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Everything posted by DarkPikachu

  1. This post is a day late because this site kept crashing chrome on this stupid phone, but whatever... Don't try what you're about to see at home kids. Manual installation, 100% no internet! I'm personally amazed by the triple-buffered 3D application called "Ray Walk". After doing a manual CPU clock speed test of an average of slightly over 100 (250 for void worlds) TPS, I never would have thought this could have been pulled off at this level of performance. I'm going to work on improving image support for this, as well as non-faked (actually transformed) wallpaper
  2. just wanted to make a mention on your GL engine and congrat you on it you're actually using proper "Z = Depth" standards, rather than what soooooooooo many developers follow being "Y = Depth". I'm amazed by just how little code you actually have, but then again, it is only an extension of OpenOS, rather than what I intend to do. still, congrats on all of your work
  3. if only you could make the green on those tubes in your first post shadeless ;D
  4. while I completely and utterly agree with you, unfortunaly MicroSoft has more than this level of control over their users. (at least, this has been found in everything above WinXP x64)
  5. is there a windows-style task-bar and start menu operability for this?? I'm honestly a bit disappointed by the mac look good work though regardless EDIT: also, can I get a zip of your OS to install on my home computer (no internet) EDIT2: just cloned the official github repository when I get home to my net-less computer that can actually run minecraft, I'll figure out how to manually install it. TBH, I'm going to learn from this source and actually build my own OS (different from everything available)... or rather, design the style I plan for a future gaming syst
  6. Sorry for no response after a long time, and to be the bearer of bad news... I've been more focused on my other projects, mainly getting UMC released... I put this project on hold when I realized I needed to rebuild the mod with my own engine, kinda like Custom Steve does. Anyways, I'll get back to the project when I have some free time, and possibly even an export script for my format for UMC EDIT: I do mean that too, I want this project too much... So to just up and let it die isn't something you can expect to happen I'm just stocked with projects, and need an organiza
  7. I'm not commenting on the slow acceleration cards which accelerate a MA to 5 crafts a second. But I've got much of everything down with a cloud of me-upgraded crafting robots... the only issue I really have is with the number of items requested... what could I do to quickly obtain the count??
  8. Unless it's recompiled to LUA binary data, but even then, OC computers are still too slow for anything like that... May as well try running Linux on a game boy color
  9. Let's not forget you can modify the OC configuration to load precompiled byte data. (If that helps at all) Warning: enable at your own risk.
  10. It might get a little complex, but you can use an adapter with an inventory controller upgrade to access the slots of a placed OC case and place the items inside. If you're autocrafting to place the case, your can use a level emitter with a crafting upgrade to notify the OC network of the placed case.
  11. I do this all the time after copying your file(s) to your OC-HDD directory, simply remove and reinsert the OC-HDD. Although I use a better method now which requires: - an internet card - a Windows application known as HFS.exe All I do is link a folder to the virtual filesystem in HFS, and load the scripts and resources using the internet card with the copied URLs. With that, your won't have to reinsert the HDDs and can just reload when updated.
  12. The challenge states to use only 1 pattern, not 2 EDIT: need I mention again that I'm already using 32 duplicate patterns for 32*6 MA's. It's annoying and painful as F when trying to organize everything. It sucks all the fun out of everything you're trying to do. So yeah I want all my crafting requests sent to the computer, and I want the computer to manage the crafting process. forget about AE2 auto-crafting, it's too painful.
  13. If you want me to make this a challenge for others... Your not allowed to make duplicated patterns. if you want to turn a gold ingot into gold nuggets, you may only use 1 pattern to do it with. Now, you may use that pattern however you like, but your objective is to make at least 7 MA's turn 100,000 ingots into 900,000 nuggets. How many MA's can you do this with. > EDIT: To make this challenge troll-proof, the MA's must be used only for auto-crafting, there must be absolutely no user-interaction once the process starts, and all MA's must be used.
  14. I want to start a crafting job normally (me terminal) and have the computer handle the request. Basically it's a method of having 1 interface use an adaptive buffer (or cloud) of 200+ crafting tables. (Basically the tables aren't limited to specific recipes, but are used as more recipes are requested) and not to mention more tables can be added to the cloud. Yea, it's very easy to get the craftables and start a job through the `me_interface` component, but I personally find that method to be a bit stupid... (no offence)
  15. Yeah but then you need 1*6*32 patterns of the same recipe to do what I'm doing If 1 interface could manage that many MAs, there'd be no need for this topic. (Cause that's exactly what I'm trying to do)
  16. Thanks, I'll have to play with that. yea I'm an ae2 whiz with just the basic system... I've done just about everything with every particular style with MAs, using 6 per interface with over 200 interfaces... What I have currently is a bunch of nodes of 32 interfaces with the same patterns. and I have over 16 nodes. (Yes, this is with channels enabled) But of course as I add nodes, I like to organize my patterns between them, which is where the pain comes in... So that's why I'm asking about issuing requests to the computer. I can let the computer manage a cloud of those crafter
  17. I recommend HFS.exe (I'd post a link if I wasn't on a blasted phone) It's easy to use (defaulted to noob mode) and even works on Linux. (It's 2nd best to apache on Linux) You literally just run and link files or folders to the virtual file system. just copy the URL to the linked file and you're good to go I personally prefer linking a folder because it's easier to manage. Hope that helps The best part is you don't have to modify the OC config.
  18. The projectors are a joke... seriously Here's a screenshot of my test on an array of them: If it weren't for a few annoyances: - slow to update - jittery - only 3 colors - not precise rotation - a few others not mentioned they'd actually be pretty cool and useful. But currently, don't expect to do anything cool with them. (Like tracking a dynamic position and displaying the surroundings) I do have that script that does the screenshot... it's buried somewhere in my crundeecraft instance... I'll post it when I feel like looking through 50 address directories... l
  19. AE2 autocrafting is now anything but fun like it uses to be. When done basically it's ok, but extremely slow when crafting multi level recipes. Multicrafting speeds things up quite a bit and used to be simple to do... But now, you can't multicraft 15 items with 1 interface in a single step. This is where maintenance is beyond painful, when you need 15 patterns of the same recipe for 15 interfaces to do what you're trying to do. Is it possible to issue a crafting job to a computer and let the computer handle the crafting??
  20. yeh... I'm telling you to forget the configs set up a virtual FS in HFS, and copy the IP-URL it gives you for your server. (setup is noobishly easy) you'll have to modify the titan-bios localhost URL with that IP-URL you just copied. once you've done that, titan-bios should boot off your HFS-server. I've played around with stuff like that and am even writing NetBiOS (you won't find anything about it) basically, think of OpenOS loaded from the bios over the internet. (I'm working on removing a butt-load of files to reduce net-load)
  21. @Pigpork: OC blacklists localhost by default to implement a sort of security for your local network... I use HFS to work around this: http://www.rejetto.com/hfs/?f=dl but I'm also on linux, so as an alt, I've also configured Apache with my own domain name. both work like a charm.
  22. This post is dedicated to describing the format of the data to be uploaded to the projector. This data follows modern OpenGL array standards (to the best that LUA can provide). A simple model loader will be included as modelLoader.lua to load structured lua files. TODO: describe the structured lua format handled by the included modelLoader.lua and the LUA API itself
  23. NOTE: I'm new to java, but have been working in Python building a model converter for quite a while. so I'm starting on the latest version of minecraft so I'll have something decent by the time enough decent mods have been ported to the version. (basically working my way into the modding community) so don't expect to see this mod released for a while. feel free to jump in and lend any info you may have to help me make this better Minecraft is a game about creativity, so why not extend it with something purely creative. This mod will add the ability to manipulate "physic
  24. I'm a big-time PyOpenGL developer and wanted to use this mod a while back to add characters in game... low and behold, I was very disappointed when I found out what this mod couldn't do: - per-vertex normals - per-vertex colors - per-vertex UVs - depth testing - I'm not going through the list of possible capabilities I had to hack this mod and decompile it to look at how your functions worked because there was no offline docs and found you were using the GL FFP to draw triangles. if you could get vertex arrays working (could care less about it being cruddy ARB rather than nati
  25. no I havn't died, though I'm sure the mighty pirates would have wished that... lol if OC wasn't so limited I wouldn't have a beef to complain about... heh but even the so-called "creative" stuff is limited (there's only 1 legit creative item, being the debug card for it's world manipulation) if the cases and drones and such were creative, they wouldn't need slots or a power buffer because they would already have access to all the components and upgrades with infinite power with as much RAM and CPU power as Java would allow. well anyways... after experimenting with OC and what it can
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