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Everything posted by SpaceBeeGaming

  1. @neocromicon You have too old version of OpenComputers (the mod) update to 1.7.3 (you are using 1.6.1) . The thread library only exists in 1.7.x builds of the mod.
  2. The thing is that the directory has only files and no directories. The files contain binary data (sha256 hashes), so how would I actually iterate through them for comparing with a fresh value.
  3. How can I get the number of files in a directory?
  4. Not correct, there is x=x+1 line near the bottom.
  5. I have developed a sort of DNS server/client system. This is the fifth iteration of this system and finally, one which works and I'm happy with. Here is the link: https://github.com/SpaceBeeGaming/OC-DNS I know there was another "DNS" posted recently but it has not influenced mine (sounds selfish, I know; but true).
  6. If this is the case, it needs to be addressed in the wiki.
  7. @LORD MJ You do have t2 Redstone card in the computer, right? Could you also give us some details on what mod versions you have. MC version, of version and wr-cbe version numbers. I'm suspecting a incompatibility between mods, if it isn't the a problem with Redstone cards missing.
  8. https://ocdoc.cil.li/tutorial:custom_oses Here is some information regarding custom OS.
  9. @etria You are using the wrong disk drive block.
  10. Not sure it it helps you, but I do have a sort of DNS server (and client api) in the making and mostly finished. Basically a computer which holds a table of ip-hardware address pairs in a table. To which other computers can add or ask values via network messages. You can find it from my github: https://github.com/SpaceBeeGaming/OC-DNS It doesn't have any documentation or testing done yet (I will get to it soon).
  11. They can be used for a sort of "GPS" beacon. (Triangulating a position on a tablet with wireless network cards.) In essence, something really basic and specific.
  12. I wrote this simple library for saving and loading tables from files as I needed such functionality for my program. (Useful for saving program settings between reboots.) Requirements: OpenOS Documentation: load(string: path) Returns the table stored in given path. save(table, string: path) Saves the table in a file located in path local serialization = require("serialization") local tableToFile = {} function tableToFile.load(location) --returns a table stored in a file. local tableFile = assert(io.open(location)) return serialization.unserialize(tableFile:read("*all"))
  13. The program as I wrote it starts with the door open (Redstone signal off) There were also a few mistakes (forgetting to change the internal tracking of the door state when closing/opening the door), so here is a (mostly) fixed version. Edit: Tested: works. local component = require("component") local r = component.redstone local term = require("term") local text = require("text") ---- config section local password = { pw_open = "openMe", --pasword for opening pw_close = "closeMe" --pasword for closing } local side = 5 --side of the door ----- local open = true local input_p
  14. What do you mean with "capacity"? free space left? How many items you have? Be more specific!
  15. Oops! That's a silly mistake on my part. Happens when one has syntax form multiple languages get mixed.
  16. Could we have a better way of notifying people to mark the best answer as best? Currently, almost no one remembers to do that. It is somewhat annoying that a question which supposedly doesn't have a solution actually does.
  17. This should do what you want. I didn't test it so it may not work. Just reply with the error message if it doesn't work. local component = require("component") local r = component.redstone local term = require("term") local text = require("text") ---- config section local password = { pw_open = "openMe", pw_close = "closeMe" } local side = 5 --side of the door ----- local open = false local input_password local function checkPassword(i_password) if (i_password == password.pw_open & open == false) then return true elseif (i_password == password.pw_close & open == true
  18. I have no experience on this subject matter. And I'm not sure if it is even possible withing OpenComputers. So I can't help.
  19. I think that you can, in theory, code a TCP based protocol (HTTP, SMTP, FTP,... ), but I'm not sure.
  20. It supports tcp and http (based on the wiki page for internet component).
  21. The simplest solution is to have only one screen with a keyboard. That way it boots to that screen every time. As for multiple keyboards, I can't help.
  22. @PcStack Please mark Molinko's anwer as the best one. So this thread shows on the topic list as answered.
  23. @Slideri812 The modpack you are playing has an outdated version of opencomputers. You have to update the mod and reinstall OpenOS then it will work without problems.
  24. First, what program are you using? Second, the program has to be specifically made to work with multiple screens.
  25. That was part of the problem, also the issue might have been some typos, which I fixed before. It now works as expected.
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