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Everything posted by Nexarius

  1. Schreib einfach view /log wenns existiert sollte er etwas anzeigen. Hat das Programm ursprünglich funktioniert bis du eine Adresse / Einstellungen geändert hast? Sieht es bei dir den zumindest so aus wie hier ? Zeigt es dir etwas an, wenn du das Stargate einfach mit einem stargate controller aktivierst? Kannst du es mal updaten lassen indem du /stargate/check.lua ja eingibst? Falls das nicht funktioniert kannst du es komplett löschen und neuinstallieren? Gib dies ein pastebin run -f YVqKFnsP neu Solange du mit dem Modpack nicht
  2. Open Modular Turrets integration wird wahrscheinlich nicht möglich, weil ich den Mod überhaupt nicht kenne. Benutz einfach einen T2 screen der hat die selben Funktionen, dann wird es nicht so klein sein. Geht nur der Touchscreen nicht oder hast du es auch mit einem Keyboard versucht? Kannst du nachschauen ob die Datei /log existiert? Für OpenComputers gibt es schon eine neuere Version und damit wurde OpenOS auf 1.6 geupdated mit starken Veränderungen. Ich musste einige Änderungen vornehmen um es zum laufen zu bekommen und ich hab nicht mehr getestet ob es mit der
  3. This program can display the contents of tanks on a big screen with a colored bar that can dynamically change its size. It can show up to 256 128 64 different liquids which are sorted from highest amount to lowest. 5x8 is the optimal size for the screen. Multiple tanks with the same liquids are automatically added together and empty tanks are ignored. This display is split into 2 programs. 1) Server - this receives the tank information and displays it 2) Client - this has the adapter with the tank controller (you can have as many as you like) optimal screen sizes
  4. Good to hear that the autorun fixed itself. edit: I added extra colors just for tier3 screens so that should be fixed aswell. (not purple anymore)
  5. Update to 2.7.1 You can now type "pastebin run YVqKFnsP" to install it but so far I haven't been able to figure out how OpenOS 1.6 messed up autorun so you will have to start the programm manually by typing "stargate" after its installed.
  6. I haven't seen that one because I've been using my already installed computer when I updated OpenComputers to 1.6 which means it still had OpenOS 1.5 on it and OpenComputers 1.6 now has OpenOS 1.6. They've changed something in OpenOS 1.6 that broke it and figuring out what will be fun because the changelog is the "most helpful thing ever". I will try to fix this.
  7. This is my stargate control program for sgcraft called nexDHD How to get it: link to github pastebin run -f YVqKFnsP Computer requirements: - CPU T2 - GPU T2 - 12x Screen T2 - HDD T1 (with OpenOS) - 2x Memory T1.5 - Internet Card - only required for installation and updates - keyboard - only required for installation - Redstone Card T2 - optional - EEPROM (Lua BIOS) features of my program: - autoclose iris on incoming wormhole (when iriscontrol is turned on) - autoopen iris if correct IDC is received (iris deactivation cod
  8. 1) I don't think you should make a thread with two different subjects. 2) You might want to check out my stargate programm. It allows dialling (from an address list) and automated iris control The automated iris control (which can be turned off if you want) can automatically close the iris on an incoming wormhole and open it automatically if the correct IDC is received but the programm is not wireless or with tablets. It works over the stargate computer interfaces and obviously you need this computer control programm on both sides for it to work with the IDC because one computer is send
  9. I'm sometimes getting this error but if I just restart the computer it works fine for a while before I get this error again. But when I run this to check all connected components. I'm only getting 20 components. And my computer should be able to have 36 attached components. What am I doing wrong? https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1908
  10. I'm sometimes getting an error that there are too many components connected to my computer but when I restart it (without removing or adding anything) it works fine again for about a week. Then I check how many components I have connected to the computer so I run this to get this Then I check my computer. I has a CPU Tier 2 and 2x Component Bus Tier 2 which should give me a maximum number of 36 components and I'm only using 20. Why do I get the too many components connected error?
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