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ben_mkiv last won the day on November 16 2019

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About ben_mkiv

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  1. good job on that, started something similar once but got distracted... thanks for sharing
  2. you have to place the adapter next to the Export Bus anyways. So the controller shouldnt be required
  3. I would suggest to skip 1.13 at all. A lot of mods are already updated to 1.14.4 (including CC) so imho if someone knows what to do its about time ;-) https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods?filter-game-version=2020709689%3A7469&filter-sort=4 edit: seems like forge dropped a lot of its GUI stuff which doesnt help to get mods ported at a reasonable time/effort without recreating all the GUI Elements from scratch -.-
  4. I've done something similar in the past without EC2, the robot takes its stuff from chests/drawers. Also any Structure is possible when defined in /usr/lib/ccRecipes.lua https://github.com/ben-mkiv/oc-lua/tree/master/src/robot/compactingmachines Setup should look like this https://imgur.com/a/YG0wWdm The movement of the robot can be optimized, but for me it never did matter as i just set it to craft a certain amount of machines so that im set
  5. oh, yea they can be placed on ground and ceiling, too. also added a multipart support, a dyeable keyboard and a recipe dictionary which can lookup recipes from items and store them to a database to the latest snapshot
  6. There are none within the mod, but you can do that with OC but it requires knowledge about how things work. you could use network messages to send a command to the computer which the alarm is connected to. Or (which is more complicated) assemble a Microcontroller with the Alarm inside, which does listen for the network message. How to use network messages can be read up here: https://ocdoc.cil.li/component:modem You should start with 2 computers which have a wireless network card, and when you got that running you could look into microcontrollers.
  7. please try to change alarm.setRange(1-60) to alarm.setRange(15) and report back if the issue persists
  8. Is this still a thing? :> Would love to have a special thinger with purple light (float) 0.8156, 0, 1 (ingame name: ben_mkiv) my oc projects are actually 3 addon mods that have ~10k downloads * OCDevices which adds tilt/rotateable flatscreens, new decorative computer cases and a external card dock (source on github) * OpenEntity a mod that allows to attach computers to any mob/minecart/player in the world (source will be released on github when its out of alpha stage) * OpenGlasses2 which is a revamp/fork of marcin212's OpenGlasses with new features (source on githu
  9. Did you install the Mod on the server, too? Or did you just use it on the Clientside? Or was that Singleplayer Mode?
  10. https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/laggoggles you could install this mod, and profile the server usage, then upload the log or a screenshot of this screen: (iirc it shows when you click "analyze result" after running the profiler)
  11. Features: FlatScreen Panel frameless screen which can be configured to be "rotated/tilted" on the x/y axis and can render transparent (they work as normal Screens, Touchinput will be improved in the final release) CardDock external housing for OpenComputer Cards which can be bound to any machine in the Network Cases additional Tier3 computer cases from ZefTheFox Download on curseForge for Minecraft 1.12.2 https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/ocdevices
  12. nice, mineos also has one that can be used standalone and is worth a try as it got another charset https://github.com/IgorTimofeev/MineOS/blob/master/Screensavers/Matrix.lua
  13. The bee in question is the temporal species from careerbees but im not sure if it allows you more indirect component calls. probably not
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