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Everything posted by BrisingrAerowing

  1. local modem=component.proxy(component.list("modem")()) local turbine=component.proxy(component.list("br_turbine")()) local target = nil modem.open(1) local target = false while true do local e, to, from, _, _, command = computer.pullSignal() if e == "modem_message" then if command == "s" then modem.send(from,1, "Handshake") target = from elseif command == "a" then if (turbine.getActive()) then turbine.setActive(false) else turbine.setActive(true) end elseif command == "c" then if (turbine.getInductorEngaged()) then turbine.setInductorEngaged(false) else
  2. O_O That looks freaking EPIC! Keep up the good work!
  3. That looks AWESOME! I can't wait! (OK, OK, I can wait, I just don't want to!)
  4. @Log There is a third party driver for OC-RS compat for 1.10.2, found here. The system in RS is actually based on the third party API (copied and pasted, as a matter of fact).
  5. This project keeps getting better and better! Keep up the good work, and keep on crafting!
  6. I had already logged out, and logging back in the case was black and wasn't working. I replaced it and restarted the computer, then had to run the discover command to get the program to find the cap bank. The case turning black and components going missing is a known issue, and I found something that may be at least part of the underlying issue (and posted my findings to the bug tracker).
  7. I ran the discover command and it showed up. I had to replace the computer as the case turned black and the CPU and EEPROM vanished.
  8. I have the cap bank connected with an adapter (and it shows up in the components list) and I do have Computronics installed. I'll get some screenshots in a moment.
  9. I have a 17 x 17 x 17 passive reactor (due to the above mentioned bug), as well as a massive Ender IO capacitor bank that can store 191 Billion RF. For some reason, the controller shut down the reactor after calibration, even though the storage is nowhere near full. Why is this? Also, the GUI elements in the various details sections are not aligned correctly.
  10. @Dustpuppy I have all the code modified, I just haven't tested it yet. I also cut out some code that wasn't being used anywhere.
  11. How about allowing setting the card name to a custom string? I would like that for my setup.
  12. I quite like this, and I am currently working on converting the door program and server into services (using the RC API) so that they can be run in the background. I am also moving common code into a library that the other programs reference. I currently have the library and server done, next is the door program, and the GUI after that. I may also do some more work to integrate more into the OpenSecurity users system, along with my User Roles implementation for OpenSecurity (but that is further down the road and will be a separate set of programs, so that the original versions can st
  13. @jcthiel13 I have a daemon / service version of this that allows having multiple doors, as well as allowing plugins for more control over when a door can open. You can find it here.
  14. @daraku_dakara You need to connect the adapter to an energy pylon.
  15. I have been working on a basic user roles implementation for SecureOS (using @payonel's updated fork), and I am getting ready to release the first version. It allows creating, editing, and removing roles, and giving and taking roles from users. It also has an alias system so that roles can be referred to by multiple names, as well as for backwards compatibility when renaming roles. I'll add API docs and a download link later. Getting late right now, and I have a few other things I need to get working before I release (such as the automatic addition of new users).
  16. Is there an event fired when a computer is shutting down? I ask because I am working on a user roles system for SecureOS (using @payonel 's updated fork) and want to save the databases I use when the computer shuts down (they will also be saved on a timer).
  17. According to ZeroNoRyouki, pipes from the Pressure Pipes mod should work (if they use capabilities). That mod's pipes have (theoretically) infinite throughput, and can transfer multiple fluids over the same pipe. I'm going to have to test that.
  18. I just set this up to control my 15 x 15 x 15 reactor with 61 control rods. Although it seems that Extreme Reactors has a bug that caps the steam generation at 2000 mB / t, which this thing gets to easily.
  19. @XyFreak How about adding power storage support for RFTools Powercells? Those are the only power storage system available on 1.11 that I know of (there may be others). RFTools does have built in computer support, so it shouldn't be all that difficult to add it in (famous last words there...).
  20. Somewhat on topic, there is a pure lua implementation of CBOR here.
  21. You might want to recheck the spelling of your title.
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