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About SashaGelert

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  1. Could someone give a better explanation of this GUI, preferably with some screen shots? since the Wiki tends to me lacking in user tutorials? Specifically: why can i draw two lines from each server to the case, does this allow multiple connections per side? and a personal, possibly related issue: Server 1 has power, but servers 2-4 wont boot, claiming they have no power, is this related?
  2. to leave my comment on number 4: if there's really a need for more ram in game, users can always go change the config, doubling all the values. Myself, i like the defaults, except I'm still learning to optimize my code, so i have EEPROMS set to 16k but otherwise if i run out of ram on a tier 1, i just go build a tier 3.
  3. Ahhh, I wouldn't be much help then if it's a 'future' bug I'm still operating on 1.7.10 personally. I'd I don't see anything about it in the bug tracker, so you might go there and make a new report on it
  4. Good thing as of 1.7.10, blowing anything up is still fictional.
  5. not bad. apart from some much needed code-rearranging (drove me nuts reading Vex's original code) you just nerfed the reactor calibration for your own function, yay simple Seems you still dont have it checking your EIO cap bank yet though. for myself, custom modpack 1.7.10 forge 1614, because it still has all the best mods! I just tore apart XyFreaks BRGC, which is a nice beginning point for a Gui, but his reactor controller could use a few more features for my liking. https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/918-big-reactors-grid-control/?hl=reactors
  6. This is a project I've been meaning to undertake for a few weeks now, then couple days ago i found a loophole in EnderIO Photo-voltaic Panels that turns everything into OP energy :-) BUT! it never hurts to have a project to work on, so still dabbling with this in my free time. Couple of questions though: Turbine Questions: --What Size? (outer shell dimensions please) --Coil block count? --Coil block type? --How are you routing steam between reactor/turbines (specifically which mod set of pipes, or direct contact?)? General Questions: --What Minecraft/Forge/Mod versions are you
  7. Capacitor bank shows up for me just fine, though it's named weirdly as "tile_capacitorbank_multiblock"
  8. Replied to your forum post regarding EnderIO ;-)

  9. The issue is that Ender IO is *NOT* a bundled cable, each end connector is ONE color, thus ONE signal, not bundled like ProjectRed, or the older RedPower2. It is the fault of Ender IO, not Open Computers that there is no support for such a feature as this. best solution I've been able to build for this is to use framed bundled cables from Project Red to build a sort of 'Bridge' between the two systems. Absolutely let us know if you can find a better or more compact solution!
  10. I have to question the need for this based on your example? If white turns on, turn black on, logically if white turns off you want black off right? why not just connect the two colors with a bare piece of wire or such? could you give us a bit more detail? --Are you looking for direct, manual control of the wires if needed? --Are you looking to monitor the wires via screens? --Do you intend to use this on a tier 1, 2, or 3 computer system (and corresponding screen?)
  11. I... I am curious as to why someone would put such effort into a custom OS, just to abandon the project because the community as a whole hasn't indulged in it! It is still a very worthwhile project and would help many others trying to do this for their first time, especially as when one looks over the Wiki, most every page could do with a proper dedicated tutorial.
  12. SashaGelert


    First off, Love how compact this bios is, I've spent the last three days trying to reduce the event API into something a microcontroller can implement, and this does it wonderfully! however, a few notable issues I've found: This is still a valid issue in skexBIOS 0.1.2 with client 1.0: while the client listens for a 'quit' message from the microcontroller... this message is never sent, the microcontroller's method of shutting off is to simply brick itself local run = true [...] while run do local cmdt = splitonspace(read()) if cmdt[1] == 'q' then run = false else
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