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Draconic Control - Get everything out of your draconic reactor

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It looks like not enough power is being extracted from the reactor. DC is "immune" to config file changes as it has code in place to figure out those multipliers through backwards calculation (and sometimes they just don't matter). Is wherever you're piping the energy to able to accept that much / store that much? (I'm guessing yes but still asking ;) )

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5 hours ago, XyFreak said:

It looks like not enough power is being extracted from the reactor. DC is "immune" to config file changes as it has code in place to figure out those multipliers through backwards calculation (and sometimes they just don't matter). Is wherever you're piping the energy to able to accept that much / store that much? (I'm guessing yes but still asking ;) )

I use Cryo-Ducts (unlimited transfer) and Tesseracts (see picture). On the end another Tesseract is directly connected to the Energy Pylon to get/receive the energy (one Tesseract for sending energy into the storage ball and one to drain from it and only for the reactor)



Master Question here: How can I get a breeder in 1.7.10 if smth. is going wrong?

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So the 1.7 version is built around extracting energy from the reactor and reinjecting it through a seperate circuit. As a result, the flux gate extracting energy that goes to storage is only extracting CALCULATED_OUTPUT - REINJECT

So there's your problem. Your setup looks more like the 1.10 setup, in which case you should propably use the 1.10 program. (I knew i changed something important going from 1.7 to 1.10)

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10 hours ago, XyFreak said:

So the 1.7 version is built around extracting energy from the reactor and reinjecting it through a seperate circuit. As a result, the flux gate extracting energy that goes to storage is only extracting CALCULATED_OUTPUT - REINJECT

So there's your problem. Your setup looks more like the 1.10 setup, in which case you should propably use the 1.10 program. (I knew i changed something important going from 1.7 to 1.10)

Hmmm, since I am the server owner and my mate has no probles with it, I can test the current version of your script in 1.7.10 and will see, if I can create a void in the void or if the reactor will still be there :D
Give me one or two days and I'll share my experiences and what I have used in the config ;)

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1 minute ago, payonel said:

@TheGamingOtaku it is a bug in openos that is fixed in our dev builds ( https://ci.cil.li/  ), will be in our next release (1.7.5) on curseforge, and you can you patch it manually per machine if you can't/don't want to update your mod version to our dev builds. Review this comment I left discussing this:


Thanks! That fixed it.

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Hi, this looks like a really great programme! I'm completely new to opencomputers (or any form of computer programming for that matter), and wanted to set up a reactor on a server I play on. Unfortunately it uses OpenOs 1.7.4, which is stated doesn't work properly. Is there a way to install a different version of OpenOs without the disk so that I'd be able to use this programme? 

Thanks you for any help you can give! 

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I'm using OC and DE 1.12.2- on minecraft 1.12.2.

When I run 'draconic_control start' it outputs 'Draconic control service started.' but when I run 'dc_gui' it outputs 'Draconic Control has not been configured yet. Please make sure everything is set up correctly and start this program again.' I followed all the instructions in the link. Is there a different version that works in 1.12.2 or do you have to do additional config in 1.12.2?

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kimage.thumb.png.790f7676c465fe7e4dabafb8ac27ba69.pngSo im assuming this is way past inactive and you're not gonna respond to this, but @XyFreak I've encountered this error with every controller program ive tried for my draconic reactor, and tried just about every fix i could find for every problem I could find to try and get this to work properly but alas i have yet to get it to work properly. i'm in a creative world to test it and i've tried at least 7 different programs, watched multiple tutorials, scoured this forum for the better part of 2 hours just looking for anyone else with the same error code or even somethign similar and have yielded no results. so here i am, 3 years after your last reply on here asking for your help. I'm at the end of the rope with my sanity and i cannot for the life of me figure out what i'm doing wrong. Also the second image is just confusing me because to me it seems like it should be working but it's not? Please help..... 


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Hello, I'm playing version 1.12.2 Ftb Revelutiion 3.6.0 I saw in the forum that it worked for others. Did everything exactly as described. But unfortunately the gui is much too big,
no matter what screen size I use. and the reactor doesn't start. I put fuel in and started it. Can anyone help me? LG


https://postimg.cc/Th5b4Sds Das Gui ist viel zu groß


Screenshot 2024-03-30 122154-min.png

Screenshot 2024-03-30 122303-min.png

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On 3/30/2024 at 12:40 PM, Bjoerniboii said:

Looking at the image you sent, i can see the borders around the bars are blue (they should be gray-ish). This means you're using either a T2 GPU or a T3 APU, meaning the resolution of your screen is capped at 80x25, while a T3 GPU+screen has a max resolution of 160x50. So to fix your GUI being too large, you'll have to put a T3 GPU inside your computer.

As for the reactor not starting, check to make sure the addresses you put inside your config are correct. You can copy the address of an adapter by control+shift+right-clicking on it with an analyzer, and you can paste said address into the config with either the Insert key or with the middle mouse button (note using the middle mouse button moves the cursor first!)

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