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About Wattana

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    Junior Member

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  1. Hey! I would like to chime in since I am developing a custom OS on an architecture that uses CAB standard. Since some BIOSes, weirdly enough, do not support offset load start and only offer sector load start, wouldn't it be better to put everything into the first sector similar to FAT or MBR?
  2. Made this because I wanted to use Makefiles to automate right inside of OpenOS. Thought other people might find it useful, too. It currently only support macros, targets, dependencies(no file dependency as of yet) and some more basic features, but should be enough for most stuff you'd want to do. GitHub repo: https://github.com/atirut-w/bake Demo video:
  3. The game crashed with the Index Out Of Bound error
  4. Zoidburg once said something similar and blew my sanity lol
  5. I am looking forward to adding this feature in my OCLinux kernel but I am not sure how to do it. Just in case you need to take a look at the function that control filesystem components: https://github.com/WattanaGaming/OCLinux/blob/master/boot/kernel/OCLinux.lua#L83
  6. I originally create this kernel as a small software to provide basic functions for reading file, control components, etc. so I can create my custom OS. I decided to make it modular so it would be easy to debug and be like Linux. But I realized it can be used to make any custom OS I(or you)'d like. The kernel currently have few functions along with some useful variables. The functions include: gpuInvoke() Control the GPU and any attached displays. printStatus()/writeStatus() Low-level print() and io.write(). fs() Low-level filesystem controller. Can control a
  7. I am making a custom Linux-like kernel named "OCLinux" many functionalities are still missing, such as loading file, etc. How do I do this? Here is the kernel: https://github.com/WattanaGaming/OCLinux/blob/master/boot/kernel/OCLinux.lua
  8. This is the image of my kernel(Loaded up using OpenLoader as init) booting successfully. The print function is the first thing I need to implement so I ripped the status() function and some other important parts from OpenLoader and rename status() to print(). The next thing I need to do is to load init or bash(same concept as Linux kernel) and handle if init or bash exits
  9. I already took a look at it but I have to clues how to implement some useful functions like print() or to run another program from init.lua. I am completely clueless
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