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Everything posted by rougeminner

  1. ok, THANKS! i will make sure to try this as soon as possible on my mac right now i am on mobile so can't really try it to well. i am going to try and get a boot loader running so you don't have to focus both sides of the code (unless you want to). i figured you seem to have the outside part down so i will try my hardest to get the inside part down. how ever i can try to help with the outside part if needed although not much preferred at this point in time. thanks for the help catching the rest of us up with you.
  2. ok, thanks i will make sure to install said packages. i think we are getting close to being able to compile it on our parts. i will get back to you by editing this post. well, i was really hoping that would work, thanks for the link i am sure it will help me out in the future but as of right now it did not fix the problem. can't wait for the newlib release.
  3. Gorzoid. i am getting the same error, i have been trying to fix it and not really getting anywhere in doing so. at least i think i am getting the same error that you are so i will post my error and you can agree with me or not. but i can not figure out where this error is coming from Compiling src/test.c... In file included from src/test.c:2: In file included from /usr/lib/llvm-3.8/bin/../lib/clang/3.8.0/include/inttypes.h:26: In file included from /usr/include/inttypes.h:25: /usr/include/features.h:367:12: fatal error: 'sys/cdefs.h' file not found # include <sys/cdefs.h> ^
  4. ok, thanks for saving me time from trying to figure out why your package won't install. glad i checked here first. and yes the parrot is my pet he flew out and flew 1/4 mile from my house. then stopped. during my search today i am 95% sure i saw him flying back though. fingers crossed i did. when you release your package will it be a download from here or a terminal download like apt-get (idk what it is for which ever linux you use.) upon reviewing my reply and your posts i figured out where i got confused thanks for the reference to gcc-arm-none-eabi. i believe this will help me ou
  5. So. just for the purpose of catching up. the program you are send me to is a program that you made to simulate OC-ARM so i don't need to compile the code anymore. if so this is wonderful information because my computers are f-[CENSORED]-ing POSSESSED they never wanna work for me. not even when i set everything up just perfect. i will download this tomorrow maybe (sooner if you can tell me how to get an African Grey Parrot down from a tree (but this is off subject)). thanks for the suggestion to QEMU. i at the same time of learning how to program for this mod decided if i am going to go halfway
  6. i have a copy of ubuntu on my desktop. thanks for the suggestion. so the problem with compiling was that i was that i wasn't using linux. will make note of that. also YEAH FOR FLU TYPE B!!!! don't you just love being bed written for 5 days. i sure don't but i am also. do you know any tricks for getting virtual box so simulate ARM?
  7. so i was doing some asking around, people can't wait for this add-on to be finished and released functional. so when you release the Mod Solra i don't think one would worry about a user base. also i still haven't figured out the above question. if someone could PLEASE assist me with that i would be very grateful. if you see the problem starts with Architecture not supported then it escalates but from what you said in the past if i just install binutils and run make it should work right?
  8. ok, i know that my constant coming back and asking for help has to be getting annoying. at least it is when people do it to me. but i am having a problem with binutils SURPRISE. you even told me i would have problems with this. but i was unable to find documentation to help me fix this. and i have been trying to fi it for the better part of a week. i will of course post the error below. the problem starts in my terminal, i think it is because of a faulty install of binutils. but that maybe why i couldn't find documentation of the error, it may not be a binutils error. but i have no clue i am g
  9. Grrrrr. just as i thought this would be a flawless install. i see what you where saying about binutils working with everything in an earlier post. gotta start figuring out whats wrong with it now. how ever i do feel really stupid for not putting together that the Makefile goes with guess what MAKE hahahahaha. i am stupid some of the instructions i read up on i look at and go "No way he uses this in the code." and then i look for it can't find it so i skip reading it. then i go back day later and BOOM right in the middle of my screen is the command i didn't feel like learning. guess i s
  10. YEAH, glad your doing better and back at your place. thanks for the info. when i was asking about the arg's i should've been more specific. i was wondering the args for clang to compile the elf file. i understand that rom files are made with make. if i am correct. what i am trying to do at this point is experiment trying to make the boot loader. so thats why i am wondering about these. the method is clang = elf and make = rom correct?
  11. ok. so i found bin utils. now i am having a small problem getting the arguments right. do you remember what you did with them originally and what does # mean. i thought it was like x86 where its a comment but i don't think it is anymore. also. just so i can look over to try and figure out some more stuff you could release the source code for the new alpha? your code is really great to look through well commented almost no need for documentation. i wish everyone else coded like that
  12. i am looking forward to when that happens solra. thats why i was (still am ) helping. i didn't know that all of that came with Xcode. i know nasm does, thanks for the tip. if Clang comes with Xcode i will use it. i had it installed at one point. but then it got removed don't know why. glad to hear that the car is hurting more PS TELL THE CRAZY LUNATICS BEHIND THE GERMAN AND WHERE EVER SOLRA IS AT THAT THEY NEED TO STOP DRIVING!
  13. Sorry to hear about the car, i hope its hurting more then you are . i am glad to hear that you are doing better, i was just about to have a mental break down trying to get all of these programs running on my mac. i have been stalled for 3 months trying to get this mod to load boot0.rom. and now i know why i haven't been getting anywhere. i feel some kinda stupid. for future reference, i have the means to write the code (assembler not java). but i do not have the means to compile (again assembler not java) them, also one more quick question, if i am reading correctly (i am 99.9% sure i am ) you
  14. Yup found it last night error on CPU.execute. I am going to take a look at it today once my laptop charges, so I need to replace some of the malloc code with what was listed above as well? so i have gather a bit of a detail report and found that its a java error not a problem with the code in the game. here are some details Open Computers WARN: Architecture runThreaded thew an error. THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN java.lang.StackOverflowError at name.bizna.jarm.CPU.executeARMPage67(CPU.java:1390) ~[CPU.class:?] --here is the code at this location: int register_list = iword & 65535; at
  15. in the past has anyone gotten it to boot into test.elf? because if any of you have i would really like to know, thats where i have been sitting for quite a while now. can't assess the damage until i have seen it. so once i get boot0.rom to work i will move to the C problem that greaseMonkey provided. but i can't even get it to boot test.elf. i have to rename it to arm.elf to get it to run but that fixes nothing really same error (i think, its a really generic error message)
  16. i must be missing a file i didn't see a luarom. let me go get it found it. i feel stupid now i didn't have that folder
  17. jarom i think . in boot0.rom it says that its requires arm.elf to run. so i downloaded it from you files. somewhere. GOT IT(ish) i did some screwing around with the files and its either a problem with it attempting to run C or the boot loader (boot0.rom) loading or running the file. i will keep screwing around to see if i can figure out how to fix it
  18. Ha your back, i new you where alive. thanks for the help there i couldn't seem to get the official ARM studio to work on my linux so i started looking for others. i have learned a fair bit already but i am still missing many vital parts to even starting to work on this mod, for example i don't know C i am learning it slowly but i don't know it, oops. it took me 3 months to figure out that i need a hex dump to "read" your elf files. then i found the source code in a different folder (all my work figuring out how to "read" it and it was already easily readable). thanks for offering your hand. i
  19. Please don't feel bad if you go and look at the top of the post, he wants all the posts related to this add on on this page, so its fine, would you still be interested in helping? also does anyone know of a good ARM compiler
  20. YEAH replies on a dead thread. tim and help would be better then no help, i need someone who knows c primarily because how ARM works is C to 68k via compiler. but right now i am not trying to get someone to help me go crazy i just need someone to debug the c for a specific file. it keeps throwing an error and i have no clue how to read c. i am learning but still have no clue P.S. i like how 2 posts means a topic is hot on this forum, we need more community
  21. so, i have reached a large choke in the process of reviving this mod. i can work on the java, but i am just now starting to learn C and 68k so if someone would be kind enough to lend a hand that would be great until or past the point that i have learned C and or 68K please PM me for details and modified files
  22. I WANT IT! are these going to be full block models (PLEASE PLEASE DONT) or smaller models that only take up a portion of the block(PLEASE PLEASE)? because i don't like how big and beastly the current cases are i agree if jhargrid on some of his suggestions. P.S. No matter what the cases there still something i am looking forward to, can't wait
  23. mvmd i got it to boot with tetris.rom. fun game , its been ages since i played tetris.
  24. how in the world did you get any of the files on EEPROM, every time i tried OC simple reverted my changes, don't ask my how i have no clue what so ever, if anyone could gimme a quick tip as to start this mod running so i can see where its at i would be more then willing to give it my best at updating it and finishing it
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