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Log last won the day on March 19 2023

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  1. A simple and compact code lock with a password that can contain digits from 1 to 9. 0 is used as the "enter" button. The length of the password can range from 1 to 255. Steps to use: 1. Arrange the modules in a comfortable configuration (lock the sides if necessary) 2. Set the constants 3. Upload the program to the execution module 4. Set the password Right-click to open the ROM interface In cell 0 set the password length Sequentially set each digit of the password Install the ROM into a casing block 5. To activate redstone, type t
  2. To access the remaining slots you need to connect through character's head.
  3. how can i make Robot-miner with geolyzer - Programs - OpenComputers (cil.li) use tinkers construct tools (i wanna add an unbreakable pickaxe to it) ((also does it return to the charger depending on the charge))

  4. Log


    Hey, I would also like to have a repository in the Open Programs organization. My nickname: zgyr
  5. I own black magic. Сan determine the block hardness in one scan, at any distance. Maybe I'll write a post explaining how to do it.
  6. That is mighty easy. computer.pullSignal = nil
  7. local function compass() local sides = {2, 1, 3, 0} -- links of cardinal points, for raw data local D = nil for s = 1, #sides do if robot.detect(3) or robot.place(3) then -- check for block in front side local A = geolyzer.scan(-1, -1, 0, 3, 3, 1) -- scan blocks around the robot robot.swing(3) local B = geolyzer.scan(-1, -1, 0, 3, 3, 1) for n = 2, 8, 2 do if math.ceil(B[n])-math.ceil(A[n])<0 then -- check the difference between two scans D = sides[n/2] -- set the direction break end end else -- turn if there is
  8. Robot can determine the facing using the geolizer. And you can scan 16x16 blocks at a time, as I did.
  9. Program and library for building GPS network. https://github.com/DOOBW/OC-GPS Download: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DOOBW/OC-GPS/master/usr/bin/gps.lua /bin/gps.lua wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DOOBW/OC-GPS/master/usr/lib/gps.lua /lib/gps.lua The functionality is the same as in the ComputerCraft. Additional command "flash" allows to upload firmware to EEPROM. When the coordinates are precisely determined, when flashing the position of the microcontroller can be omitted - at the first start it will determine its position from neighboring sate
  10. Update Added ability to work with solar panels. When the energy level falls below 30 percent, the robot climbs to the surface and charges from the built-in solar panel. There is a check of time of day and weather conditions.
  11. Log


    This bug has already been fixed You need update the mod to the latest version.
  12. There are quite a few games, but their do not post them on this forum. For example: simple RPG Or flappy bird
  13. I fixed it. Download the file again, please. The error was due to the computer.beep(), which is not compatible with the old versions OpenComputers. P. S. Instead of batteries, I advise you to use the experience upgrade or additional generator
  14. Such objects are just tables, they must be processed in the correct sequence. players = component.debug.getPlayers() -- get a players list for i = 1, players.n do print(players[i]) -- display the name of the next player end player = component.debug.getPlayer(players[1]) -- get player proxy by name from list world = player.getWorld() -- get the proxy of the world in which the player is located print(world.getDimensionName()) -- print the name of the world -- Or you can get everything at once players = component.debug.getPlayers() for i = 1, players.n do print(players[i], component.d
  15. There are variables in the code that can be customized chunks - how many chunks need to be processed min and max - the minimum and maximum hardness of mined blocks port - port for interaction with the robot (if a wireless card is installed)
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