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  1. MineOS is a GUI based operating system for the OpenComputers Minecraft mod. It has extensive customisation abilities as well as an app market to publish your creations among the OS community. For developers there is wonderful illustrated wiki with lots of code examples. List of main features: Multitasking Double buffered graphical user interface Language packs and software localization Multiple user profiles with password authentication Own EEPROM firmware with boot volume choose/format/rename features and Internet Recovery mode File sharing over the local n
    1 point
  2. I decided to make an editor with syntax highlighting, just for the fun of it. The name stands for "syntax highlighting editor", it's very unoriginal, but I'm bad at names To use it, run this command on OpenOS: pastebin get ZnwyunqL /bin/shedit.lua The color scheme was (sorta, I redid it later) copied from this paste. Features: Syntax highlighting! Indent on enter Line numbers Jump to line Hex colors are highlighted with the color they refer to (example: ) And probably more in the future if I need them.. Screenshot: Any recomm
    1 point
  3. Fingercomp

    IRC library

    There was no IRC library for OpenComputers, so I've made one. Here's a demo bot that uses it: local com = require("component") local event = require("event") local thread = require("thread") local gpu = com.gpu local irc = require("irc") local events = irc.events local env = setmetatable({ irc = irc, events = events, }, {__index = _G}) local client = irc.builder() :connection { host = "irc.esper.net:6667", throttling = { maxDelay = 2, maxThroughput = 5, }, } :auth { nickname = "oc-finger-irc", username = "fingercomp", realname = "OpenComput
    1 point
  4. This program enables you to make servers useful like IRL web servers. Client Minimum requirements relay network card internet card apu Server Minimum Requirements; Wireless network card Configured serverside program Put your paste code in the server program or else it will say Hello. I did this cause nobody else had and I thought it would be useful Server paste code: B7b27pc2 Browser paste code: vkL422Sz I am new to OC and this is my first program
    1 point
  5. In Single Player in the OC config there is an option "bufferChanges" set it to false. You'll find your programs in /MCDir/saves/savename/opencomputers/UUID/ UUID is the address of the hard drive that contains the files you want to edit. [Also moved to proper subform]
    1 point
  6. Hi All, Hopefully this is in the right place and going to be helpful to someone! I've come from an older version of Computer Craft and Minecraft to 1.7.10 and OC and I've been brushing off the rust and trying to get things going. Having done the tutorials and messed around I thought I'd try doing a simple(!) tank reading program so I can check the fuel levels of my generator. Turns out that either my Google-foo is weak or that not many people have tried/done it. So below is how I did it with some explanations of techniques I used to work things out (so hopefully you can tell me a bette
    1 point
  7. What you need is the inventory_controller upgrade. This will allow robots, drones, and an equipped adapter block to manipulate and read external inventories.
    1 point
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