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Everything posted by Nexarius

  1. You have to use the tier3 screen because tier2 doesn't have enough colors.
  2. I'm not removing the old colors... You have to select the new ones. It's called "dunkel".
  3. There is an update button or you wait until the update timer kicks in (it automatically checks every few hours) but the easiest is just restart the program (if auto updates are enabled).
  4. That would required alot more changes and I'm not going to do it. Btw I've already released the update and you can change it now in the config.
  5. I can do it if you give me the hex codes ...
  6. Also 1. Das Remote Terminal funktioniert genau wie ein Bildschirm bzw es ersetzt den Bildschirm. 2. Remote Terminal kann sich nur mit einem Server verbinden. Technically yes. I used color variables over the entire program. They are initialized in the /stargate/check.lua file. If you can give me the HEX values for the "dark theme" then I can implement it as a config option (check.lua is going to be overwritten on each update). This might be helpful.
  7. Place an adapter next to a Capacitor bank. The computer needs cpu, ram, disk, openos, lua bios, redstone card. It should emit a redstone signal to the bottom if the generators have to be turned on.
  8. ----> UNTESTED <---- I think this should work.
  9. WOW This looks awesome ! Whats the best way to convert a structure ingame into the file for the computer?
  10. Pretty cool Just a small improvement idea. You can use the unicode box characters (they work ingame) for boxes. look here
  11. You can only change the text size by changing the resolution which affects the entire screen but you could take a look at this
  12. Thanks So if I'm understanding this correctly you cannot interrupt io.read() but you can put in inside a thread and then just kill the entire thread to stop it. I will try that.
  13. Thanks for the quick answer I tried that and it didn't work.
  14. Hi Is there any way to stop io.read() or term.read() once it was called without the user pressing enter? (for example automatically abort after 30sec?) Is there another way to get the input that allows it? Thanks for the help
  15. You can go edit the files and lower this value here. https://github.com/Nex4rius/Nex4rius-Programme/blob/master/Tank/client/tank/auslesen.lua#L16
  16. The robots can rightclick. It is entirely possible to automate the ic2 crops. I have done that actually. (I made that program a long time ago to automate redwheat.)
  17. You could edit the serialization library and add a os.sleep(0)
  18. You could do that with a wireless network card (that is an internal not external component) but of course the other side needs a computer who can detect the signal.
  19. 1) event.listen("modem_message") that's not how it works 2) Why is there event.listen() in the title but you are only asking about event.pull() and modem.broadcast()? 3) I think you forgot to give your wireless signals a signal strength (default is 0).
  20. I just tried it again (but I have OpenOS 1.6) and it updated normally to OpenOS 1.6.8 Now that the OS is broken there isn't really a way to fix it. I suggest that you make another HDD with a fresh copy of OpenOS then update it to 1.6.8 and then insert your old HDD and copy the files to your new one.
  21. What version of OpenOS do you have? (restart the computer and it will tell you at the top)
  22. I've used wireless network cards and haven't noticed that they are unreliable. Do you know about this?
  23. local component = require("component") for k in component.list("tile_defense_machine_launcherscreen_name") do component.proxy(k).launch() end You can use this if you have multiple launchers and want to activate all of them.
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