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Posts posted by BrisingrAerowing

  1. That bug is on line 233, as it calls saveItems instead of SaveItems (note the initial letter being lowercase). Simple fix.


    Also: from looking at the code, I think the 'name' parameter is the registry name of the item, e.g. minecraft:torch or chisel:chisel_diamond. You can use F3+H to see those names.

  2. You have to rerun the OpenOS installer after you install a new version of the mod and put the OpenOS loot disk in the disk drive. XyFreak is removing the thread library dependency (as noted above in the thread) as it didn't do what he thought.

  3. @XyFreak It's likely because RFTools Power uses a new API in McJtyLib that uses Longs for power. I'm going to write a quick and dirty driver for said API so that this can work with it.


    EDIT: Unfortunately OC seems to be capping returned values to the maximum value of a 32 bit integer. Although Vex said that it internally uses doubles, so it should work. Not sure why it doesn't. I'm going to try casting it to a double and see what happens.

    EDIT2: I GOT IT TO WORK!!! Uploading to CurseForge now!

  4. You have to get the file onto the in-game computer somehow, either by going to the minecraft save file and finding the computer's filesystem or using something like Gamax92's OCNetFS with one of its servers on your system (if you are in singleplayer). I also have a OCNetFS server using PhysFS, and I can compile a version of Lua for you to run it if you want.

  5. That's not how Lua works. You need to compare the variable with each value you want to check. e.g.

    if line == "yes" or line == "y" then

    You can also use the lower method to make this a bit simpler:

    if line:lower() == "y" then

    That can also be written as follows:

    if string.lower(line) == "y" then

    You probably should read the Lua Manual. Just select the version that the CPU your computer has is using (Either 5.2 or 5.3. Hover over it to see).

  6. AFAIK, the autorun stuff in OC is somewhat finicky and is likely to be redone in the future. I would recommend using the RC system (writing a service) that listens for component change events for the floppy drive and then copies the file and executes it when one occurs. That would also allow you to use the robot without a floppy by entering code into the lua console on it, as RC services don't block execution. There are a few services here (like this OpenPrinters print server) that you can use as an example.

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