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About bioscreeper

  • Rank
    Junior Member

Profile Information

  • Location
    Sydney, NSW
  • Interests
    lua, minecraft, java(I am interested, but can't do it), electronics, Raspberry Pi

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  • Minecraft
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  1. Well, my survival world has literally no sheep I could find, and the nearest jungle (acc. to chunkbase.com) is 10km away.
  2. Granted, but you can no longer corrupt people's wishes. I wish for this command to be performed: Do not corrupt wishes
  3. Broken again error: Line 55 in func readint(): in tmp = bit32.bor(tmp, bit32.lshift(string.byte(stream:read(1)), ((i-1)*8)))
  4. b) You check if there is a phone in your pockets. There is a phone in your pockets, but when you turned it on, you realized it was on 1%. Do you: a) Try to find a charger somewhere b) Use a GPS service c) Send an SOS call d) Use it's torch to see if there are any other exits (remember, it has low battery and will not last long)
  5. 3. You realize microcontrollers are cheaper than computers, try to use one as a computer, but realize it cannot interface wiht external components.
  6. Not yet... For convenience sake, can you popst the discord here too or edit the og post?
  7. This isn't a question, but an answer looking for a question. Here are my findings of the player's inventory. The numbers indicate which slot they are from the transposers point of view.
  8. I agree! Also, their modpack isn't "light" by any definition!
  9. Ok... sounds like port forwarding... y dad works in government IT, and so has lots of firewalling and stuff.
  10. --IP address: aparrently
  11. Can you try to log in now? I set offline mode to false. Also, can you use a WAN IP to address a machine on your LAN network? (I am modestly sure that our WiFi and Cat5e/6 are on different vlans)
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