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Everything posted by Nexarius

  1. Nexarius

    a() or b() ?

    I've tried this here and I'm getting a really strange result. Why is it printing nil? As far as I understand this it should be printing true false b
  2. Right now it only works via this program because I'm not using any network cards but instead the built in sg.sendMessage() system from the stargate computer interface to the stargate computer interface on the other side. edit: I will check the code. I will add it if it is possible to add it without having to rewrite everything.
  3. It's pretty easy. Whatever you write here as the IDC will be the code that people have to send to open the iris of your stargate. (If Iris control is turned on) If you want to connect to a stargate and it is protected with an iris and an IDC then you can send the code manually by pressing E. or if you are lazy (like me) and want to automate it. If you enter the IDC (for the other gate not for your own gate) here next to the address then it will be automatically transmitted when you connect to that address.
  4. I tried it now and it stops at "InstallData read into memory, decoing..." edit: btw pastebin run mH1ymDs3 It was not enough memory. I had two 1,5 memory now I switched it to two 3,5 memory and I'm getting "too long without yielding". Why do you have to press a key just to be able to input a command again? And I don't really understand what I can do with this OS. I found some bugs. I think its highly unlikly that it removes those on every start. This was a bit confusing. I thought it was still loading.
  5. My stargate control program shares new addresses automatically too but my approach is a bit different it is decentralized instead of centralized. How do you even get the OS to an ingame computer for testing? Do you have an installer? Could you explain how to use this OS?
  6. Looks pretty good but you haven't written for which mod this is. I've looked at the code (btw you should select Lua for syntax highlighting on pastebin) and found "br_reactor" and "br_turbine" so I guess its Big Reactors. To remove the flickering you shouldn't use term.clear() at all but instead only clear the areas that you are writing to otherwise there will be flickering because it takes time to write stuff to the entire screen. You can increase performance (and with that reduce the time it takes to write to screen) by not having long if then elseif chains especially those long ch
  7. I thought more about the upper threshold as capacity otherwise all bars will be at 100% all the time because its always producing to keep everything above 100%. You could do something pretty simple and just change the label to have something like "Water (On)" and give that to anzeigen(tankneu) (btw color works over name not label).
  8. The translation looks pretty good. hier: is easy it checks whether or not the event.pull() reached the timeout or got a message. On timeout it skips everything and displays a message that there is no available data to display. dazu: It first checks if the id is already known and then replaces all the information with the new message and then sets dazu = false to prevent adding it at L56. (If you get the second message from the same computer you have to deal with the fact that you still have the first message and it has to be overwritten or deleted.) If you get infromation only from
  9. I guess you could start from L135 anzeigen(tankneu). tankneu is all the information about all liquids already added together and anzeigen is looping through the table and decides the position on the display and on L177-L185 it is giving it to zeigeHier([...stuff...]) label (visible liquid name), name (hidden liquid name, this will be used to check with the color table), menge (amount), maxmenge (max amount), prozent (percent, this is calculated and not in tankneu). zeigeHier combines the variables into the message for the screen, changes the color and then writes to the screen. You c
  10. I didn't even know transposers existed because I stopped searching once I found the adapter + tank controller. I've changed it now to work with transposers and adapters at the same time. The enderio ender fluid conduit trick is pretty neat.
  11. Update to 2.8.10: - added support for remote terminal
  12. Its easy the program is looking for a file name "TPSBaseRaw" not "tpsBaseRaw" xDD https://github.com/ATastyPeanut/OpenComputers-Minecraft-Lua/blob/master/Ticks-Second-Tools/TPS-Holo-Display.lua#L25
  13. ah You are looking for an ingame browser. I don't think anyone has made something like that.
  14. That should work now. I also prevented interruption with ctrl + c and brute force attacks by increasing the time between each try by 1 sec.
  15. os.sleep(1) require("term").clear() local event = require("event") function event.shouldInterrupt() return false end local passwort = "blabla" local anzahl = 0 print("Passwort") while io.read() ~= passwort do print("nicht OK") os.sleep(anzahl) anzahl = anzahl + 1 end print("OK")
  16. I just tested it with OpenComputers-MC1.10.2- SGCraft-1.13.2-mc1.10.2 and it worked without problems.
  17. That might be a problem so far I've only used it in 1.7.10 :/
  18. Could you update the mods? I tested it with these versions. OpenComputers-MC1.7.10- SGCraft-1.13.3-mc1.7.10 Could you make a short video (or screenshots) of you trying to run it? That would be the easiest method to troubleshot.
  19. Is there any kind of error displayed? You might have to start it manually by typing "stargate" (OpenOS doesn't show any error from programs in autorun). Is there a file called /log ? Did you reinstall it completely fresh? If not could you do that? "pastebin run -f YVqKFnsP neu" If that doesn't work could you run this "pastebin run -f icKy25PF" and then run this again "pastebin run -f YVqKFnsP neu" .
  20. Every html file you download will always be in this format <!DOCTYPE html><html><h1>hallo world</h1><code1>i am dum just so you know</code1></html> just use wget http://www.test.de /targetFileNameHere btw for question 1 http://neildowning.com/HEX_to_RGB_color_converter.php
  21. Should be pretty simple program. I just did this here. Save it to /autorun.lua local passwort = "blabla" while io.read() ~= passwort do print("nicht OK") end print("OK")
  22. I've made a very simple to use program to update OpenOS directly with the newest files from github. Now you don't have to wait for the server admin to update the mods to get the newest OpenOS. It will download all OpenOS files first before it replaces any of the old files just to make sure you don't end up with half of your OpenOS in a different version. Pastebin: pastebin run -f icKy25PF GitHub: wget -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nex4rius/Nex4rius-Programme/master/OpenOS-Updater/updater.lua /updater.lua I only recommend to use this on a freshly install
  23. Update to 1.4 - increase max amount of liquids from 32 to 64 - dynamically change width of the bars - decrease update frequency with low tps (this thing) - added colors for lots of new liquids (especially gregtech liquids) I changed the picture from my first post to a gif thats cycling through 8 pictures so you can better see how it works.
  24. You found a realy good method to measure the tps I've tested it now on a server during a 5-10tps time and it showed the tps very acurately The next step is now to include it in other programs and change the update time depending on tps. For that I've already modified your program. I removed all the fancy tps displaying stuff. You can see the program here and with "pastebin run -f ZbxDmMeC" it will automatically download it into /lib/tps.lua
  25. How acurate is it? It might be pretty useful to include it in other programs because you could let them check tps and update more frequently with 20tps.
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