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Everything posted by rougeminner

  1. This does not work for me either, i am using Safari and OS X Ei Captain i don't belive this would cause a problem seeing as you used JS but i know its important Info, your webpage loads so its not a 404 it just fails to load/display/convert the model its stuck with a blank screen? i can't figure out what i have done wrong,
  2. yup i noticed this i should have read README.md before i asked that question it says just to credit him
  3. is there any chance i can attempt to rescue this thread i don't have much experience in java coding but i am learning so as one of my projects i would like to attempt to bring this mod back, of course i will and always will give credit where credit is due (in this case you and if you have one you're team), do you mind if i take the source code and revive this add-on?
  4. thankyou, getting the component method didn't work for me but i was using different code i will try yours now.
  5. Time to start getting into term glasses again
  6. GREAT!!!!!!! will install on server been waiting for this!!!
  7. Does your scanning code for the skins load the whole hologram as a 3d object?

  8. Thank you, I just haven't been active in OC for sometime had in known this was released i would have installed it asap, i can even figure out how to use the color API in open computers, so much more confusing then CC but probably has something to do with almost pure lua. Thanks for re-Uploading!
  9. How can i use the spoof card i can't find docs on it anywhere not even in game? EDIT: Is this forum page even still Alive? I know the mod is.
  10. is it possible that i could take the output from the camera, import it in to a computer and translate the return into colors or are the numbers random?
  11. What happened to the Paste?
  12. This I REALLY like, Do i have to use dofile or can i use require?
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