'd be dedicated for stargates and credited under your name just remade by me.
  4. With clever resource usage you could fit a lot into this little jewel, and you could keep modules virtually in memory instead of writing them to files, or make a mode where this could be an option, so when the system would boot up you just set all modules to nil so lua's garbage collection will clear them from memory. This could attract more people as the idea of my bootloader downloading something into my filesystem is not what I personally would like, but if it could download custom modules automatically at every startup that'd be great of an option. Of course it would slow down the startup,
  5. Just make two copies, one bios.lua being the original one with a very clear and user-friendly code, and a second one compressed using this site. That's how I could make a coloured user interface BIOS with of course ability to choose which file on what filesystem will be booted up, ability to flash bios from the bios menu itself and ability to get bios data into a file from the bios itself too, with the options to shutdown and reboot if necessary. Trust me, compressing the file will give you a lot more space for expansion.
  6. There are no tutorials of such, but it's definetly possible (MineOS is an operating system that is compatible with OpenOS and has a powerful user interface). Please read the wiki for more information on the topic. You'll need to search around the GPU api, as it's the api that allows you to draw on the screen, and get used to signals as it's the only way to get user input. Hope I helped
  7. Once you've got a computer properly setup with OpenOS on it (which you can get by crafting a Floppy Disk with OpenOS on it, crafting recipes may vary please check on your own), the first thing you'll get into is a terminal. This is just a basic tutorial on how to do what you're looking for (and there's no need for any compat modules from redpower to read vanilla minecraft redstone signals). Once you boot up your computer you should end up in the openos terminal window. First thing to do is open up a new script. To do so in OpenOS, type "edit" without quotes and then the name of your fi
  8. I was making my own BIOS, a tip I could give you is to use this website: https://mothereff.in/lua-minifier to compress your BIOS as much as possible into a single file
  9. KestrelOS GUI-based, Windows-alike, highly customizable, and safe Operating System for common pourposes What's the major GUI-based OS currently available? The amazing system created by Igor, called MineOS (I'm sure everyone by now knows about it). Igor's system is based on OpenOS, that looks like MacOS and is by itself the most amazing system released yet, with all sorts of programs and even 3D libraries which is mind blowing. So why create yet another GUI-based system? There are several reasons why I decided to take on this journey. First of all, the m
  10. Wrong place to post - please delete this thread (sorry).
  11. Is there anything unique you'd like to implement into your OS? As far as it goes OpenOS is the way to go, unless your OS would feature something unique and different, or maybe you'd have a special pourpose for your OS? Maybe some kind of OS that allows multitasking different services and that can be ran on servers? Please elaborate a bit more when you showcase a product that is in development :)
  12. I did the same thing, but with a sophisticated browser that has it's own GUI, and higher security. I'd love to cooperate with you, since you're into that kind of things!
  13. Yeah i know, a lot of people don't even update their servers there (OC forums seems desertic). I've checked some CC servers but most are i would say CC-oriented, way too high ping, no OC at all or way too much people on it.
  14. I remember an old, but great server Shinexus that was out there long ago... There was always around 1 or 2 players online at least and at the night time there was around 10 players. The community was great, there were i think 2 cities and we could make things in thaumcraft, make stargates controlled by CC and server towers with OC. I was one of the richest on the server and had a decent influence on one of the cities, cause i did something similar to the internet: a central tower with OC server racks filled with servers hosting websites for anybody that wanted to rent one, all connected
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