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Draconic Control - Get everything out of your draconic reactor

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Hey Guys,

sorry for the silence but it seems my notification emails once again got disabled somewhere along the years...

Anyways. There's an update for Draconic Control! It doesn't actually change anything except show you a big fat warning in case you are using a CPU set to use Lua 5.3 or higher. Why?

Draconic Evolution doesn't play well with some internal API changes and only really works using the Lua 5.2 core. If you crafted your CPU with OpenComputers Version 1.7.5 (this is a guess) or later, you will run into the "UNKNOWN" reactor status issue.

You can change the CPUs Lua version by taking it into your hand and sneak clicking into the air. This will cycle through the Lua versions, displaying the version you just set in your chat box (bottom left). You are looking to set it to Lua 5.2. Afterwards Draconic Control will work again as per usual.

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