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Everything posted by sshika

  1. yes. and if i want just use the brgc for the reactors, and manual for the turbines, the reactors produces 1.5 buckets.
  2. if i do thid, there is just 2 turbines and two reactors who active on the computers
  3. before, i used 1 reactor ans 8 turbines, there are no problem. now i use 4 reactors, and 20 turbines, and 7 turbines have flowrate to 0mb/t
  4. i make a reactor, 12 turbines. but it's the reactor who fail edit : euh... now it's functionning. i don't change something...
  5. i have this when i use 2 or more reactors
  6. for me, the programm doesn' function.
  7. Hello dear players. Salut les gens I propose to you a new program to control a Big Reactor with the number of rod which you wish, for a steam production (to feed turbines for example). Je vous propose un nouveau programme pour contrôler un Big Reactor avec le nombre de tige de contrôle que vous souhaitez, pour une production de vapeur (pour alimenter des turbines par exemple). Here is the list of the required material : Voici la liste de matériel requis : Graphic card Tier 3 - Carte graphic de Tier 3 Screen Tier 3 - Ecran de Tier 3 a Big Reactor fueled with Yellorium - un Big
  8. ah oki j'avais pas compris. non il existe une liste de caractères utilisable dans toutes les expressions write, print, gpu.set..... je l'ai mise ici : http://pastebin.com/8a6bQ4dE en fait si tu regarde le programme, tu remarquera que je fait des gpu.set pour écrire un cadre.
  9. Yeah it's perfect french ^^ This characters are just characters usable in write or peint. I post a list This afternoon.
  10. How i save my 5 tables in a format ? {table1};{table2};{table3};
  11. sshika

    edit file .txt

    Ok If i use this it's ok ? text="abcdefabcdef" newtext=text:gsub(char,newchar newtext=text:gsub("fa",/n) And the result is this ? newtext="cbcde"/n"bcdef"
  12. sshika

    edit file .txt

    Ok What is the characters for "enter" ?
  13. sshika

    edit file .txt

    Hello Is itpossible to edit a file .txt and replace characters by other characters ? thank you
  14. it's possible to insert 5 tables in the same file ?
  15. i wan't to realize an acquisition example : t(s);v1;v2;v3 0;1;0;1 1;0,999780683;0,06279052;1,062571203 2;0,99912283;0,125333234;1,124456064 3;0,998026728;0,187381315;1,185408043 4;0,996492859;0,248689887;1,245182746 5;0,994521895;0,309016994;1,30353889 6;0,992114701;0,368124553;1,360239254 7;0,989272333;0,425779292;1,415051625 8;0,985996037;0,481753674;1,467749711 9;0,982287251;0,535826795;1,518114046 10;0,978147601;0,587785252;1,565932853 11;0,973578903;0,63742399;1,611002893 12;0,968583161;0,684547106;1,653130267 13;0,963162567;0,728968627;1,692131194 14;0,957319498;0,770513243;1,72783
  16. when can i write in a specified line ?
  17. sshika

    Hologram Editor

    sorry, it isn't this rotate, I would want that the program executes the hologram in continuous rotation
  18. Hello, with variables of bigreactor, i wan't to write in a table more variables in a txt file, but i wan't to incremente the line to don't erase the last variableS. when i realise it ?
  19. sshika

    Hologram Editor

    Thank you. it's possible to rotate the hologram ?
  20. sshika

    function "touch"

    for example a turbine used 2b/t and produce 28 000 RF/t i use ultimate mechanical pipe (Mekanism) to feed it. a pipe, it's 6.4b/t. i use 3 turbines by pipe, and actually i use 12 turbines and 4 output and input on my reactor. but i don't use 100% of my rods. but if i add just a turbine, i need to produce 2b/t, and change the value off my control rod. and i don't want to change this value in manual. i propose my programm here in French AND English. good game
  21. Hello dear players. Salut les gens I propose to you a new program to control a Big Reactor with 85 rods, for a steam production (to feed turbines for example). Je vous propose un nouveau programme pour contrôler un Big Reactor avec 85 tige de contrôle, pour une production de vapeur (pour alimenter des turbines par exemple). This is the first version. Actually, I work on a version for any quantity of rods. C'est la première version. Actuellement je bosse sur une version pour n'importe quelle quantité de tiges. Here is the list of the required material : Voici la liste de mat
  22. sshika

    function "touch"

    Ok i will look this. The Steam is used in turbine, and if i add a turbine, the flow of Steam must be augment, and i don't want to modify the level rod in manual. For this program, i've be need to use Z transformation and numeric régulation. But before i finish m'y program.
  23. sshika

    function "touch"

    Thank you. But i had totaly change the structure, delete ontouch2, and add a if in intouch with "boucle2", now, There is a manual control of one rod, a manual control on all rods, and bargraphs, fuel consumation, température, reactivity, and a start/stop button. I post the modified program this night after the work. And i think change my program for universal reactor (numbers of rod) and create a regulation program for the Steam flow.
  24. sshika

    function "touch"

    There is no difference.
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