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Ta©ti Tac0Z

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Everything posted by Ta©ti Tac0Z

  1. So You should be abble to have a single value in side the table i whould try to create a test php script to test if the value goes frow it chould be the website You trying to use that is broken. EDIT: am working on a php script for you...
  2. Ummm You do know that CC is still updated and such right i do understand Why one whould Think that tho Your Welcome
  3. well am not too sure what to explain? poeple have made big letter apis witch will create letters useing box charectors. nerver used it my self but if you want to have bigger letters and if you don't want to change the resolution then that maybe the fix? i know (even more ) pixylated charectors may look bad but its that or resulotion change there is no other way
  4. yes you cannot change the font size but you can use a big letter api but i know thats not what you want
  5. some body? please? Fingercomp?
  6. (useing comutrionics sound card) so = require("component").sound for i = 1,5 do if i == 5 then i = -1 end so.clear() so.setWave(1,i) so.delay(1000) so.process() os.sleep(1.1) end this little program plays all the defrend wave modes but the problem is it sems to play some at the same time (yes you heard me in the end it plays noise and sqaure and sine and triangle at the same time) why is this? there is a os.sleep(1.1) to sleep before playing a new one? so why is it doing that? EDIT: before you ask i have a: for i = 1,8 do so.close(i) end
  7. i made a java script witch will create a lua table with all piano notes and freqensys from a html table: http://packages.noahtg.com/pianoNotesArray.php i was trying to find a table with this infomation but chouldn't find it thats why i made a script that chould make it for me
  8. i found out my self i made a javascript that will create a lua table form a html table: http://packages.noahtg.com/pianoNotesArray.php
  9. forget it i hoped there was like a single wave mode
  10. do you know if some body as made a table or at least a list of all (or at least some) piano notes by fregensy? becuse i don't want to go like notes = { {"#A1", some-freg}, {"A1", some-freg}, ... --EDIT: this will most liky be better: notes = { "#A1" = some-freg, "A1" = some-freg ... thats gona take forever
  11. the 2# song that sounded got was exeraly a violin and it was a "fake" violin so to speak meaning that the music was made by a midi to mp3 arguritem. thats most likey why it sounds decent becuse it isn't as complicated then if a musision had played it yeah you see the: was first proccest by some pcm converter from the 1991 it made the song 3 times as long as it should so thats broken thats why it played score.pcm not score.wav as in the secount actemnt. i used time seaching for a pcm converter becuse i miss inderstond what you said in your github thread the:
  12. sence i saw igor Timofeev's mineos i was thinking if it was posible to get those static windows to move and infact there is: welcome to the first showcase of the (really un-creative named) tacti OS: as you can see it figtures moveable, sizeable, and interactive windows infact all programs running in the OS will be windowed! useing my easy-to-use windowLib and windowed-program-api i'll happyly resive any feedback (download link avalable in the below posts) (also its gonna happen anyway so come with those grammer currections poeple, i can take it)
  13. yeah use double buffering once and you'll never make a program without it again just use double buffering, problem sovled i have it as a bookmark at this point : the magical double buffering api
  14. ohhh i didn't think about looking in the accuont settings sorry
  15. i know you said to post comments on the github thread but (am too lazy to make a account also you'll see it faster here - i think) so the sound card can play wav files?! omg, thats amasing i'll try it out http://test.noahtg.com/theAlienIsStealingCows.mp4 all right yeah i can sell this as an alien sound efect http://test.noahtg.com/yayItworksKindof.mp4 omg this sounds like songs this time yay! altho it sounds like there is running a retro space movie from the 1970 in the background http://test.noahtg.com/andAliensAgain_SAD_.mp4 "and
  16. 404: page not found i found the currect on tho I'll read it tomorrow
  17. i was programing my program when i found out that 'rb' and 'wb' doesn't work as it works in computer craft i didn't think of that in computer craft useing the 'wb' the handle.write function will expect a number insted of a string witch makes you able to write files bytes after bytes how does that work in open computers? the file handling work a lot defenc betwine the two mods simple qestion is: how does binary read and write work in opencomputers (given that cc uses acill - or what ever its called exacly - while oc uses unicode, right? so doesn't that make it kindof
  18. Ohhh Am not that good at the 3dprinter thing but am sure somebody who knows more about it Will replay some time soon
  19. Molinko that post You just downvoted was posted by acsident!? My shity School computer ducked up as i said
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