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_block_master187 last won the day on April 19 2017

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About _block_master187

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  1. Hi all, Ever have a need for specialized machines running one program and one program only, but want to update these machines all at once, from a central point? Introducing NetBoot. The idea of NetBoot is to eliminate the need for manually updating many computers running the same software for whatever purpose. When the computer boots, NetBoot is launched. NetBoot contacts the server, and checks for a version number of the program the machine is supposed to run. If that number is different than the version number of the program the computer has saved, the computer will download a copy
  2. My Robot AI uses blocks beneath the robot to identifiy a path to move along. Everything is said in the script. Here is the pastebin: https://pastebin.com/zKiLgp0N pastebin get zKiLgp0N It uses robot inventory slots to compare the path blocks. --[[ Ok so heres how this works. You must place the control blocks in robot slots 1-5. 1: Forward, 2: Right, 3: Left, 4: Up, 5: Down. ]]-- local robot = require("robot") while true do robot.select(1) if robot.compareDown() == true then robot.forward() end robot.select(2) if robot.compareDown() == true then robot.turnRight() r
  3. This is confusing to me. Can you explain it in a bit more detail? Like what EXACTLY you have to do step by step? Thanks!
  4. I am really confused how you use the network debugger. Is there a specific thing I have to do?
  5. Yeah sorry about that. I'm still new to programming the computers. Thanks for the reply though.. One step closer to learning!
  6. Awesome! It works now! Thanks a bunch!
  7. Okay so I went to the root directory first.. cd / Then I did edit /autorun.lua THEN I pasted in the code for the program.. After that, I saved it then rebooted my computer. When it booted OpenOS, I was expecting the program to kick in and ask me for a password but it didn't. It just did what it normally does and took me to the shell. Did I do something wrong?
  8. This looks like a great program. You should try to submit it as an OPPM so anybody can install it!
  9. Hello. I have a computer set up but I need a startup password on it or a BIOS password. If someone could reply with a code that could boot a BIOS and need a password that would be great. Thanks in advance!
  10. I think that the OC team should add like, a format command or something. That will format the currently mounted/booted drive. I made something like this, I turned it from a virus to a formatting tool. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My SecuriWipe program is a program to securely and safely wipe your computer, format the dr
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