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Found 14 results

  1. Have you ever wanted to have an easier experience using your computer? Is MineOS too laggy and OpenOS mayhaps a little too confusing? Introducing TherOS, a minimal (operating system/environment?) that provides basic tools to do what you want. These tools include: A graphical file manager with basic file management and creation abilities A program installer (can install from pastebin or github/literally any website ig) A simple and easy-to-use installer A terminal that can be used to run whatever The OS has 2 versions, main and bleeding-edge (SUPPOSED TO BE the
  2. I have created a Mockup of a Potential Operating System for OpenComputers 1.8.x, this OS is based off of the SharePoint and DOS 5 styles. Here are some designs: If you would like to see this become a real OS in OC, please reply.
  3. MineOS is a GUI based operating system for the OpenComputers Minecraft mod. It has extensive customisation abilities as well as an app market to publish your creations among the OS community. For developers there is wonderful illustrated wiki with lots of code examples. List of main features: Multitasking Double buffered graphical user interface Language packs and software localization Multiple user profiles with password authentication Own EEPROM firmware with boot volume choose/format/rename features and Internet Recovery mode File sharing over the local n
  4. Okay, so here's my problem. I am trying to make my own custom OS for OpenComputers. However, I am having issues with the GPU displaying on-screen. I have code that should, as far as I can tell, do what I need it to, but doesn't. How to reproduce: Download the attached .lua files, and put them on a floppy disk. Place init.lua in the root directory (of the floppy), and boot.lua in sys/boot/ (so the files on the floppy should be /init.lua and /sys/boot/boot.lua). Boot from the floppy, and you will see what I mean. If anyone can help me, or knows what I can change or look
  5. I originally create this kernel as a small software to provide basic functions for reading file, control components, etc. so I can create my custom OS. I decided to make it modular so it would be easy to debug and be like Linux. But I realized it can be used to make any custom OS I(or you)'d like. The kernel currently have few functions along with some useful variables. The functions include: gpuInvoke() Control the GPU and any attached displays. printStatus()/writeStatus() Low-level print() and io.write(). fs() Low-level filesystem controller. Can control a
  6. I am attempting to write an OS from scratch and I have come up with a couple questions that somebody can hopefully clarify for me as I cannot continue without the following knowledge. 1).Since a critical function like require is unavailable, can someone point me to general steps needed to write a custom require function. 2).What would be needed to implement a custom filesystem without any libraries from openos. Any help is greatly appreciated
  7. Shuudoushi


    Introduction: Hello, as some of you may know, I'm a regular on the IRC chan, and I go by the name Shuudoushi (Shuu for short). For sometime now, I've been steadily building something of an OS, SecureOS (SOS for short). But haven't wanted to put it up here as I'm not really happy with it as it sits, but I don't think I'll ever really be happy with it, so here it is! Goal: The main goal of SOS was to provide better security for OpenOS through a program suite of sorts, but has steadily evolved into it's own little beast. Now the goal is to provide better security and a more unix like fe
  8. skyem123


    miniOS MiniOS is an OS that is similar to early versions of MS-DOS. It crashes often, but it has one key advantage over openOS. It leaves around 100k of RAM free on 192k systems (Where did you think I got the name from?). As of now the API is simple, all the libs are in the global namespace and require just returns what is in the global namespace. THIS IS ALPHA QUALITY! BUGS WILL EXIST! BAD CODING! Commands: cmds - views all of the internal commands <DRIVE LETTER>: - switches to the drive Screenshot: Download: GitHub version (Old Version use GitHub!)
  9. I am building an OS and i am not going to use the filesystem library. I am going to write my own filesystem for unmanaged drives. To boot i need to be able to run programs. The default libraries will not support my custom filesystem how can i run programs? Is is possible to compile and run a string as a program using EEPROM accessible libraries?
  10. VetaTech OS [ABANDONED] VETATECH OS IS NOW ABANDONED, I AM WORKING ON A NEW OPERATING SYSTEM. The reason VetaTech OS was abandoned is due to it's unique core which was made really from scratch. I am working on the quite same GUI-based os, but working under default OpenOS (like Windows 7 works under DOS). After doing stresstests and trying to make it daily-use instead of OpenOS it became hard because of lack of features that OpenOS has by default. Because of that, i'll work, as said above, under default OpenOS, meaning that OpenOS will be loaded first and then an graphical user in
  11. I'm writing a custom OS for educational purposes and I'm having issues getting keyboard input. Everything completely works in OpenOS so everything is hooked up correctly. My init.lua code Here is my keyboard code I've copied the dofile function from OpenOS so it should work with my code.
  12. Hello, I am experiencing some problems using Open Computers. I set up a tier-3 computer connected to a network containing a few other computers and a raid system. When I set up the tier-3 computer I put in an OpenOS disk and enter the install command to copy the OS to the hard drive. The computer works fine and will boot. However, whenever I connect an OC cable to the computer to connect it to the rest of the network (which is pretty small, only a server rack, a raid and one other computer) I cannot reboot the computer. Whenever I do that it seems to get stuck in the init.lua script. It is
  13. Hello Community, I want to program my own OS for OC and have a problem: I don't know, how exactly the boot works. I tried to use component.anything() and it didn't worked, because the variable component doesn't exists. I can't use require('component') too. Any ideas to solve this problem? Luca
  14. Getting Started A Open Computer's Tutorial By PotatoTrumpet Introduction A mod like Open Computers (OC) can be confusing to new users. Some people need a little guidance to get started. If you need more in-depth help, check out the wiki. It is recommended that you know the basics of the language that we will be programing in, know as Lua. It is recommended to read the Lua 5.2 Reference Manual to get the basics of Lua down. Components and Modules Assuming you know the crafting recipes for the parts required, here is what you will need for this tutorial: 1x Po
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