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Everything posted by Michiyo

  1. is a LAN IP, you're gonna need to give folks your public WAN IP for them to join you.
  2. Ah, just noticed your site is behind CloudFlare, this is ALSO a security feature they run.
  3. Your webserver likely blocks requests that don't have user agent headers (This is common with servers running mod_security on Apache, or... whatever the equivalent setup on NGINX is.) I just checked wget.lua and it in fact does not send any user_agent header with the request.
  4. This hasn't been supported since Minecraft 1.6.4 and OpenComputers 1.2. It was originally posted in 2014, no this isn't on curse and will not be.
  5. no primary 'modem' available. It's looking for a component that provides "modem" Likely a network card, or a linked card.
  6. os_door is the old name of the door controller component, it was renamed in the port to 1.10+ and this script hasn't been updated to match. Change all instances of `os_door` to `os_doorcontroller` to resolve.
  7. When writing a script you have to require the component library with component = require("component") When running code directly from the Lua interpreter this line isn't needed.
  8. The door controller has to be touching the door, but it can be camouflaged, just click the block with any solid non tile entity block. Edit:Or... it should I just noticed an issue saying this was broken in the 1.12 port as well...
  9. Looks like your trying to run the program on an older OpenOS version or an older version of OpenComputers if the OC version is recent but you haven’t upgraded the OpenOS install you don’t have the new thread library.
  10. Have you installed OpenOS or are you running it directly from the floppy? Type install and let it copy everything to the HDD the floppy is read only.
  11. yes, well your lamp is on the top there...
  12. rs.setOutput(side: 5, 16) remove 'side:' from that. Also, it'd likely be easier to use the sides API which you've already includes so sides.left or sides.right instead of '5'
  13. That's not what is meant by the "Address" you need the component address of the OC interface block, you can get this by using an OC Analyzer on the SGCraft interface, and then open chat and click the long UUID Address reported there, or you can run `components` at the computer shell, and copy the address by hand.
  14. I have to approve posts from members with less than X (Liz edit: that's currently set at 1) number of posts. After they reach the minimum their posts don't need approval, and until they are approved they don't show up in the thread at all.
  15. That's my fault.. I could have sworn I approved this post when it was posted, and it was sitting in my queue as seen. I noticed it when I went back and read a few pages of the thread.
  16. You can just type wget https://pastebin.com/raw/TKZfaERy reactor.lua with an internet card in the computer
  17. Sure, open the OpenComputers config, find "bufferChanges=" and set it to false. Then you can put files directly into $savedir/world/opencommputers/$hdduuid/
  18. try =robot.detect() or =robot.name() adding the "=" will make the interpreter print the result to the console, otherwise it just eats it.
  19. No, the reason it won't connect is that the build on curse doesn't have PR Support... This has been fixed in dev builds on Jenkins, but none of those builds have been pushed to curse. http://ci.cil.li/job/OpenComputers-dev-MC1.10/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/build/libs/OpenComputers-MC1.10.2- try that, it should work. (Also sorry for the delay in replying to your post OP... I've been super busy with work)
  20. Sangar has to give it to you, usually for major contributions to the mod.
  21. https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/opensecurity/files/2437630
  22. Examining for coremod candidacy OpenSecurity-1.7.10-1.0-103(1).jar You're running OpenSecurity 1.7.10.. in 1.10
  23. Wireless redstone isn't fixed in the release they are using (or any "Release" for that matter).. You'll have to use one of the dev builds from http://ci.cil.li/
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