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coderboy14 last won the day on August 28 2019

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About coderboy14

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    Junior Member

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  1. So, I wanted to develop a more unix/linux like operating system for OpenComputers, but of course Linux is a kernel, not an operating system - so I made a kernel, which I can then use for my operating system! Of course, being designed with a unix mindset, I am trying to follow the rule that everything can be represented as a file. Currently, your devices are all represented as folders, in the /dev folder. You can actually interact with the components by opening their files. Each component has a virtual folder with the address its assigned (in a linux format, like "sda") based on the driver
  2. TL;DR - Add configuration open to make the networks behave more realistically, allowing for network traffic to be sniffed. There's not much more to be said here. Add the ability, in configuration at least, to make all packets sniffable. So they behave more like real packets, instead of magically reaching only their intended target and nobody else. In your code listening for network events, you'd just need to check if the target address matched your modem's address. Or maybe add this feature by default to the network library, that you can enable or disable. Preferably, this would include a
  3. So, I have been trying to find somebody who's implemented a filesystem for the unmanaged drives. I know what you must be thinking, just use the managed drive then, I'm legit doing what a managed drive does. However, for a few projects, I've wanted or needed an unmanaged filesystem. One example, is an expanded raid with minimal overhead. The simplest sort of raid, just glue all the drives together in one long linear addressable space. That parts easy, just check what section the pointer is on, and forward the operations to the proper disk. The issue is, they require that they be unmanaged, othe
  4. So, for a few days now (apparently about five days according to GitHub - it seems a lot longer), I've been trying to work on a pretty simple package container solution. The idea being just like a tar container, it is just a group of files and folders, stored in a single file. Currently, I am not working on implementing any sorts of compression, that's much too difficult and I wanna make sure the core system works first. I designed a primitive specification for the package, and created a method in a library to create the package. That I was okay with. Extracting all the information from this pa
  5. I was searching for a simple system to allow for transferring files between two systems without having them share components, but I couldn't find anything. Thus, I got to work writing my own. I tested this in my data centre for my development world - I like to store all my projects and downloaded programs in a huge archival storage system with many many raids. I think this counts as through enough testing. I will warn you this is extremely beta! This is my very first working release. I'm already getting ready to work on a second revision. Most of the things wrong with it are stupid mistak
  6. In OpenComputers we currently have a simple highly abstracted networking model. We do have ports, thankfully, but besides that the model is highly abstracted and thusly underpowered. The first suggestion, is remove the abstraction on network communication in the first place. Allow this to be configured in the mod preferences file, but have it enabled by default. By default, there is no “hardware addresses”. A cable is just that, a cable. The only API by the mod is “broadcast and receive”. In the OS provided by the game by default could still have the same API as now. The different is it’d
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