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Everything posted by rougeminner

  1. hey i am going to reinstall OC just incase. it was glitching for me today just working on the 5.2 arch for lua
  2. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw6JnfygihuPNERHUXlaaFZpcGc. here are all the current files from bin, if there not or something happens that changes it i will update them. sorry for the delay on posting them
  3. compiled or the SRC? meh, i ll give you both. alright gimme a little bit the be up soon *link here soon: (EDIT)meaning almost 12 hours late link is here*
  4. oh, thats why i can flash it. i am 5 bytes over 4 kilobytes for tetris.rom . yup that makes since. wonder why that happened. i will try to recompile it and see if it changes anything
  5. Mass sound, open computers and computercraft, of wouldn't let me flash Tetris.ROM but I think I found out why
  6. i am stuck now. i know i have the means to do something with it, but i don't know what that something is now. i don't know what to do. spent so much time trying to figure out how to get it working but not once thought about after that... my foresight is not 20/20 yeah. i make crashes frequently. i think i might be using the wrong code. the old ones let me change this around a little bit EDIT: any ideas or should i wait for 0.0a3? 0.0a2 um. i don't really know what happening its kinda funny. i can find a detailed report of whats happening. when i try to launch test.elf from boot0
  7. alright now for a fun question. any suggestions for a website i can upload to so that i can download them on my friends server? google drive didn't work on the OC side of things haven't tried dropbox yet, also i am so glad that it was just something small that i did that was causing the problem with the compiler although i do apologize for it. IT WORKED! still to happy about getting a compiler working(wonder what hello,world! well be if i am this happy ) how are the FPU's coming?
  8. YEAS, YEAH SWEET BABY BACK RIBS IT WORKED , i will upload paste the file here. it worked. wow. is this what success feels like and better yet it worked on mac Ei captain
  9. YES it worked. however it errored later on i believe this error to be far less. it failed during linking but IT WORKED. here is the correct error. its complaining about EABI. i figured i would post the error here then start trying to figure out why. make Linking bin/test.elf... /Users/rougeminner/Desktop/Hobby_Projects/Jarm_Projects/binutils-2.26/ld/ld-new: error: Source object obj/startup.o has EABI version 0, but target bin/test.elf has EABI version 5 /Users/rougeminner/Desktop/Hobby_Projects/Jarm_Projects/binutils-2.26/ld/ld-new: failed to merge target specific data of file obj/startup.o
  10. alrighty that sounds a little better so instead of removing the things i should've added on to them?
  11. HAHAHA i have done it i was able to install binutils on my mac (for future refrence i am running Ei Captain) ./configure --target=arm-linux --disable-werror it takes a good long while and it make my air get up to heat but it worked, the problem is because sbrk is disabled/ deprecated in the mac version of clang. THIS DOES WORK atleast to the point of compiling binutils i havent tried it with your mod and newlib yet but for future mac users on this forum this is how it works (for now). tested on your program. at the same spot as the linux. i think it might be a mis communication for w
  12. i think i found the problem. i think i mis-edited (new word) i will link the the make file before i did the instructions in the last message when i am on my linux. this is the same way my mac is setup its a large file but i think its ok to not post with out pastebin, if you would prefer i could sen dit over google drive instead just out of curiosity is there anyway on could make a tool inside OC that could do this. (i mean easily) or would it be best to make some sort of online tool that oc can access and upload files to?
  13. ok, well thats never good to here. i hope that fixes it. if it doesn't then i guess i will tinker around a little. i will get back to you and tell you if that works
  14. Alrighty. its 3:30 where i am thats AM. but i think i might be able to get it to work on my linux like you suggested with out running make install i was able to find the files and i am here now to copy and paste the changes to the make file from page 3 hope this works this is on my linux btw alright 4AM now. gonna sleep but figured i would update you. ON LINUX NO MAC WHAT SO EVER. running Clang 3.8.0-2ubuntu3 the same error in the spoiler up there is what i am getting on my linux after i point the make file for jarmrom (the one in 0.0a1) towards the tools (gas,ld,obj(dump,c
  15. ok, thanks. Edit: Remember that error where i asked if it was syntax? thats what happens when i try to compile on my linux as well. yes i noticed this morning that the target for my clan got my mac would change. i don't know why this is and its kinda confusing me
  16. Ok, After some digging i finally found where binutils installed to. it installed into Xcode.app all the way in the back of the program it took some looking but i found it so now i need to replace arm-none-eabi with its path, the only thing thats got me now is that there is no onjcopy or obj dump- that i can see though. the directory that i found the file is was /Applicatoins/Xcode.app/Contents?Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin i don tthink i have the wrong directory because it has LD and AS in it, do you want me to post a screen shot? I FEEL WE ARE GETTING REALLY CLOSE
  17. for the sake of pure communication when i do sudo make install (i did a clean install under the directory where i have the mod and newlib) i get an error that says 'sbrk' deprecated you want me to replace arm-none-eabi with the directory to binutils/gas/as-new? or just as? then the rest of it seems straight forward. just wanted to clarify
  18. So before i attempt it. I need to fix mac by pointing straight to binutile then if possible update clang,". Ok sounds easy enough (last words) I was going to ask how you knew I was on mac. Then I remembered i posted the term code... I am slow today i am running clang 703.0.29
  19. YES IT WORKED. thanks that was the problem. i have got a compiled version of newlib now to finish the setup. thanks. totally didnt see that causing the problem. thanks wow you where right make -k spits out a couple tons of errors. i dont think i have ever seen that many I wish i could give you good news and say that it worked 100% through and through and i am sorry that i just keep bringing back error after error and i do apologize for it at first i thought this could be a problem with the way i set up binutils (I assumed we still need that? ) so i reconfigured it and made sure co
  20. i wanna focus on making a rom file. but i would also like to write ELF files in the near future so i would like to have a working compiler for it. also you keep bringing up a bin folder, do you mean the one in the jarmrom folder. if you do then i need to re-dowload it because there is nothing in there. Here you are good sir sorry to keep coming at you with these errors. like i said i have no experience with make. when i did my attempt at hello world on X86 i just told nasm to do its thing edit: oops forgot the config.log its a long one instead of me posting it is a spoiler i figured
  21. Sorry yes. That is a very indescript question isnt it. When i tried the newlib fix it said one the first step i needed to do one of thoose three options the. Erroree out just after it created config.log
  22. because ik nothing of make i am doing what i am told. for thge first step do i do --build, --host, or --target? hope to here back soon. P.S. Just noticed your sig. its very straight and to the point. it works well
  23. well. i am trying to just Hello, World! but and it seemed easy enough on X86 (For X86 Hello world is just a few lines)so i figured that Hello World would be almost identical. any suggestions other then Hello World. i also think i need to learn how to make a Makefile, seems important. i figured that a boot loader just had to point to one spot on the drive and start executing. but i after reviewing your code i realized i didn't even think about half the things that your boot loader handles. I thought earlier above you said that 0.2a broke any existing boot loader. i guess you fixed it
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