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About Kaos-Network

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    My Home is My Website. My Children are My Servers.

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  1. We have really focused on releasing more updates to this server. Hope you guys enjoy the new features!
  2. This is very nice! Might need to use this on the server.
  3. "We're back after that short commercial break!" One of Kaos Networks finest servers has been reborn, this time with more of everything! SMP has never had more options allowing you to pick and choose how you want to get things started. Explorers, Warriors, Magicians, Engineers, or some mix of them all, will find pure entertainment in the Project Beta 2 server. kaos-network.com Modpack (Click Me!) Credits: - dannysmc95: Server host - roger109z: Chief BugSquasher/ServerManager - cyborgtwins: Creative Director Curr
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