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Everything posted by SpaceBeeGaming

  1. So, I have been working on an API which allows me to assign additional addresses to computers. And No I have a moment of confusion: function internal.dns.loadHosts() local HOST_FILE_LOC = os.getenv("HOST_FILE_LOC") print(HOST_FILE_LOC) --Prints /usr/misc/hosts.txt assert(HOST_FILE_LOC, "Missing environment variable: HOST_FILE_LOC pointing to a file used for storing dns mamppings ") if (filesystem.exists(HOST_FILE_LOC)) then local hostFile = io.open(HOST_FILE_LOC) print(serialization.unserialize(hostFile:read("*all"))) --prints a table local hosts hosts = serializati
  2. I don't think that is not possible out of the box. PS. Why are you using so outdated version of OpenComputers? Here is a link to a list of versions available for 1.7.10 (latest is on top): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/opencomputers/files?filter-game-version=2020709689%3A4449
  3. @Agster First question: are you playing on a server? if not just download the most recent version of OpenComputers from here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/opencomputers/files?filter-game-version=2020709689%3A4449. If you are on a server ask the server owner to update it. Then update your computer with the OpenOS installer disk.
  4. @Moobien Your reactor is running way too hot (above 3000). If the core temperature goes above 2000 the program flags the reactor as faulty.
  5. Hi! I decided to make a new CLI for BRGC (because someone here wasn't happy with the old one.) and decided that some of us could have a use for it. Here is a link to it: https://github.com/SpaceBeeGaming/OC-BRGC_CLI It just uses the old CLI with shell.execute(). It's still work in progress.
  6. @XyFreak At least in MC 1.7.10 with OC the program doesn't error when finishing calibration. So it is now usable.
  7. @RGB_Leader Or you could just update OpenComputers. Just download the latest version from Curse: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/opencomputers/download/2508602 (this is a direct link to the latest OpenComputers for Mc 1.7.10) and replace the old one in the mods folder of your pack. (assuming you are playing in single player).
  8. Okay, now there is another crash: [promise 381e6912-539f-5825-cbad-a79499c3c4c9] too long without yielding stack traceback: /usr/lib/promise.lua:37: in function 'on_failure' /usr/lib/promise.lua:52: in function </usr/lib/promise.lua:50> (...tail calls...) [C]: in function 'error' machine:11: in function <machine:4> /usr/lib/matrix.lua:76: in fuction 'get' /usr/lib/matrix.lua:127: in fuction 'mult' /usr/lib/polynomial_interpolator.lua:14: in function 'QRstep' /usr/lib/polynomial_interpolator.lua:56: in function 'interpolate' /usr/lib/brgc/rea
  9. These changes to the API mean that the program needs to have two version, one for ER and one for BR (1.7.10).
  10. Steps to get a program to run when you restart the computer: 1. reboot the computer. 2. type edit .shrc 3. Add there the full path of the file, eg /home/login.lua Ask if you still have problems.
  11. Hi, I'd like some help with calculating the aspect ratio so that the whole in-world screen is filled. Like having 4 wide and 3 tall screen and have it filled. what if 3 wide and 2 tall?
  12. Hi, I found your problem aufzu.lua: API = require("buttonAPI") local event = require("event") local computer = require("computer") local term = require("term") local component = require("component") local gpu = component.gpu local rs = component.redstone local colors = require("colors") local side = require("sides") function API.fillTable() API.setTable("Tor", tor, 10,20,3,5) --You set then name of button 1 to "Tor" API.setTable("Bahn", bahn, 22,32,3,5) --You set button 2 to "Bahn" API.setTable("Raus", test3, 10,20,8,10) --and so on... API.setTable("Rein", test4
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