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Everything posted by Nexarius

  1. What version of OpenOS do you have? (restart the computer and it will tell you at the top)
  2. I've used wireless network cards and haven't noticed that they are unreliable. Do you know about this?
  3. local component = require("component") for k in component.list("tile_defense_machine_launcherscreen_name") do component.proxy(k).launch() end You can use this if you have multiple launchers and want to activate all of them.
  4. computer.uptime() It's probaby a bad idea to have a computer running with "/time set 6000" constantly anyway.
  5. I don't get your problem. Almost everything is directly shown on the screen. 1) print("text") 2) io.write("text") 3) term.write("text") 4) gpu.set(1, 1, "text")
  6. Nexarius

    event error

    I'm testing some things in my program and now I'm getting an event error. What is causing this error and how can I prevent it? Thanks for the help
  7. That is simple. You can't. Gregtech doesn't allow it.
  8. Hello, Can anyone help me? How can you upload a file to github? Thanks
  9. Nexarius


    /autorun.lua is loaded on start
  10. It's pretty easy actually to find out what functions are available.
  11. How can this code work at all? The big reactor turbine is an external component. As far as I know the only interaction with the world is possible with a wireles modem and redstone signals. I guess component.list("br_turbine") is nil and component.proxy(nil) doesn't work so it ends in line 2.
  12. Hello, Does anyone know why table.concat is not giving back anything here? Thanks for the help
  13. You could also create a file called /autorun.lua and write that stuff in there.
  14. A tablet cannot be connected to external component and if the stargate is not connected it won't work.
  15. Nexarius


    Hi Can somebody help me? How can a program detect if it's run on a tablet? Thanks
  16. 1) I didn't save the entered range so it didn't survive reboot. 2) I tried io.read() alone in the autorun.lua and it just skipped it. I added a 2sec delay and then it works (I guess the OS needs a bit more time to load completely). Airship unload station? Giving a label to the clients displaying them with the label is sadly not a small change. I can't promise anything here. But you could make 4 servers each with their own client and go into "/tank/auslesen.lua" on the client and into "/tank/anzeige.lua" on the server to change the port from 70 to whatever you want s
  17. The autorun.lua looks to be ok. Normally any error that occurs will be printed to the screen but its hidden for autorun. I looks to me like an error occured and then it just goes on as usuall as if nothing happend. If you launch the program again then it should print any errors to the screen. Can you do that? Just write "tank", "/autorun.lua" or "/tank/anzeige.lua" I have a relay and a power distributor connected in my test world and I'm not seeing any changes. Update: 1.8.3 -added autorun will write any errors messages now
  18. The wireless range is limited in the opencomputers config too. I've been playing almost exclusivly on modpacks with gregtech and there are almost none with tinkers construct so I didn't have any chance to add them.I tested my program by repeatedly pressing the turn on / off button and it always booted into my program. Can you write "edit /autorun.lua" and check whats in that file? Furthermore what is your OpenOS version? I'm running on 1.6.7. You can run this program of mine "pastebin run -f icKy25PF" to update OpenOS. I have no idea how that white display happend. Maybe someone has s
  19. Update to 1.8 -added support for multiple sceens (but sadly it will flicker when the gpu is switching to the next screen; anyone got ideas for that?) -added support for more screen sizes (optimal is 8x5; 4x1; 8x2) -added client will ask for wireless range on startup (default 400) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ You have 3 liquids on the screen that are unknown to my program and thats the reason why they are all grey. If you want colors you can help me here and I will add them to this program.
  20. Thanks I only really concentrated on the display of the server and never noticed that on the client because I only used it as debug view to see the names of the fluids. The percent calculation was switched up. It was capacity / amount not amount / capacity. I've optimised it for a big screen 8x5 http://i.imgur.com/E4N2qat.png The resolution is already on maximum the screens cannot give more. But do you mean something like this?
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